View Full Version : Breast Cancer Awareness month

10-02-2013, 08:20 AM
This is Breast Cancer awareness month. Do what you can to support the cause. Some will paste the pink ribbon on their front window and many wonderful people who live here will be very involved in fund raisers like one of our great

posters, F16. Pray if you pray, give time or money to support the research to stop Breast Cancer. Do what you can. Get your yearly breast check up.

Cancer is tough to fight. But there are a lot of survivors who are reading this.

Hugs and love to those going through it now.

Both Helene and I are survivors. Thank you God.

Villages PL
10-05-2013, 01:36 PM
This is Breast Cancer awareness month. Do what you can to support the cause.

Okay, I would like to support the cause by contributing some healthy lifestyle reminders from the American Cancer Society's Cancer Journal for Clinicians. These are guidlines for cancer prevention.

Although genes influence risk, MOST cancer risk is not the result of genetic inheritance.

About 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese and fat cells produce estrogen. This puts older women at increased risk for breast cancer.

That leads us to the subject of "diet and exercise". Calorie restraint is what's called for and processed foods are generally high in calories and low in nutrition. This is why I always recommend eating natural whole foods with the emphasis on plant sources (i.e., fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. The journal recommends choosing fish, poultry, or beans instead of beef, pork, and lamb. (Note: Alcohol consumption is associated with an increase in cancer risk.)

Exercise can take many different forms so I won't get into any details here. But, in general, it is very important so do something like housework, yard work, sports, weight lifting or walking. I like a combination of weightlifting and walking, in addition to working around my house and yard.

Cruciferous vegetables are very important because they contain phytonutrients and chemicals that actively fight to keep cancer cells from forming and becoming established. These plant chemicals have been compared to chemotherapy.

10-05-2013, 04:05 PM
Today marks the 12th anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Whatever you do, ladies, NEVER miss your mammograms. The test is what saved my life and gave me so many more years here in this fantastic place. I say "Bravo" to all who have fought this disease. Early detection is the best way to win this battle, so if you do not have your yearly appointment scheduled please call on Monday. If you do not have a ride to the imaging center I will make sure you get there.

10-05-2013, 04:39 PM
Today marks the 12th anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Whatever you do, ladies, NEVER miss your mammograms. The test is what saved my life and gave me so many more years here in this fantastic place. I say "Bravo" to all who have fought this disease. Early detection is the best way to win this battle, so if you do not have your yearly appointment scheduled please call on Monday. If you do not have a ride to the imaging center I will make sure you get there.

To gracie, Helene and VillagesFlorida, Blessings on you all for being survivors. My maternal grandmother and one of my aunts on my mother's side both lost the fight against breast cancer many years ago. Mammograms are so important. I will be getting my annual mammogram next month. And thank you, VillagesFlorida, for being willing to arrange transportation for Villagers needing rides to an imaging center. :thumbup: