Is this a "Bear Rally" or the start of ....

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Old 05-01-2009, 02:30 PM
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Default Is this a "Bear Rally" or the start of ....

All I know is my 401K was happier in April.
Mt Clemens, MI
Newport, NC
Suffering from TV envy
Old 05-01-2009, 02:55 PM
michaelkir michaelkir is offline
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Default who cares

I don't know what you are holdng in your 401k but those clowns that manage the mutual funds rode the market right into the toilet. These people get paid millions and should have known what to do...they didn't. I don't pay fees and them millions to ride stocks into the dumpster. I could have done that all by myself .
So I got out of most of the funds in January and managed my own stuff. yup I'm up 24% since Feb1 this year. I did get a little risky and went deep into financials after the storm and it has proven a good move so far. But, I keep a close watch on the trends.
The old addage that they fed us for years ..Hold on for the long term may not hold water any more!!!
Bear market ralley who cares? Watch your money and move when you have to. Those clowns managing the mutual funds have egg all over their faces. And they still took millions in bonus money. Can you imaging all they were paid to lose your retirement...what crooks
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