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billethkid 02-17-2017 07:10 PM

The "hero" turns traitor!!
Here is an excellent example of the ESTABLISHMENT;

Trump's team in disarray, U.S. Senator McCain tells Europe
| Reuters

In his case he has a personal issue with Trump...which obviously takes priority over how the USA is represented.

A page right of the Obama playbook....disparage the USA for personal gain.

Shame on McCain.

Taltarzac725 02-17-2017 07:13 PM


Posted by Guest
Here is an excellent example of the ESTABLISHMENT;

Trump's team in disarray, U.S. Senator McCain tells Europe
| Reuters

In his case he has a personal issue with Trump...which obviously takes priority over how the USA is represented.

A page right of the Obama playbook....disparage the USA for personal gain.

Shame on McCain.

I actually respect Senator John McCain for standing up to the liar-in-chief.

Don Baldwin 02-17-2017 09:17 PM


Posted by Guest
I actually respect Senator John McCain for standing up to the liar-in-chief.

McCain is a crazy man.

Cedwards38 02-17-2017 11:06 PM


Posted by Guest
McCain is a crazy man.

Is there no end to how far you Trump supporters will go to support him?

John McCain, a war hero who served his country in the military with valor and courage, who spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp being tortured, who has served the country and the GOP in the United States Senate for decades, who was insulted by Trump during the primaries, and who bases his Senate votes on what is good for the country (whether you agree with him or not.

Donald Trump, who avoided military service with a claim of bad feet, who insulted Generals, the handicapped, women, people of various races, and who lies incessantly and creates a culture of untruths in his Administration. A man who attacks the courts, the media, his prior political opponents, the previous administration, and anyone else to attempt to make lame excuses for his own ham handed mistakes. A narcissist who only seems comfortable talking about how wonderful he is and supporting that boneheaded claim with lie after lie. A man whose communication skills border on elementary school buffoonery.

GOP, you've lost your way! God bless John McCain, a real American hero. Senator McCain knows that the POTUS must tell the truth. When the POTUS talks to us, we need to have trust, and trust is earned.

Taltarzac725 02-17-2017 11:16 PM


Posted by Guest
Is there no end to how far you Trump supporters will go to support him?

John McCain, a war hero who served his country in the military with valor and courage, who spent five years in a North Vietnamese prison camp being tortured, who has served the country and the GOP in the United States Senate for decades, who was insulted by Trump during the primaries, and who bases his Senate votes on what is good for the country (whether you agree with him or not.

Donald Trump, who avoided military service with a claim of bad feet, who insulted Generals, the handicapped, women, people of various races, and who lies incessantly and creates a culture of untruths in his Administration. A man who attacks the courts, the media, his prior political opponents, the previous administration, and anyone else to attempt to make lame excuses for his own ham handed mistakes. A narcissist who only seems comfortable talking about how wonderful he is and supporting that boneheaded claim with lie after lie. A man whose communication skills border on elementary school buffoonery.

GOP, you've lost your way! God bless John McCain, a real American hero. Senator McCain knows that the POTUS must tell the truth. When the POTUS talks to us, we need to have trust, and trust is earned.

Very well put. History is not going to look kindly at Donald John Trump. Many historians already warned us about electing this con man as President. And many of us voted for Hillary Clinton rather than this man and he actually won by what about 77,000 votes in three key states that Clinton did not do that well in mainly because of the FBI screw-up just before the Election and other stuff.

Buffalo Jim 02-17-2017 11:32 PM


Posted by Guest
Very well put. History is not going to look kindly at Donald John Trump. Many historians already warned us about electing this con man as President. And many of us voted for Hillary Clinton rather than this man and he actually won by what about 77,000 votes in three key states that Clinton did not do that well in mainly because of the FBI screw-up just before the Election and other stuff.

Funniest post of the day ! Thanks for playing !!!!

affald 02-18-2017 04:31 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1361820)
McCain is a crazy man.

Which is why tal likes him..... lol

affald 02-18-2017 04:46 AM

Mccain is the definition of establishment, he takes money and sex from lobbyists. Never had a non government job.

Swamp creature. Example of why term limits are needed.

