Aspen Dental

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Old 03-12-2010, 10:46 PM
barbie barbie is offline
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Default Aspen Dental

Does anyone know anything about Aspen Dental? They are in my dental plan but I don't know anyone that has used them.

I went to Village Dental and was pleased but the work they said needs to be done would cost me -- out of pocket well over $2,000. That's after my insurance pays. If I use a dentest in the plan it would only cost me about $900.

There aren't many dentist in the area that are in the plan. I'm surprised. I guess they are all looking for the big bucks and don't feel they make enough by being in a dental plan. My plan is Aetna PPO.

Old 05-13-2010, 07:11 PM
Bananapants Bananapants is offline
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Aspen Dental terrible place.... I was told I need quad scales for gum disease. What a Crock....I went somewhere else and had was told my gums were fine.... Go Figure...
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