I have a question about St. Mark's.

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Old 10-17-2010, 05:22 PM
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Default I have a question about St. Mark's.

What a beautiful new church.

Here's my question, starting with an comment.

When we visit our daughter in Syracuse, we usually accompany she and her family to a Catholic Church near their home for Sunday mass. What a great experience. People arrive early, visit, laugh, talk, move around the church, hug people, play with the kids, teenagers visit each other. People even come early in order to socialize. Even more fantastic is that both of the priests, regardless of which one is saying mass, also come out an visit and hug and laugh. Then minutes before mass, the priest puts on his vestments and mass begins. What a joy the mass is. The priest talks to the people during mass, invites kids up to the alter and even cracks a few jokes. Then, after mass, the priest goes out into the lobby of the church and hugs and jokes and pats the kids on the head.

We went to St. Marks Saturday evening at 4 p.m. in The Villages. Deacon Bob, who delivered the homily was very good and very personable. Aside from that, it was like a funeral mass. The, people in the nearly full church, sat poker faced as a recording droned on for 15 minutes before mass. In hushed, almost whisper tones, the recording led the congregation in some rosary type prayers. During mass, we found the priest very, very very difficult to understand. I didn't find the service to be inspiring.

I've been Catholic my entire life. My question is. Why the big difference in approaches?

Oh, and another thing, just before the closing hymn a whole bunch of people made a break for it and crashed out the doors. It sounded like a herd of Buffalo. HOW RUDE.

Old 10-17-2010, 05:40 PM
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Default St. Mark's

That is what makes the world go 'round!
Old 10-17-2010, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by jebartle View Post
That is what makes the world go 'round!

If that's all it is, I'm disappointed. I would think that the Church would be want to attract new members and keep current ones.. There are lots of outside attractions that are far more fun. Going to church should be inspirational, spiritual, educational and fun.

A starter at one of the golf courses this morning said that he and his wife have stopped going, for some of the same reasons I cited above. He brought it up because he recognized my golfing buddy who use to be an usher there.

Old 10-17-2010, 06:19 PM
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Thats one reason why I am a Cardiac Catholic (don`t call a priest unless I`m on my death bed) I have been catholic all my life and as a young lad an alter boy, when I move to the villages I will be checking my options.
Old 10-17-2010, 08:40 PM
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Try St. Teresa's in Bellevue. And sit near the front with the 'regulars'. It's a warmer, friendlier, simpler place. There is a deep faith you can feel there. Many parishioners are needy, but the church is famous for outreach programs. It's inspiring to see how they take care of each other and their non-Catholic neighbors as well.
Old 10-17-2010, 09:17 PM
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Do you have a review of St Tim's that you can share?

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Old 10-18-2010, 04:57 AM
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Default St. Tim's

lst experience, three collections and sermon was about MONEY....I'm sure this isn't the norm, I hope!
Old 10-18-2010, 06:53 AM
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Originally Posted by chuckinca View Post

Do you have a review of St Tim's that you can share?

I haven't gone to St. Timothy, but my wife did for a time. Word is, "Get there real early."
Old 10-18-2010, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by ijusluvit View Post
Try St. Teresa's in Bellevue. And sit near the front with the 'regulars'
What are the "regulars?" Is that like an inner circle. Only the "regulars" have a good time at church, everyone else doesn't?

I guess it doesn't make any difference what organization it is, there is always an inner circle.

Old 10-18-2010, 07:11 AM
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Well TH, you know there is the "institutional church" and the individual church community. Most of us were raised that it was a DUTY to go to Mass. I don't look at it like that anymore.

Only lately have some church communities become more.........sociable at Mass. That depends a lot on the pastor.

I really like the warmth, but have a lot of friends who do not.

I guess they all get you where you're goin. And so does the guy who created the universe.

Last edited by graciegirl; 10-18-2010 at 07:14 AM.
Old 10-18-2010, 01:56 PM
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I hope you find a church that suits you.God Bless
Old 10-18-2010, 02:00 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Well TH, you know there is the "institutional church" and the individual church community. Most of us were raised that it was a DUTY to go to Mass. I don't look at it like that anymore.

Only lately have some church communities become more.........sociable at Mass. That depends a lot on the pastor.

I really like the warmth, but have a lot of friends who do not.

I guess they all get you where you're goin. And so does the guy who created the universe.
beautiful wisdom Gracie
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Old 10-18-2010, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by bargee View Post
I hope you find a church that suits you.God Bless

I've re-read my original post and I can't find where I said I haven't found a church that suits me. I think I said I found that visit to that church uninspiring.

I asked why the stark difference in Catholic churches. Can you offer any insight to that question?
Old 10-18-2010, 02:42 PM
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Default Different parishes....

Been a practicing Catholic for a good part of my 63 years, (and I'll keep practicing til I get it right ), and have never really thought of Mass as a social activity.

I have belonged to 4 different churches in the past 10 years (2 north and 2 south) and found each to be a relection of the pastor.

Tried both St. Timothys but settled in on St. Vincent de Pauls due to less crowds, good music, and closer to Bonita. The smaller crowds lend to a warmer setting.

I don't enjoy a church where there is little or no interaction with the pastor. That seems to set a tone.

Best yet was Father Joe in Sarasota, who stood outside of church before and after mass greeting eveyone with a big smile so everyone seemed to be in a good mood there....light homilys added to the comfort.
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Old 10-18-2010, 08:23 PM
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Default i agree

i also feel most comortable at st vincent de paul because it is smaller, but alas, they, too, are soon building a larger church because there are nine full masses every weekend. i am not interested in the social aspect...we have many other outlets for that here in the villages, but quiet inspirational time, a familiar congregation, ability to actually SEE the eucharist at consecration, a dear pastor and excellent music are all part of a meaningful worship experience for me...
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