Jesus, the golfer

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Old 03-30-2009, 02:42 PM
jht jht is offline
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Default Jesus, the golfer

Jesus was looking down on earth and became curious about the game of golf. Intrigued, he came down to earth to play a game.
On every hole he asked his caddy, "What would Tiger Woods do?" Then he would try to make the same shot that the caddy thought Tiger would make.
On the 17th, faced with a huge pond, Jesus asked, "What would Tiger Woods do?" The caddy replied, "I think he'd use a 7 iron." So Jesus grabs a 7 iron and sure enough the ball goes straight into the water. Not thinking, Jesus begins walking across the pond to retrieve the ball.
A fellow golfer notices this and asks the caddy..."Who does he think he is? Jesus Christ?"
"No," replied the caddy, "Tiger Woods."
Old 03-30-2009, 04:52 PM
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I have to say this is not funny.
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