Henryfrakl's Profile

Henryfrakl Henryfrakl is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Henryfrakl
    11-08-2023 09:33 AM
    Still not a word, RRIGATION CO. Beware giving any money up front to
    Irri-Tecc, Jerry Peck owner out of Iverness.
    Will not respond to me nor return my $200.00 for a 1 year contract for 4 inspections. I asked a question on timing and within 5 minutes he canceled contract but not sure he has money to return my $200.00
    Off to small claims court
    Will keep updated.
  2. Henryfrakl
    06-16-2023 05:22 PM
    IRRIGATION CO. Beware giving any money up front to
    Irri-Tecc, Jerry Peck owner out of Iverness.
    Will not respond to me nor return my $200.00 for a 1 year contract for 4 inspections. I asked a question on timing and within 5 minutes he canceled contract but not sure he has money to return my $200.00
    Off to small claims court
    Will keep updated.
  3. Henryfrakl
    12-15-2022 06:58 AM
    Bought patio villas in Richmond. Need lawn service with small walk behind mower, any suggestions


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  • Last Activity: 07-07-2024 01:27 PM
  • Join Date: 11-24-2017
  • Referrals: 0
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