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Guest 02-13-2016 11:57 PM

Trump turns in poor performance in tonight's debate
Too much acting like a school yard bully.
His personal attacks on Bush uncalled for and very un-professional.
He will lose some momentum showing he is not able to rise above school yard type angering.

Guest 02-14-2016 12:02 AM

i am a Trump supporter and i was not impressed with his behavior tonight, but i don't see how any of the others can accomplish what i think he can. don't think he will do well in this next primary, unfortunately.

Guest 02-14-2016 12:02 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185393)
Too much acting like a school yard bully.
His personal attacks on Bush uncalled for and very un-professional.
He will lose some momentum showing he is not able to rise above school yard type angering.

It's not very PC to tell the truth as Trump did tonight.

I thought little baby Bush was going to start crying after Donald said all those awful truths.

Trump won this debate

Guest 02-14-2016 01:01 AM

Once a Bushwacker always aBushwacker,
No value added.

Guest 02-14-2016 01:58 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185393)
Too much acting like a school yard bully.
His personal attacks on Bush uncalled for and very un-professional.
He will lose some momentum showing he is not able to rise above school yard type angering.


Trump got the biggest bump of all the candidates after the debate.

He now enjoys a 21 point lead over Rubio in SC.

Guest 02-14-2016 07:11 AM

Trump showed his @ss last night. He looks like he is getting tired. He is not used to this kind of challenge. I was glad to see Bush take him on and scrape the surface of his facade. Bush doesn't have a chance anyway, so I don't mind sacrificing him to prove that Trump is not what he claims to be. Rubio did very well in the of his best. Rubio will do well in SC. No one knows how Trump will do, since he flip-flops from liberal to conservative and back. When asked when he was ever wrong about something, the only response that he could come up with is that his wife says he is wrong sometimes. I doubt doubt that. But, he didn't answer the question. He does not think he is ever wrong. When I first heard Trump speak, he was saying what no else wanted to say out loud and I wanted to believe him. The more he has spoken, the less I consider him credible. To Trump, it's just another level of success. Does he really care about the country? That is a question that the voter better figure out before their primary.

Guest 02-14-2016 07:36 AM

I believe Trump is very honest about getting this country back. If the others want to waste their airtime trying to disgrace him so be it. He only attacks when attacked.

Guest 02-14-2016 08:01 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185435)
I believe Trump is very honest about getting this country back. If the others want to waste their airtime trying to disgrace him so be it. He only attacks when attacked.

And he buys his support. Is he going to buy the terrorists off? Is he going to buy Putin off? Anytime someone disagrees with him, he becomes Putin. I am still not convinced that this is the job for him. We already have a president that is NOT presidential. Right now, I would rather have an establishment leader, that can stabilize our country again. I'm tired of entertainers and dividers. The only ones that seem to be able to do get along with both sides are Rubio, Kasich, Carson and maybe Bush. But Carson is not ready for the big time yet. Cruz cannot get along with anyone, and is more like Trump than he wishes to believe. I would rather we have a boring leader, than another entertainer that says he is going to do big, radical things to make our country great again. Celebrities are for TV ratings, not boring gov duty. SNL and the View should be off limits for all politicians. Golf should be banned also, except when on paid leave/vacation. Time for someone to gather congress together and tell them that it is time to work together or go home. Obamacare was a mistake and did not have the support of the country and was partisan. They need to rip it apart and redo it. NO more making laws by EO. Time to go back to a majority vote, not a simple majority. The supreme court should be limited in tenure and also not able to make law. Only interpret law.

Guest 02-14-2016 08:45 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185447)
And he buys his support. Is he going to buy the terrorists off? Is he going to buy Putin off? Anytime someone disagrees with him, he becomes Putin. I am still not convinced that this is the job for him. We already have a president that is NOT presidential. Right now, I would rather have an establishment leader, that can stabilize our country again. I'm tired of entertainers and dividers. The only ones that seem to be able to do get along with both sides are Rubio, Kasich, Carson and maybe Bush. But Carson is not ready for the big time yet. Cruz cannot get along with anyone, and is more like Trump than he wishes to believe. I would rather we have a boring leader, than another entertainer that says he is going to do big, radical things to make our country great again. Celebrities are for TV ratings, not boring gov duty. SNL and the View should be off limits for all politicians. Golf should be banned also, except when on paid leave/vacation. Time for someone to gather congress together and tell them that it is time to work together or go home. Obamacare was a mistake and did not have the support of the country and was partisan. They need to rip it apart and redo it. NO more making laws by EO. Time to go back to a majority vote, not a simple majority. The supreme court should be limited in tenure and also not able to make law. Only interpret law.