The reason he did not go after obama on Rev Wright is he has too many skeletons of his own. Career politicans are always compromised.

rubicon 02-18-2017 05:52 AM


Posted by Guest
Here is an excellent example of the ESTABLISHMENT;

Trump's team in disarray, U.S. Senator McCain tells Europe
| Reuters

In his case he has a personal issue with Trump...which obviously takes priority over how the USA is represented.

A page right of the Obama playbook....disparage the USA for personal gain.

Shame on McCain.

I once had the greatest respect for John Mc Cain supported his run for president and was at odds with family members opposed. However following his loss he has degraded in performance and seems to be on the wrong side of every argument. His comments to Europeans is a breach of high order.

Trump was wrong to have said he was not a hero. Trump walked it back. The McCain I believed in would have confronted Trump one and one healed wounds and moved forward for the sake of this divided nation. Mc Cain as a senator has a forum to take issue with Trump not in the manner of spreading descent and disrespect for the office he once coveted but in the Senate

Personal Best Regards:

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 08:02 AM


Posted by Guest
I once had the greatest respect for John Mc Cain supported his run for president and was at odds with family members opposed. However following his loss he has degraded in performance and seems to be on the wrong side of every argument. His comments to Europeans is a breach of high order.

Trump was wrong to have said he was not a hero. Trump walked it back. The McCain I believed in would have confronted Trump one and one healed wounds and moved forward for the sake of this divided nation. Mc Cain as a senator has a forum to take issue with Trump not in the manner of spreading descent and disrespect for the office he once coveted but in the Senate

Personal Best Regards:

You do get that Donald Trump and his family are mainly in the White House for personal gain and not to help much of anyone in any real manner? They are playing a long con though so some people do not see what they are doing. If Wall Street loves them, then they probably are not going to do much of anything to change corruption in DC. His cabinet post picks reek of filling the swamp not draining it.

Don Baldwin 02-18-2017 08:28 AM


Posted by Guest
You do get that Donald Trump and his family are mainly in the White House for personal gain and not to help much of anyone in any real manner? They are playing a long con though so some people do not see what they are doing. If Wall Street loves them, then they probably are not going to do much of anything to change corruption in DC. His cabinet post picks reek of filling the swamp not draining it.


The whole "rogue" thing was reality TV. If the R party, if the filthy rich, if the REAL power behind the curtain/throne didn't want him there...he wouldn't be there. He works for the system like all the rest have, skimming taxpayer money and taking care of their friends.

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 08:48 AM


Posted by Guest

The whole "rogue" thing was reality TV. If the R party, if the filthy rich, if the REAL power behind the curtain/throne didn't want him there...he wouldn't be there. He works for the system like all the rest have, skimming taxpayer money and taking care of their friends.

I do not think they want him there as he is too much of a lose cannon and his ties to Russia would be a real worry to the Establishment.

Biden seemed to be very much the Establishment just the Democratic side of the coin.

MDLNB 02-18-2017 08:52 AM


Posted by Guest
Very well put. History is not going to look kindly at Donald John Trump. Many historians already warned us about electing this con man as President. And many of us voted for Hillary Clinton rather than this man and he actually won by what about 77,000 votes in three key states that Clinton did not do that well in mainly because of the FBI screw-up just before the Election and other stuff.

No, actually Trump won in the majority of states. And that is what REALLY counts for you libtard retards that can't seem to understand what you should have learned in Civics class in your pubic schooling. Today's kids have an excuse for their ignorance, but you don't.

MDLNB 02-18-2017 09:03 AM

John McCain has milked his "hero" status way too long. Now, he is getting senile and useless. Well, he never was much of a Republican, but he certainly did help the left. Especially helped elect Obama. Sure, he is a former POW. He is considered a hero for enduring the hardship of being a prisoner and tortured. But, the left would rather worship such as Fonda as their version of hero, so it is a bit hypocritical to use McCain as a tool against Trump for argument sake. I've also known heroes of war. They are the dead ones that can no longer speak for themselves. No one can use them for political purposes or personal gain. I will not attempt to take away what McCain is due regarding respect but even heroes should be held accountable for what they say and do. Petraeus was considered some sort of war hero but he hosed up, thinking that he was above the law. Even though he found out that he was not above the law, he still skated by with only a slap on the wrist.

