View Full Version : Torque Release Chiropractor

11-19-2012, 05:22 PM
I'm new to TOTV, but I'm looking for a chiropractor who does torque release and cranial/sacral balancing. I went to a chiropractor for 12 years in PA who did this, and I only had to go every 6 weeks, then 8, 12 and she got me to the point I only had to go every 4 months. It should have been longer but as a dental hygienist that's the longest I could go.
I'm not interested in going 3 times a week, I did that type years ago. This was a tapping where she released the fluid in the meninges covering the spine.
I always called her my voodoo DR. because she counted the timers in your head and could tell if you injested too many chemicals, emotional or physical trauma and approximately when.
Any info is greatly appreciated or I'll have to fly back to PA once a year!