Shary's Profile

Shary Shary is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. villagetinker
    02-09-2019 04:54 PM
    What village are you in? How high is the ceiling? Do you have a ladder? What village? I can replace the bulb, I suggest an LED replacement, it will out last you. Let me know if you are interested, and give me your phone number so we can make an appointment for me to come over.
  2. FromAus
    02-08-2019 10:18 PM
    Hi, I see you already have a volunteer, but if that doesn’t work out I would be happy to help. PM me if you need help.
  3. thetruth
    02-08-2019 08:10 PM
    Re: your closet bulb.
    Gosh I would think a neighbor would do it for you. If, not send me a PM and we will work it out. A thought, if one is blown you might as well replace all of them. When, one goes the others will be going shortly. I'm in the collier section-by eisenhower rec center
  4. aloisbaughn2133
    01-29-2018 11:29 AM
    I recommend Ocala Dermatology - have gone to Phillip Barton for 10 years - located at end of offices below Spruce Creed South - 347-4500


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  • Last Activity: 04-11-2020 11:35 AM
  • Join Date: 02-27-2017
  • Referrals: 0
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