McCain should give Trump the same courtesy that he gave Obama.

Cedwards38 02-18-2017 09:07 AM


Posted by Guest
No, actually Trump won in the majority of states. And that is what REALLY counts for you libtard retards that can't seem to understand what you should have learned in Civics class in your pubic schooling. Today's kids have an excuse for their ignorance, but you don't.

When all you can do is fall back on pathetic and juvenile name calling, it says so much more about you than to persons to whom you direct it. Yes, Trump won by the rules. There is no argument against that. But he lost the popular vote. There is no argument against that. That means more Americans opposed his election than supported it. And we're not going away! :pepper2:

affald 02-18-2017 09:15 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1361924)
You do get that Donald Trump and his family are mainly in the White House for personal gain and not to help much of anyone in any real manner? They are playing a long con though so some people do not see what they are doing. If Wall Street loves them, then they probably are not going to do much of anything to change corruption in DC. His cabinet post picks reek of filling the swamp not draining it.

You are incredibly knowledgeable, definitely use your skills to find a job. Also use your skills to put a post it on your forehead to remember to pick up your dog.

Your Republican parents are so proud of you.

In all your stories, there are NO mentions of jobs in the last 30 years.


Your political opinion counts as much as your contribution to society.

Zero contributions, you are a net loss.

dirtbanker 02-18-2017 09:25 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1361982)

Your Republican parents are so proud of you.

They are still trying to figure out what they did to deserve a 50 year old baby...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T337A using Tapatalk

billethkid 02-18-2017 09:36 AM

The subject was McCain's behavior....not Trumps.

When ever there is a subject some always switch it back to the focus of their partisan talking points and what they are allowed to say weekly guide.

No matter is said, always bash Trump. It could be said they are not changing the subject but just parroting what they know....bash Trump....nothing else.

What value added did McCain serve for America by bad mouthing it's leadership?

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 09:39 AM


Posted by Guest
You are incredibly knowledgeable, definitely use your skills to find a job. Also use your skills to put a post it on your forehead to remember to pick up your dog.

Your Republican parents are so proud of you.

In all your stories, there are NO mentions of jobs in the last 30 years.


Your political opinion counts as much as your contribution to society.

Zero contributions, you are a net loss.

Let's see. I worked for my sister-in-law around 1997-2000. Worked for the University of Minnesota Law Library from 1988-mid 1991. Minneapolis Public Library downtown branch 1987-1988. Student Director-- paid position- Legal Assistance to Minnesota Prisoners around the Summer of 1988. The State of Nevada forgave my Stipend Grant for work I did on my 224 613 Project in 2000 via a vote by the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education in September of 2000 . Oh, I had have had a few offers to move to the Boston area where my Project would have a lot more support from the locals. This was within the past few years. 24 nominations to Marquis Who's Who publications from 1992- 2002 and listed in 14 of these including Marquis Who Who in America and Marquis "Who's Who in the World". And I have been chatting with a female graduate of Annapolis this morning on Facebook. Of course, she could be just about anyone pretending to be some soldier who looks to have seen action in Iraq and Afghanistan. I do not know why she is checking me out on Facebook but it is interesting as was the Parisienne actress who did the same last Summer of 2016. She's quite hot and is a lawyer as well as an actress. And probably could kick the butt of most men she encountered because of her black belt in karate. She was writing in French which was also cool.

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 09:47 AM


Posted by Guest
The subject was McCain's behavior....not Trumps.

When ever there is a subject some always switch it back to the focus of their partisan talking points and what they are allowed to say weekly guide.

No matter is said, always bash Trump. It could be said they are not changing the subject but just parroting what they know....bash Trump....nothing else.

What value added did McCain serve for America by bad mouthing it's leadership?

You use the word Trump and leadership in the same sentence?

