Any Torah observant messianic believers?

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Old 04-17-2009, 07:12 PM
heavycorrosion heavycorrosion is offline
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awesome site chuckinca! thanks! here are two more : In Ocala. Mishkan Messianic Congregation. Rabbi Jerry Keyes
and Rabbi, Dr. Charles I. Kluge in orlando, are two very good ones i cant wait to visit when we get down there again.
California,Oregon,Alaska and soon TV
Old 08-22-2011, 06:24 PM
Rebbi Rebbi is offline
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Default Messanic clarification (hopefully)

Perhaps I can offer some clarification and info. I am a Messianic Pastor.
There are two basic groups of "Messianic" believers, besides Jews for Jesus, which is really a totally different group. We all get along for the most part, but have different basic beliefs, which are easy to miss at first. The following is very general, so don't beat me up on this one, as there are variations. All three believe in Jesus (Yeshua) as the Messiah and the only way to Salvation.
Jews for Jesus is more aimed at Jews to bring them to Jesus, whereas the two basic Messianic groups are more aimed at bringing Gentile believers in the Jewish Messiah "Jesus" to understand the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible).
The two basic Messianic groups are distinguished as follows:
"One House" believers (such as the one mentioned in Ocala) believe in two Laws. They tend to believe that "Israel" is basically the Jews today. They tend to believe that there are different requirements for Jews and Gentiles (2 laws). They tend to follow Judah as their guide in how to keep Torah and interpret it. They tend to believe that Jews have to keep the Torah and it's 613 laws, whereas Gentiles MAY keep them, but are only "REQUIRED" to keep the "Noachide Laws" ("the laws that Noah kept") which does not include all the 10 commandments.

"Two House" believers believe in One Law. They believe that the Jews (the "southern tribe", Judah, Benjamin and part of Levi) make up the "house of Judah" and that the "lost 10 tribes" that are prophesied to return to make up the "whole house of Israel"; and that they are still scattered in the world and are today beginning to return, some as actual blood relatives, some as "grafted in" believers or "Israel" as Paul calls them.
They believe that the Torah is forever, that God does not change, that there is only One Law for all, and that the LORD has set the Torah before us as blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. They believe that Jesus and the disciples taught and kept Torah. They keep the whole Torah NOT FOR Salvation, but Because Of Salvation, and as a sign of Love to Jesus (Yeshua), who said, "If you love Me, keep my commandments"(and a lot more, which I won't get into here)

Sorry I couldn't answer shorter, but YES, there are Messianic believers in the Villages. There are several from our congregation who live there; perhaps they would like to start a Bible study there. I am a Sabbath keeping "two house", "One Law, One Messiah for everyone" guy if it didn't show through before, not to preach, but just to be transparent. Hope that helps.

Rav. PJ
Old 08-22-2011, 09:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Rebbi View Post
Perhaps I can offer some clarification and info. I am a Messianic Pastor.
There are two basic groups of "Messianic" believers, besides Jews for Jesus, which is really a totally different group. We all get along for the most part, but have different basic beliefs, which are easy to miss at first. The following is very general, so don't beat me up on this one, as there are variations. All three believe in Jesus (Yeshua) as the Messiah and the only way to Salvation.
Jews for Jesus is more aimed at Jews to bring them to Jesus, whereas the two basic Messianic groups are more aimed at bringing Gentile believers in the Jewish Messiah "Jesus" to understand the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible).
The two basic Messianic groups are distinguished as follows:
"One House" believers (such as the one mentioned in Ocala) believe in two Laws. They tend to believe that "Israel" is basically the Jews today. They tend to believe that there are different requirements for Jews and Gentiles (2 laws). They tend to follow Judah as their guide in how to keep Torah and interpret it. They tend to believe that Jews have to keep the Torah and it's 613 laws, whereas Gentiles MAY keep them, but are only "REQUIRED" to keep the "Noachide Laws" ("the laws that Noah kept") which does not include all the 10 commandments.

"Two House" believers believe in One Law. They believe that the Jews (the "southern tribe", Judah, Benjamin and part of Levi) make up the "house of Judah" and that the "lost 10 tribes" that are prophesied to return to make up the "whole house of Israel"; and that they are still scattered in the world and are today beginning to return, some as actual blood relatives, some as "grafted in" believers or "Israel" as Paul calls them.
They believe that the Torah is forever, that God does not change, that there is only One Law for all, and that the LORD has set the Torah before us as blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. They believe that Jesus and the disciples taught and kept Torah. They keep the whole Torah NOT FOR Salvation, but Because Of Salvation, and as a sign of Love to Jesus (Yeshua), who said, "If you love Me, keep my commandments"(and a lot more, which I won't get into here)

Sorry I couldn't answer shorter, but YES, there are Messianic believers in the Villages. There are several from our congregation who live there; perhaps they would like to start a Bible study there. I am a Sabbath keeping "two house", "One Law, One Messiah for everyone" guy if it didn't show through before, not to preach, but just to be transparent. Hope that helps.

Rav. PJ
Shalom, and welcome to TOTV! Thanks for an informative post.
Old 07-16-2012, 11:42 PM
ronsroni ronsroni is offline
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Thank you for making me not only have a better understanding but for taking the time to explain your words. Right down to the Torah being the first 5 books of the Bible. Where are you? Yours is a service I would love to experience. Shalom.
Old 11-17-2012, 05:21 PM
ActsOfKindness ActsOfKindness is offline
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hi arnold and i are messianic jewish believers in Yeshua in Jesus. we are not legalistically involved with torah observance. it is always a blessing to meet others who know Yeshua and come from jewish background or know the roots of their 'christianity' we live in the village of lynnhaven..and would love to meet you when you are settled in to the villages. our phone number is 352 399 8088 and our email is or please dont be shy or write us okay? would love to get some kind of messianic fellowship going here in the villages . we are here 7 years now and miss it in our lives. thanks for reading this . shalom to you and your family. p.s. please pray for the peace of Jerusalem. more than ever rite now they need our prayers amen.
Old 11-17-2012, 05:24 PM
ActsOfKindness ActsOfKindness is offline
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a torah messianic believer is one who adheres to the teachings of the torah, the oral and written laws..of the first five books of moses in the old testament covenant of our bibles..and is also a believer IN JESUS OR IN HEBREW YESHUA. i am a messianic believer..from jewish roots ..and heritage . i am not torah observant per sa..but i am a messianic jew for Jesus.Jews for Jesus - Established 32 A.D., give or take a year. the earliest church were jewish believers..including the disciples save perhaps luke..who is disputed..with his roots. but peter was kefa..and paul was saul ..and matthew..all of the disciples pretty much jews who accepted Christ as their lord and saviour. thanks for reading this .God bless. marlene and arnie in lynnhaven village.
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