Landscaping package

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Old 09-28-2008, 02:11 PM
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Default Landscaping package

Is the Landscaping package cost included in the price of a new home, or is that in addition to it? I've never had the luxury of a new home, so I'm unfamiliar with these "package" deals. Pre-owned homes are sold at one price, which includes the land and its greenery, the carpeting, flooring, paint color, cupboards and such, plus any appliances or furniture the previous owner wishes to include in the price.

We've had friends who intended to move to TV, but by the time all of the extra packages,fees and assesments were tacked on to the listed price of the home, they backed out because it was more than what they could afford to pay.

We're trying to learn as much as we can about TV before we sign the contract, so please forgive us for asking questions.
Old 09-28-2008, 04:31 PM
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Here is a link to TV new home listing:

These are the new homes that they have stock piled to sell. Some of the homes even include the furniture in the price. All of the homes already have the landscaping done and this is included in the price. I know that you are able to purchase a new home by picking out a lot and what floor plan you want and they will build it. Someone who has gone through this process can speak to that better. I know that other threads have discussed this, so you might want to do a search also. Good Luck!
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Old 09-28-2008, 05:14 PM
Aceskaters Aceskaters is offline
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The new homes come complete with some landscaping. The ranch homes have minimal landscaping in front (plants in the approx. 10 X 15 foot area outside the front door and across the front of the house..nothing on the sides or in the back. The next step up...the designer homes, have additional plantings in front of the walkway from the driveway to the front door and a little more in front of the house and part way down the sides. The plants are not expensive ones, but are well-suited to the climate.
Old 09-29-2008, 08:58 PM
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The builders landscaping is cheap. If you have any chance to use something else and have 'em keep their $3 plants, do it.

Research Florida plants, visit the Fla Extension Service on 466 (Jim Davis) or TV Gardening Club, they can help a lot
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