MDLNB 02-18-2017 09:48 AM


Posted by Guest
When all you can do is fall back on pathetic and juvenile name calling, it says so much more about you than to persons to whom you direct it. Yes, Trump won by the rules. There is no argument against that. But he lost the popular vote. There is no argument against that. That means more Americans opposed his election than supported it. And we're not going away! :pepper2:

You have the audacity of saying I am "pathetic and juvenile" while you cling to the "popular vote" desperation? Wow, that's is what really defines "pathetic" as well as LOSER. You still do not get it, or you are still in denial. Killary lost because smart Americans did not let Hollywood dictate their vote. The MAJORITY of America as in the Whole of America less a few over crowded libtard cities voted for Trump. The Witch is DEAD, long live America.

America opposed? Get a life, because you are pretty ignorant of the real world. You won't go away? Who asked you to go away? We need someone to laugh at and entertain us. Because of your type (libtards) the Democrat party is defunct. Now, all you have are radical left wing domestic terrorists that use words to defend your anti-American values. You folks had a chance to push socialism and instead have opted to skip it and go directly to communism. SO, we will see the Communist party running for office during the next election. Perhaps you should suggest that the parties change colors, so that you all can display your true color, RED for commie.

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 09:48 AM


Posted by Guest
They are still trying to figure out what they did to deserve a 50 year old baby...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T337A using Tapatalk

A fart you really are a schmuck. Oh, I see it is dirtbag this time.

affald 02-18-2017 09:51 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1362002)
Let's see. I worked for my sister-in-law around 1997-2000. Worked for the University of Minnesota Law Library from 1988-mid 1991. Minneapolis Public Library downtown branch 1987-1988. Student Director-- paid position- Legal Assistance to Minnesota Prisoners around the Summer of 1988. The State of Nevada forgave my Stipend Grant for work I did on my 224 613 Project in 2000 via a vote by the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education in September of 2000 . Oh, I had have had a few offers to move to the Boston area where my Project would have a lot more support from the locals. This was within the past few years. 24 nominations to Marquis Who's Who publications from 1992- 2002 and listed in 14 of these including Marquis Who Who in America and Marquis "Who's Who in the World". And I have been chatting with a female graduate of Annapolis this morning on Facebook. Of course, she could be just about anyone pretending to be some soldier who looks to have seen action in Iraq and Afghanistan. I do not know why she is checking me out on Facebook but it is interesting as was the Parisienne actress who did the same last Summer of 2016. She's quite hot and is a lawyer as well as an actress. And probably could kick the butt of most men she encountered because of her black belt in karate. She was writing in French which was also cool.

Thanks for verifying that you have no real work history. Why did your sister fire you?

Btw, do you dare bring up politics to your lifelong Republican parents?

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 09:57 AM


Posted by Guest
Thanks for verifying that you have no real work history. Why did your sister fire you?

Btw, do you dare bring up politics to your lifelong Republican parents?

My sister-in-law did not fire me. Her business failed and she no longer needed me as a gopher.

My parents are very proud of my 224 613 work as are many of my relatives, neighbors, and friends. And this is work even though it is something I do out of love not selfishness.

My Mom hates Trump by the way but would not vote for Clinton. I am no fan of Hillary Clinton but she was a better pick than a man who basically trolled his way into the White House and hopefully will be out by August 2017 if not sooner. The press and the intelligence agencies just need to keep digging up stuff on this man who IMHO is a traitor to the United States.

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 10:05 AM


Posted by Guest
Thanks for verifying that you have no real work history. Why did your sister fire you?

Btw, do you dare bring up politics to your lifelong Republican parents?

A fart again. Smelling up TOTV with his putrid stink.

MDLNB 02-18-2017 10:16 AM


Posted by Guest
A fart again. Smelling up TOTV with his putrid stink.

Aren't you getting your ID's mixed up?

Interesting that all through the TOTV forums, Tal follows up Chi with replies on just about every subject.

MDLNB 02-18-2017 10:19 AM


Posted by Guest
My sister-in-law did not fire me. Her business failed and she no longer needed me as a gopher.

My parents are very proud of my 224 613 work as are many of my relatives, neighbors, and friends. And this is work even though it is something I do out of love not selfishness.

My Mom hates Trump by the way but would not vote for Clinton. I am no fan of Hillary Clinton but she was a better pick than a man who basically trolled his way into the White House and hopefully will be out by August 2017 if not sooner. The press and the intelligence agencies just need to keep digging up stuff on this man who IMHO is a traitor to the United States.

