wcsdanzer's Profile

wcsdanzer wcsdanzer is offline

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  1. bobb1212
    02-13-2013 03:10 PM
    Hi Karen,
    It's Bob from up in Buffalo. I have not been on the Talk of the Villages websight since January when you sent me a short note. I tried to respond to your note but for reasons unknown to me the system would not let me send a letter. I am currently trying to plan for my return trip to The Villages for the months of May & June. This will be my fifth trip to The Villages and this time I will make a concentrated effort to purchase a house. I am still looking for a dance partner and I hope you are too. May is only a few months away and when I get to The Villages I hope we can meet in person. Until then if you would like to stay in contact you can E-mail me at; bobb1212@yahoo.com - Subject Line: Karen in The Villages. I have no idea when I will back on the talk of the villages website. I hope you are done with your moving and that your new life in The Villages has some semblence of order. Hope to talk to you soon.
  2. bobb1212
    01-22-2013 11:25 PM
    Hi Karen, It's unfortunate that we failed to connect while I was down in The Villages during December. I have returned to Amherst (Buffalo) and I am enjoying the winter weather. Right now outside the wind chill temperature is 9 below zero and this weather is expected to last for another several days. I did go to McCalls several times as well as The Waterfront Hotel but I was probably at City Fire the most. It was difficult to find a girl that knew how to dance West Coast and East Coast swing. I went to a few dances with a girl named Addie who was a very good free style dancer that apparently all the guys liked to watch when she was on the dance floor. I will probably be back to The Villages in several months so if you want to stay in touch and exchange photos I would be happy to do so. Perhaps someday we can get out on the dance floor and dance some West Coast Swing. hope I will hear from you again. It would be nice to stay in touch by E-Mail or even chatting on the phone.
  3. bobb1212
    01-22-2013 11:17 PM
    Hi Karen, It's unfortunate that we failed to connect while I was down in The Villages during December. I have returned to Amherst (Buffalo) and I am enjoying the winter weather. Right now outside the wind chill temperature is 9 below zero and this weather is expected to last for another several days. I did go to McCalls several times as well as The Waterfront Hotel but I was probably at City Fire the most. It was difficult to find a girl that knew how to dance West Coast and East Coast swing. I went to a few dances with a girl named Addie who was a very good free style dancer that apparently all the guys liked to watch when she was on the dance floor. I will probably be back to The Villages in several months so if you want to stay in touch and exchange photos I would be happy to do so. Perhaps someday we can get out on the dance floor and dance some West Coast Swing. hope I will hear from you again. It would be nice to stay in touch by E-Mail or even chatting on the phone.

About Me

  • About wcsdanzer
    Ballroom dancing, PB, biking, walking


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  • Last Activity: 01-05-2024 05:55 PM
  • Join Date: 09-01-2012
  • Referrals: 0
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