USS Tarawa LHA-1 Eagle of the Sea

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Old 01-23-2010, 10:43 AM
Ricardo del Sidney Ricardo del Sidney is offline
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Default USS Tarawa LHA-1 Eagle of the Sea

The Villages Florida

Ahoy Shipmates,

WOW, has it been thirty-four years since we commissioned her? In my four years in the Navy I never went home. So the USS Tarawa was my home, and you were my family 24/7/365. That time is so engrained and etched in my mind. The older I get the more I appreciate my time while I was on board her. Throughout the years, from time to time, I would think about what all of you were doing. So I thought - let's have a reunion. Why not? Let's meet in a fabulous place like Las Vegas. So, if you can, clear your calendar August 1-3, 2010 for an exciting three days at Sam's Town Hotel & Gambling Hall in Fabulous Las Vegas sharing sea stores and getting caught up with all of our shipmates. I just had a Tarawa shipmate ask me if I knew the difference between a Fairy Tale and a Sea Story? He goes on to say, "Fairy Tales start with Once Upon a Time, Sea Stories start with This Ain't no ____." ...Well, on second thought, maybe I should save that one for the Tarawa Pool Party! I do have some interesting sea stories I would like to share with you, like when I buried two sailors at sea on the Tarawa. You won't believe what really happened that day! And that is not a Fairy Tale!

Please check the OFFICIAL USS Tarawa LHA-1 Reunion website at for important reunion information. It will be updated with the most current MUST READ reunion information.

My wife, Mary Lou, and I will be there August 1-3, 2010. We may be the only ones there. Maybe two or three of you and your wives will show up, too. But I know we will have a GREAT TIME at Sam's Town Hotel & Gambling Hall in Fabulous Las Vegas reliving OUR TIMES on OUR SHIP, the USS Tarawa LHA-1, The Eagle of the Sea.

Are there USS Tarawa shipmates in The Villages? Do you know someone who served on the USS Tarawa? Please tell him about this thread. It would be great to get together in The Villages!
Old 01-25-2010, 07:12 AM
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I was in the Marine Corps, but served on the Tarawa a few times the last being Operation Desert Shield and Storm back 91 area. Had many friends on her.
Remember: Improvise, Adapt and Overcome !!!!

Money out
Old 01-25-2010, 06:16 PM
Ricardo del Sidney Ricardo del Sidney is offline
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Originally Posted by GMONEY View Post
I was in the Marine Corps, but served on the Tarawa a few times the last being Operation Desert Shield and Storm back 91 area. Had many friends on her.
I worked in CIC, Combat Information Center, as an OS, Operations Specialist (computerized radar).
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