What you are saying is "everything is wrong with our current government". Well, it is only going to get worse. Republicans have benefitted from their obstructionism. If they lose the next presidential election, they will continue to do. If they win, the Democratic will revert to obstructionism. What goes around, comes around.

Concerning Obamacare when Romney put its equal in Mass, the citizens were against it. When it worked, people approved of it. Over 98% of Mass. citizens have health insurance. Republicans never gave it chance to work. They have no replacement. They could put the same plan forward. That would take Obama's name off it, and than its identical twin would be perfectly acceptable to them.

Considering the egos in DC, who is going to tell them to do anything? The Gerrymandered districts guarantees their reelection. The House is answerable to no one now. The Senate is only a little better.

You could years, and years with an eight person Supreme Court. If the Republicans delay the approving a replacement for Scalia for the next year, the Democrats could and probably will filibuster the Republicans nominee/s, if a Republicans wins the election. Treat people the way expect to be treated yourself. The Republicans are pushing this snowball down the hill, and nothing is going to stop it. The egos in DC will guarantee that they will never accept the other person view on anything.

If the Supreme Court has a brain in their head, all controversial cases will be delayed until there is nine person court especially the executive order on immigration. If it goes forward, and there is a 4 to 4 vote on it, the lower court ruling applies, Republicans can say goodbye to the next election. They will get so few Hispanic votes that they will lose.

Guest 02-14-2016 09:03 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185471)
What you are saying is "everything is wrong with our current government". Well, it is only going to get worse. Republicans have benefitted from their obstructionism. If they lose the next presidential election, they will continue to do. If they win, the Democratic will revert to obstructionism. What goes around, comes around.

Concerning Obamacare when Romney put its equal in Mass, the citizens were against it. When it worked, people approved of it. Over 98% of Mass. citizens have health insurance. Republicans never gave it chance to work. They have no replacement. They could put the same plan forward. That would take Obama's name off it, and than its identical twin would be perfectly acceptable to them.

Considering the egos in DC, who is going to tell them to do anything? The Gerrymandered districts guarantees their reelection. The House is answerable to no one now. The Senate is only a little better.

You could years, and years with an eight person Supreme Court. If the Republicans delay the approving a replacement for Scalia for the next year, the Democrats could and probably will filibuster the Republicans nominee/s, if a Republicans wins the election. Treat people the way expect to be treated yourself. The Republicans are pushing this snowball down the hill, and nothing is going to stop it. The egos in DC will guarantee that they will never accept the other person view on anything.

If the Supreme Court has a brain in their head, all controversial cases will be delayed until there is nine person court especially the executive order on immigration. If it goes forward, and there is a 4 to 4 vote on it, the lower court ruling applies, Republicans can say goodbye to the next election. They will get so few Hispanic votes that they will lose.

We have what you call "obstructionism" ONLY because of a DIVISIVE president, that is backed by such ilk as Pelosi and Reid, now rendered somewhat impotent by the alert voters. Just another reason why we do not need another amature in the White House. Obama is a miserable failure that divide this country like it hasn't been divided in decades.

Regarding Romney's heath care versus Obamacare, it is totally different. You libtards continue to try to make associations with the two.

We need a balanced court system, not a once sided socialist supreme court. This country will cease to exist when socialism takes over, period.

Guest 02-14-2016 09:24 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185471)
What you are saying is "everything is wrong with our current government". Well, it is only going to get worse. Republicans have benefitted from their obstructionism. If they lose the next presidential election, they will continue to do. If they win, the Democratic will revert to obstructionism. What goes around, comes around.

Concerning Obamacare when Romney put its equal in Mass, the citizens were against it. When it worked, people approved of it. Over 98% of Mass. citizens have health insurance. Republicans never gave it chance to work. They have no replacement. They could put the same plan forward. That would take Obama's name off it, and than its identical twin would be perfectly acceptable to them.

Considering the egos in DC, who is going to tell them to do anything? The Gerrymandered districts guarantees their reelection. The House is answerable to no one now. The Senate is only a little better.

You could years, and years with an eight person Supreme Court. If the Republicans delay the approving a replacement for Scalia for the next year, the Democrats could and probably will filibuster the Republicans nominee/s, if a Republicans wins the election. Treat people the way expect to be treated yourself. The Republicans are pushing this snowball down the hill, and nothing is going to stop it. The egos in DC will guarantee that they will never accept the other person view on anything.

If the Supreme Court has a brain in their head, all controversial cases will be delayed until there is nine person court especially the executive order on immigration. If it goes forward, and there is a 4 to 4 vote on it, the lower court ruling applies, Republicans can say goodbye to the next election. They will get so few Hispanic votes that they will lose.

