Help with Sprinklers...

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Old 09-26-2010, 11:34 AM
TommyT TommyT is offline
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Smile Help with Sprinklers...

We closed on our new home in the Village of Pennecamp and watched as the landscaper showed us the sprinkler system. I was amazed at the little amount of water that comes from the little rotating stream-fan type heads. He said these are the water conserving heads required by the Villages. I can spit and see more water applied to the lawn.

My question, "Can I change these heads out for the heads that rotate and actually dispense water ???

Thanks in advance for the reply...............
Tommy T
The Villages
Old 09-26-2010, 01:52 PM
golf2140 golf2140 is offline
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Originally Posted by TommyT View Post
We closed on our new home in the Village of Pennecamp and watched as the landscaper showed us the sprinkler system. I was amazed at the little amount of water that comes from the little rotating stream-fan type heads. He said these are the water conserving heads required by the Villages. I can spit and see more water applied to the lawn.

My question, "Can I change these heads out for the heads that rotate and actually dispense water ???

Thanks in advance for the reply...............
You may want to wait until after you receive a bill for the reclaimed water. It is expensive.
Villager from 2000 until they take me out in a small box!!!
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