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Old 12-28-2007, 02:43 AM
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Where are you in the Ozarks?

An aside ~ I was in St. Charles a couple years ago at an Uncle's funeral. At dinner one night (at Pio's) I mentioned that I had been looking at TV. Two cousins (named Reiling and Pallardy) said that an friend of theirs was just moving down here. Could that be you? I know St. Charles is now quite big, but I still think of it as a small town with one stop light (5th & Clay).
Kansas City, MO; Alamo & Albuquerque NM; Quad Cities; St Louis; DC ~ NOVA; Nuernberg; Heidelberg; DC ~ NOVA; Liberty Park ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends upon what you put into it.
And it's Munc"L"e, not Munc"I"e
Old 12-28-2007, 02:57 AM
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Hello Muncie - we are at the 45 mile marker on Lake of the Ozarks. I split time between St. Charles and Lake of the Ozarks. I rent in TV each year for two months (Jan - Feb) and have been for the last five years. I can't believe the growth that I've seen there. It's like a different place every year but still a very enjoyable place. St. Charles and St. Charles county are about like TV in that they have grown by leaps and bounds. The fastest growing area in Missouri. I know of at least 15 families from my immediate area who go to TV every year but on one who has moved there year round (Phil Hoffman). Don't know if that helps.
Happy New Year!!
Steubenville, OH
Killeen, TX
Cincinnati, OH
South Amboy, NJ
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St. Charles, MO
Lake of the Ozarks, MO

"What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about"?
Old 01-04-2008, 08:38 PM
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Sure would be nice to see some results from you snowbirds. While we're iced in up north.
Old 01-05-2008, 01:52 PM
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Steve - I just got my Florida license today and will hit a couple of TV ponds tomorrow. I'll give you a report. The fellow who heads UP the Fresh Water Fishing Club in TV game me some good info about the lakes here and around TV.
Stay warm.
Steubenville, OH
Killeen, TX
Cincinnati, OH
South Amboy, NJ
St. Louis, MO
St. Charles, MO
Lake of the Ozarks, MO

"What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about"?
Old 01-05-2008, 02:52 PM
Hyacinth Bucket Hyacinth Bucket is offline
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Irish Rover/Jim,

Please post the info you received. I know we would like to have this knowledge and I am sure others would also - especially F16.

Thank you.

Hyacinth Bucket
Old 01-08-2008, 09:40 PM
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A place to go fishing, where the fishing are jumping.

This was posted on another thread and I thought I would add it to this one.

Hyacinth Bucket


Talk of the Villages Forums / General Villages Discussion (Click Here) / Recommending a Great Day Trip! on: Yesterday at 11:43:11 PM
Our son Craig is an outdoors person, so when we were in TV around Thanksgiving, he took Quixote (his Spoiled Rotten-weiler) and went exploring/camping in our general area. He found Ozello, a delightful historic village on the Ozello Trail (actually in the Crystal River postal area), off Route 19 and barely an hour from TV. There he found an outfit that offers different types of water touring from Ozello.

We and Craig and his girlfriend took a Sunset Tour on a pontoon boat that holds six passengers max--and what a sunset we were treated to from among the offshore islands (just before the Gulf)--and as added bonuses got to watch dolphins 'playing' with their food (mullet) from as little as about 25 feet from the boat, beautiful huge white pelicans in the water, and ospreys in the trees!

The following day Craig and friend went back and rented kayaks for a half day and had the grandest time (while we ourselves had fun with Quixote back in TV)! Also available are airboat tours, guided kayak trips, fishing expeditions, snorkeling, scalloping in season, all at what we consider fair prices. If interested, take a ride down there--once off Route 19 it's a really pretty ride--or call Captain Russ at 352-212-6142 to make reservations for a particular offering. You can even say that "Craig's parents sent us"; that'll be a chuckle! There's also a great seafood restaurant another few miles down the Ozello Trail.

(Hope this isn't considered advertising; that's not my intention in posting but rather a suggestion about a question I've seen on TOTV asking about good day trips.)
Old 01-12-2008, 04:34 PM
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Old 10-07-2008, 09:19 AM
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Default Questions about salt water fishing

Like to get info on the salt water club
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