Mr. Rainman, for being a self-proclaimed intellectual, you sure lack in common sense. I bet you don't even understand the term "traitor" when you use it referring to Trump. How can you even consider using it wrongly describing Trump and not using it properly when discussing the felon Hillary? What a D.A.!

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 10:34 AM


Posted by Guest
Mr. Rainman, for being a self-proclaimed intellectual, you sure lack in common sense. I bet you don't even understand the term "traitor" when you use it referring to Trump. How can you even consider using it wrongly describing Trump and not using it properly when discussing the felon Hillary? What a D.A.!

Clinton did not sell her soul to Russia. I believe Trump did if we can get a look at his taxes. And his golden shower looks like something he would have done given his deep hatred of President Barack Obama.

Completing more of my work history. I pet sit and house sit for a couple of retired CIA/realtors from about 1997-2011. He was also a Lt Commander in the Navy. Interesting couple. President Bush lovers both. I wonder what they would think of Donald John Trump? Probably not much as they were both in the CIA as analysts for a short while. And they really liked Bush. I voted for Bush twice over Clinton or Gore.

I e-mailed her last week but have not heard back. He passed away around 2011 due to a brain tumor.

Pet sit in the Villages too for 6 cockatiels a few years ago.

dirtbanker 02-18-2017 10:42 AM

How have you supported yourself the last 17 years...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 10:49 AM


Posted by Guest
How have you supported yourself the last 17 years...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

Is that any of your business dirtbag! And what does that have to do with Donald John Trump? The fallacy in logic you are constantly using is attacking the person rather than what they are saying. Trump used it very well because he was appealing to people who know no better.

What have you done for your community by the way other than stink up TOTV with your filth!

Cedwards38 02-18-2017 10:54 AM


Posted by Guest
You have the audacity of saying I am "pathetic and juvenile" while you cling to the "popular vote" desperation? Wow, that's is what really defines "pathetic" as well as LOSER. You still do not get it, or you are still in denial. Killary lost because smart Americans did not let Hollywood dictate their vote. The MAJORITY of America as in the Whole of America less a few over crowded libtard cities voted for Trump. The Witch is DEAD, long live America.

America opposed? Get a life, because you are pretty ignorant of the real world. You won't go away? Who asked you to go away? We need someone to laugh at and entertain us. Because of your type (libtards) the Democrat party is defunct. Now, all you have are radical left wing domestic terrorists that use words to defend your anti-American values. You folks had a chance to push socialism and instead have opted to skip it and go directly to communism. SO, we will see the Communist party running for office during the next election. Perhaps you should suggest that the parties change colors, so that you all can display your true color, RED for commie.

Yes, I have the audacity.....and the numbers and the logical thought to back up what I'm saying. I'm part of the American majority, and we're not going away, now or ever. Liberal is a name I do not find offensive.

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 10:57 AM


Posted by Guest
Yes, I have the audacity.....and the numbers and the logical thought to back up what I'm saying. I'm part of the American majority, and we're not going away, now or ever. Liberal is a name I do not find offensive.

I have always been a liberal but do vote for a Republican on occasion. Never Trump nor Pence though as I find their social policies extremely backward and very much something Jesus Christ would have absolutely nothing to do with. They are more like something you would find from the Romans like Herod.

affald 02-18-2017 10:57 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1362075)
Yes, I have the audacity.....and the numbers and the logical thought to back up what I'm saying. I'm part of the American majority, and we're not going away, now or ever. Liberal is a name I do not find offensive.

Majority? Are you on public assistance?

MDLNB 02-18-2017 11:04 AM


Posted by Guest
Clinton did not sell her soul to Russia. I believe Trump did if we can get a look at his taxes. And his golden shower looks like something he would have done given his deep hatred of President Barack Obama.

Completing more of my work history. I pet sit and house sit for a couple of retired CIA/realtors from about 1997-2011. He was also a Lt Commander in the Navy. Interesting couple. President Bush lovers both. I wonder what they would think of Donald John Trump? Probably not much as they were both in the CIA as analysts for a short while. And they really liked Bush. I voted for Bush twice over Clinton or Gore.

