View Full Version : "Upward Bound" Club meets Thurs Sep 24

09-21-2009, 09:38 AM
'Upward Bound' Club

Next meeting: 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM, Thursday, September 24, 2009

Location: Laurel Manor Recreation Center - Monroe Room

The Upward Bound Club will meet the second Thursday of each month. (The date was changed for the September meeting, only).

Details: Upward Bound meets and socializes in a fun group of people with a positive outlook on life who are interested in personal growth and success, whether in sports, hobbies, performing arts, business, or relationships. For the June 11 meeting, read all prefaces and through chapter nine, 'Decision', of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill; free online at www.selfstartersweeklytips.com/tagr.htm . We will study great thinkers, such as Jim Rohn, Einstein, Trump, J. Paul Getty, Vince Lombardi, Goethe; and have intriguing, fun, interactive or self-improvement activities; mid-meeting break for socializing; and guest speakers at some meetings. Please bring: a notebook or folder in which to keep materials; and a posterboard, glue stick, scissors, and any magazines that you can donate for cutting up to make Dream Boards - travel, luxury, and lifestyles magazines are especially great, but bring any that you have!

Contact: Freeda Louthan (352) 561-8563 or freeda@lifeboost.com