I have a question about St. Mark's.

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Old 11-17-2010, 05:16 PM
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Default Amen!!!!!

QUOTE=Hancle704;308981]Maybe if you consider the fact that when TV started there were no Catholic Churches. Orginal Villagers had to drive to Leesburg or Belleview to attend Mass.

Both St Tim's and St. Mark's were built after folks started moving here in great numbers. It was the contributions of those who came here first who provided the funds to build those Churches and who became the Community of Catholics here in TV.

While they have closed Churches up north they are still being built in retirement areas and the needs of others outside of TV are what are being addressed in current fund raising programs

Instead of being critical of the fund raising, it might be more appropriate to be thankful for those who were here first and now accept the challenge of becoming a part of the Community and to share what you have been blessed with. The Buildings are not The Church, it is the members of the Community who give of their time, talent and treasure.[/QUOTE]

Old 11-17-2010, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by algi45 View Post
Not only that, but the collections continued during the consecration of the host, the most solemn moment of the mass. I have never lived in a diocese where the fund raising is so continuous and unrelenting.
If I can speak for those of us who are upset about the collections/fund raising . . .

It's true that without donations, there would be no churches and we are blessed in that regard.

Our complaint is not about the act of fund raising, but the timing of the collections.

The preparation of the eucharist, and the consecration of the host is the holiest part of the mass and should be a very solemn time. It's not the time for ushers to be moving up and down aisles and parishoners' prayer and worship being interupted.

If the priest would simply wait until the collection was finished before proceeding, we would not feel the intent of the mass was violated. Soft music could be played, or hymns could be sung until the collection was finished. THEN move on to the most holy part of the mass.
Old 11-19-2010, 07:06 PM
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Default another way

i know the offertory is an age old tradition but i have decided to give my donation by credit card at the beginning of each year...i do not need envelopes printed, the church gets my donation whether i am away or not, and i do not have to fumble in my purse while i am trying to be absorbed in the mass...plus i get frequent flyer miles the church could save a lot of printing of envelopes and leave a donation basket near the altar for those who are visiting temporarily, if this method was encouraged for most parishioners...and fewer interruptions, money counters, etc...i think we could get used to this method eventually if everyone would give generously...
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Old 11-19-2010, 08:45 PM
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May be convenient, but your church is paying a fee for your credit card transaction, and you get mileage? Kinda puts a different spin on donating.
Old 11-22-2010, 07:19 PM
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Wow!!!! I guess that I’m really an “old school” Catholic.
I was taught, and still believe, that attending Mass is all about worship, and that everything else is secondary. To me, it’s not about being entertained, inspired, or feeling good about myself or others, but an opportunity to give glory and praise to our Creator.
Please don’t take me for being “holier than thou”, prudish, or whatever, but I really get offended by pre-Mass chatter, laughing and socializing. I regard that time as an opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection; a time to spiritually prepare for the celebration to come. I find it distracting when I hear the folks in back of me talking about football. Please, take it outside. Why are you here???
In my former parish, even today, “disrespectful” behavior in church would receive a loud “Ssshhhhhhhhhhhhsh!!!”
I attend St. Vincent’s and have noticed no really offensive behavior. Just a couple of minor observations:
Before the 9:45 service, one of the choir members performs a solo, after which she receives a hearty round of applause. Come on—what is this, a talent show????
The visiting priest reads his homily from an obviously mass produced flyer, often stumbling even while reading---- zero preparation. The deacons are often more coherent and meaningful in their sermons.
And oh yes, someone on here mentioned communicants marching “robotlike” to the communion rail. Well, what should we do, twist and shimmy our way up there???
Old 11-22-2010, 08:33 PM
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Default St. Marks

When we first joined St. Marks a few years ago, there was a different Pastor and Associate. It was a wonderful experience going to church. Then before the new church was even finished we got two new priests. The Associate is very nice and seems to be a little more fun. The new pastor seems very stuffy and always reads his homilies. No closeness at this church anymore. We are going to try St. Tims again.
Old 11-22-2010, 11:11 PM
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If you want a better Priest, pray for the ones we have.
Old 11-22-2010, 11:13 PM
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Originally Posted by dominick View Post
Wow!!!! I guess that I’m really an “old school” Catholic.
I was taught, and still believe, that attending Mass is all about worship, and that everything else is secondary. To me, it’s not about being entertained, inspired, or feeling good about myself or others, but an opportunity to give glory and praise to our Creator.
Please don’t take me for being “holier than thou”, prudish, or whatever, but I really get offended by pre-Mass chatter, laughing and socializing. I regard that time as an opportunity for prayer and quiet reflection; a time to spiritually prepare for the celebration to come. I find it distracting when I hear the folks in back of me talking about football. Please, take it outside. Why are you here???
In my former parish, even today, “disrespectful” behavior in church would receive a loud “Ssshhhhhhhhhhhhsh!!!”
I attend St. Vincent’s and have noticed no really offensive behavior. Just a couple of minor observations:
Before the 9:45 service, one of the choir members performs a solo, after which she receives a hearty round of applause. Come on—what is this, a talent show????
The visiting priest reads his homily from an obviously mass produced flyer, often stumbling even while reading---- zero preparation. The deacons are often more coherent and meaningful in their sermons.
And oh yes, someone on here mentioned communicants marching “robotlike” to the communion rail. Well, what should we do, twist and shimmy our way up there???

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Old 11-22-2010, 11:24 PM
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Default St Vincents

I attend St Vincents and love the music, the smallness of the church and the serons are usually pretty good. But the different thing is that all the people are singing. St Thomas said "He who sings prays twice." I agree.
Sally Bowron
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