Hot Tub

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Old 09-22-2009, 09:26 AM
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Default Hot Tub

Has anyone had a hot tub installed? We're planning on adding one to our yet to be constructed home and are curious as to what to look out for. Any recommendations and advice is appreciated. Are there any dealers we should avoid? Does the dealer install the unit or is an independent contractor used?
New York State, Alabama, South Carolina, Texas, Italy.
Old 09-22-2009, 11:33 AM
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We looked at hot tubs as an add on after we moved here. Fla Spa (I think) used independent contractors and the wiring was run on the exterior of the house. If you are just getting a home constructed and you have time, you might want to think about get the the hot tub added as part of the home and possibly built in.

We finally decided that we would probably not use it as much as it would cost considering the maintenance, etc, so we decided against a hot tub.

We still think it was a good decision.
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Old 09-22-2009, 01:01 PM
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T & D Concrete on Rt 466 is about the best you'll find. If you are considering having it installed as part of the construction, you may want to look at having the lanai extended back about 4 or 5 feet. Another thing to think about is having a zone added to your sprinkler system for watering the live plants around the spa on the lanai if you decide to have them. It would certainly be easier than adding it later on. T & D has a division that will also do cleaning and maintenace once a week year around or just when you are away. Turn on the service when you need them - turn off the service when you don't. For a 10 seat spa I think the charge is about $14.50 a week for the weeks that you use them.
Old 09-23-2009, 01:11 AM
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Finally a post I can be positive. Yes T&D is great company.
Old 09-23-2009, 04:55 AM
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T&D is a very good company to use. The can do a add on spa or they can have the spa or pool put in ground.
also you can try Tri County Spa in Lady Lake. Ray is the owner and a very easy man to deal with. Excellent products.

2468 US Highway 441/27 # 404
Fruitland Park, FL 34731-2152
(352) 326-0600
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