Trish Crocker's Profile

Trish Crocker Trish Crocker is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. broycenjuice
    09-22-2016 04:54 PM
    Hi Nuckey,

    My husband's name is Bruce, mine is Joyce and if you say it real fast it becomes BroyceNjuice
  2. Crowder
    10-10-2014 09:18 AM
    Hi Trish!!
    I DIDNT EVEN RECOGNIZE You @ the hair salon the other were all covered up with the cape and foils in your hair. Then when I came back from getting my nails done YOU WERE GONE!! From the little I could tell, your hair looks great-VERY different!! I am so glad you like Jessica, she is good isn't she? How was your summer? Have you been to any new interesting places? We returned a few weeks ago from TN and Tom had rotator cuff repair surgery so I've been busy nursing him. Are you two still taking trips with PH? Again, I am sorry I didn't recognize you @ Jessica's. Roni
  3. LynnDeb
    12-26-2012 01:11 PM
    UGGGHHH It doesnt matter where we live...its just there
  4. CarGuys
    12-24-2012 11:12 PM
    Merry Christmas to you guys,

    What home model did you get? Address? I thought of you while patroling for Community Watch last night in your area
  5. nancy.larger
    07-25-2012 10:20 AM

    Just thought I would let you know that Catholic Charities of Central Florida is having a Wine Tasting benefit in the Villages on August 29th (Wednesday) from 4-5:30pm at City Fire. Ticket prices are $25/pp or $40 per couple. Let me know if you or any of your friends would like to attend. It is for a very good cause and it will be alot of fun!! I'm trying to find the contact for the Wine Tasting club in the Villages.
  6. jimjam38543
    05-19-2012 11:19 AM
  7. mikeandnancy1112
    04-29-2012 05:04 PM

    I really enjoyed being with you at Gracie's. I'm sorry I didn't get to continue our tour but apparently I started following the wrong car near Gracie's and realized after going around 3 times I was low on gas, like 4 miles to go. I don't ever let the tank get that low but I did that time. I wanted to see Karen's house but didn't know where she lives.

    Anyway, had a fabulous time with everyone and hope you sell your house soon and get everything taken care of so you can live here.

  8. aljetmet
    04-09-2012 10:11 AM
    Hi Trish
    R u there?
  9. Boudicca
    10-22-2011 01:02 PM
    Thank you for your kind compliments. I am fascinated by the skies, the light, and the many beautiful things to capture on "film'. I do so appreciate your generous feedback. Its a wonderful day in The Villages Sandra
  10. miggster70
    08-16-2011 10:55 AM
    hi trish can u find me any work by chance i am a 21 year old who has a daughter i have my own landscaping equipment just looking for work

About Me

  • About Trish Crocker
    Bloomfield Hills, Mi...NOW Fernandina!!!
    TOTV, reading, decorating, television
    Dental assisting, Real Estate


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-14-2024 05:04 PM
  • Join Date: 05-22-2011
  • Referrals: 2


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