I e-mailed her last week but have not heard back. He passed away around 2011 due to a brain tumor.

Pet sit in the Villages too for 6 cockatiels a few years ago.

Actually, you are correct. Hillary did NOT sell her soul to Russia. She had no soul to sell, but she did prostitute herself to Russia. So did Obie. Hillary GAVE Russia as well as the rest of the world, our National Security secrets, free of charge. She also sold her time to the highest bidder, using a soon to collapse imitation charity.
You are more of a retard than I thought if you are still on Trump's tax return. You are so dense that everyone is leading you around, probably even tying your shoes for you. I bet you don't even have shoestrings. You probably wear penny loafers or velcro buckles on your shoes. Tell me what section of Trump's tax return would indicate Russian association? Because I have his tax return from the 90's where he took a loss that he has spread out over a 17 year period. I bet you have a problem with that also. Even though it is a legitimate deduction, just like taking a depreciation over a period of time on your home rental.

Perhaps you should go back to your word puzzles and leave the discussion to those that might have a legitimate opinion. Try getting your information from real sources instead of repeating fake news. Save your "gold showers" to be shared with your buddy, Chi. I am sure that he will appreciate that.

MDLNB 02-18-2017 11:14 AM


Posted by Guest
Yes, I have the audacity.....and the numbers and the logical thought to back up what I'm saying. I'm part of the American majority, and we're not going away, now or ever. Liberal is a name I do not find offensive.

Of course not. Most libtards wear liberal and socialist as a badge of what they consider HONOR, an oxymoron when associated with libtards. I bet you also wear the word "LOSER" as a badge of honor, too.

Buffalo Jim 02-18-2017 12:57 PM


Posted by Guest
I have always been a liberal but do vote for a Republican on occasion. Never Trump nor Pence though as I find their social policies extremely backward and very much something Jesus Christ would have absolutely nothing to do with. They are more like something you would find from the Romans like Herod.

Yes Yes ! Your personal version of Jesus would stand by and approve abortion and say nothing .

In your mind he would especially endorse Late Term Abortion because it releases the innocents to be with him in Heaven with-out the need to live a natural life on earth first .

Taltarzac725 02-18-2017 04:04 PM


Posted by Guest
Yes Yes ! Your personal version of Jesus would stand by and approve abortion and say nothing .

In your mind he would especially endorse Late Term Abortion because it releases the innocents to be with him in Heaven with-out the need to live a natural life on earth first .

I have no idea what Jesus Christ would think about abortion and neither do you. Talk about bullying. Again what does this have to do with Donald John Trump? I believe he has flipped a few times on abortion given whatever party fits his economic needs.

And I still want to see his tax returns from 2010 through 2016. I would like to know which Russian companies he is invested in if that shows up. And if these are controlled by Putin.

MDLNB 02-18-2017 04:37 PM


Posted by Guest
I have no idea what Jesus Christ would think about abortion and neither do you. Talk about bullying. Again what does this have to do with Donald John Trump? I believe he has flipped a few times on abortion given whatever party fits his economic needs.

And I still want to see his tax returns from 2010 through 2016. I would like to know which Russian companies he is invested in if that shows up. And if these are controlled by Putin.

Hate to burst your bubble, bubbleboy, but his tax returns won't be released and even if there were released you wouldn't know what to do with them. There would be no indication of any connection to Russia. Even a rainman like yourself wouldn't know what to do with them. Don't you think that if there was any problem with his returns, the IRS would be right on it? After all they are liberals from the left.

dirtbanker 02-18-2017 04:51 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1362250)
Again what does this have to do with Donald John Trump?

It has NOTHING to do with Donald John Trump...this thread is about John McCain.

Dummy has a one track mind...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

dirtbanker 02-18-2017 04:52 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1362279)
Hate to burst your bubble, bubbleboy, but his tax returns won't be released and even if there were released you wouldn't know what to do with them. There would be no indication of any connection to Russia. Even a rainman like yourself wouldn't know what to do with them. Don't you think that if there was any problem with his returns, the IRS would be right on it? After all they are liberals from the left.

Maybe wackadoodle can compare Trump's tax returns to his own...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

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