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Old 03-15-2008, 03:17 PM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default Hair

We plan to relocate to TV soon (we hope). Having lived in Chicago for 10 plus years (moved from Boston where I grew up); I remember the pains in finding the right hairdresser. It took my years and years. I went to salons that charged up to $150 for a color and cut. I now go to a gal who works in Fantastic Sam's and not only is she great; it's very reasonable. Even though it's considered a low end salon; to me, talent is talent and it doesn't matter how fancy the place is!

It's hard enough finding the right doctor, dentist and every other service but when it comes to a woman's hair, it can be quite painful to get a bad haircut and go from salon to salone. And trust me, I've had my share of bad hair cuts.

My hair is curly; more of a forced curl so I need to find a stylist who is not only a good colorist but can cut curly hair. And of course, reasonable too.

Any advise or direction you can give me - stylists you love, others to keep away from!
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 03-16-2008, 01:38 AM
gonzy gonzy is offline
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Default Re: Hair

My Uncle is a hairdresser in MA and he suggested find someone with hair style similar to yours who had a good cut and ask them where they went.
Swanzey NH<br />TV
Old 03-16-2008, 02:12 AM
Boomer Boomer is offline
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Default Re: Hair

Originally Posted by nanci2539
We plan to relocate to TV soon (we hope). Having lived in Chicago for 10 plus years (moved from Boston where I grew up); I remember the pains in finding the right hairdresser. It took my years and years. I went to salons that charged up to $150 for a color and cut. I now go to a gal who works in Fantastic Sam's and not only is she great; it's very reasonable. Even though it's considered a low end salon; to me, talent is talent and it doesn't matter how fancy the place is!

It's hard enough finding the right doctor, dentist and every other service but when it comes to a woman's hair, it can be quite painful to get a bad haircut and go from salon to salone. And trust me, I've had my share of bad hair cuts.

My hair is curly; more of a forced curl so I need to find a stylist who is not only a good colorist but can cut curly hair. And of course, reasonable too.

Any advise or direction you can give me - stylists you love, others to keep away from!
Hi nanci2539,

Are you familiar with the "Girl Talk" thread here on TOTV?

Under the "Feminine Forum" if you look through the "Girl Talk" thread, you will find this topic discussed pretty well. Barefoot started the "Girl Talk" thread early in February and it grew quickly. It was then assigned its own forum and other threads appeared.

But having been the starting point, "Girl Talk" discussed many, many different things, but hair was the first one. In fact, I was the one who asked the question because I was concerned about finding a good colorist. I am eternally grateful for the good advice I found in the "Girl Talk" thread.

You will need to look through the length of the thread because the hair stuff is interspersed among lots of other conversation. There is also another thread in the "Feminine Forum" about a hairdresser school I think.

Good luck. I know how you feel. I hope you find your answer here on TOTV like I did.

Pogo was right.
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