View Full Version : Dabbling with Foreign Languages.

02-19-2016, 03:16 PM
McGraw-Hill's Language Lab (http://www.mhlanguagelab.com/)

I just found this after reading a lesson in the Lady Lake Library book Easy Italian Reading. It is by Riccarda Saggese. They have Audio lessons as well.

I just saw the book in the new book section and had to check it out.

I took a Graduate Course in Reading Italian while at the University of Minnesota but spread myself a little thin and did not pass.I did get through two Semesters of Reading Dutch as well as a Reading German for Graduate Students also at the U of MN. These were taken for fun while I worked at the U of MN Law Library. I paid for them though I believe. Just a hobby I have had and they sometimes help in my FunTrivia Quizzes as well as helped when I was bombarding various foreign governmental agencies with my 224 613 Project for getting practical materials into libraries for survivors/victims of crimes. I had taken French and German in college at the University of Nevada, Reno as well as Spanish at the College of San Mateo in CA.

You might have some fun with the McGraw Hill Language Lab. It is free.