My computer makes me so frustrated that I feel like...

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Old 04-18-2009, 08:22 AM
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Default My computer makes me so frustrated that I feel like...

... Throwing it off my roof.
...Running it over with a bulldozer.
...Giving it a bath in the bathtub or perhaps the exercise pool.
...Taking it to Doggie Doo Run Run so that the dogs can use it as their new favorite place to pee.
...Taking it to a gun range for a new target.
...Hitting it with a sledgehammer.
...Seeing it if it will make more of impression on the traintracks than a penny.
...Drowning it off the docks at Lake Sumter Landing beside the half sunken boats.
...Using it as a speed bump for your new vintage golf cart.
...Dragging it behind your car along US 441/27.
...Feeding it to a pack of ravenous billy goats.
...Tossing it from your plane from Leesburg International Airport.
...Putting it on the Villages highest roof as a lightning rod.
...Marinating it in fish kill and tossing it off a boat near New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
...Replacing a golf cart path stanchion with your computer on Morse Circle.
...Drenching it with sugar water and throwing it on the Villages' largest red ant hill.
...Letting my nine year old grandkid take it apart to see how it works.
...Tossing it into the Villages' newest sinkhole.

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 04-18-2009 at 08:41 AM.
Old 04-18-2009, 05:50 PM
Golf-Tinker Golf-Tinker is offline
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Garbage in, garbage out.

Without some knowlege and effort on the part of the user to understand how a compter functions, it will always fail to meet your expectations. It is not a appliance.
Old 04-18-2009, 06:04 PM
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Default Wow Tal!!

That was great!!!! put alot of thought in that ....I am gonna try to figure out a way to print it out. Great Job! .

My computer kicked the bucket , so I am using my son's laptop. I was in the chat room last night for the first time, and I felt so bad cause I couldnt keep up lol cause this screen is so small lol. .

Enjoyed your post, thanks!
Old 04-18-2009, 07:15 PM
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Default Knowledge is the Key

Originally Posted by Golf-Tinker View Post
Garbage in, garbage out.

Without some knowlege and effort on the part of the user to understand how a computer functions, it will always fail to meet your expectations. It is not a appliance.
Very well put! I agree
Old 04-18-2009, 08:58 PM
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I used to feel that way before I switched to Macs......

Frank D.
The Plantation in Leesburg, just south of you good people. Love being a Floridian!
Old 04-19-2009, 06:32 AM
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Default Thanks , JeanneBeannie. But I just modified the sayings from an EmBarq...

Originally Posted by JeanneBeannie View Post
That was great!!!! put alot of thought in that ....I am gonna try to figure out a way to print it out. Great Job! .

My computer kicked the bucket , so I am using my son's laptop. I was in the chat room last night for the first time, and I felt so bad cause I couldnt keep up lol cause this screen is so small lol. .

Enjoyed your post, thanks!
...mousepad. Which advertises for EMBARQ Advanced Computer Support. I think the frustration also intensifies though with the number of people using the computer as well.

EMBARQ mousepad though had none of these that pertainied to life in FL or here in TV.
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