Why is it the democrats and many republicans continue to use divisive terminology and separatioism?

You refer to what the Hispanics will do.
Clinton is working the black voters in SC.
Then there is the gay vote.
The trans vote.
The who the hell cares what other peanut gallery vote.

Everything and anything anymore seems to have to be fit or more likely force fit into some cubicile.

Enforce the existing laws no matter who it hurts.
If the law is the issue there is a routine for getting them changed or amended or deleted. Unenforcement is not an option.

Cut the crap with identifying Americans as African American or Hispanic or etc for the sake of benefitting one over another.

Maybe the healing process for the continual dividing of America will begin when WE ALL get back to what is good for America.

Until that happens we will continue to deteriorate as a nation.
How about remembering what this is about:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.

Guest 02-14-2016 09:37 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185479)
We have what you call "obstructionism" ONLY because of a DIVISIVE president, that is backed by such ilk as Pelosi and Reid, now rendered somewhat impotent by the alert voters. Just another reason why we do not need another amature in the White House. Obama is a miserable failure that divide this country like it hasn't been divided in decades.

Regarding Romney's heath care versus Obamacare, it is totally different. You libtards continue to try to make associations with the two.

We need a balanced court system, not a once sided socialist supreme court. This country will cease to exist when socialism takes over, period.

"We need a balanced court system, not a once sided socialist supreme court. This country will cease to exist when socialism takes over, period."

You had the balance, where did that get you? Some justices vote with nonpartisan approach. Thats why we have Obamacare.

Guest 02-14-2016 09:50 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185489)
Why is it the democrats and many republicans continue to use divisive terminology and separatioism?

You refer to what the Hispanics will do.
Clinton is working the black voters in SC.
Then there is the gay vote.
The trans vote.
The who the hell cares what other peanut gallery vote.

Everything and anything anymore seems to have to be fit or more likely force fit into some cubicile.

Enforce the existing laws no matter who it hurts.
If the law is the issue there is a routine for getting them changed or amended or deleted. Unenforcement is not an option.

Cut the crap with identifying Americans as African American or Hispanic or etc for the sake of benefitting one over another.

Maybe the healing process for the continual dividing of America will begin when WE ALL get back to what is good for America.

Until that happens we will continue to deteriorate as a nation.
How about remembering what this is about:

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.

Sorry, but the pledge to the flag is banned in this country because it might offend someone.

You make a good point though. I think too much damage has been wrought to this country by the current administration for it to be anywhere as strong and unified as it was, say ten years ago. By the looks of things today, America will never be as great as it once was. A great America is a thing of the past -- history. The socialism disease has infected the lazy half of the country and add to that, the ignorant and you have a diseased country that will never recover. Obama and Soros have achieved their goal of destroying the greatest country in the world.

Soros is a destroyer of countries and now he is backing Hillary. Perhaps when he dies, the world will be better for it. As a matter of fact, as far as I am concerned, he can take some our crazies with him, such as Obama, the Clintons, Reid, Pelosi, Grayson, Sanders, etc. America is for real Americans, not those that want to be European, or those that have such a hate for this country that they wish to destroy it, like Obama.

Guest 02-14-2016 10:08 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185516)
Sorry, but the pledge to the flag is banned in this country because it might offend someone.

You make a good point though. I think too much damage has been wrought to this country by the current administration for it to be anywhere as strong and unified as it was, say ten years ago. By the looks of things today, America will never be as great as it once was. A great America is a thing of the past -- history. The socialism disease has infected the lazy half of the country and add to that, the ignorant and you have a diseased country that will never recover. Obama and Soros have achieved their goal of destroying the greatest country in the world.

Soros is a destroyer of countries and now he is backing Hillary. Perhaps when he dies, the world will be better for it. As a matter of fact, as far as I am concerned, he can take some our crazies with him, such as Obama, the Clintons, Reid, Pelosi, Grayson, Sanders, etc. America is for real Americans, not those that want to be European, or those that have such a hate for this country that they wish to destroy it, like Obama.

We see evidence every single day of the ongoing demise of the once great America.
Last week a poll on whether there should be a military draft or not.
58% voted against having a draft.....due to the dwindling number of "real Americans".

Real Americans have no need for descriptors like hispanic or african american, etc.

That would be like me describing myself as a caucasian american.......stupid........for which someone would be offended if I did so ....

If Clinton makes it to the nomination that will be another example of how low the moral and real American standard has fallen.

And if we are out numbered and she would suvive to go on to the election and win......she will be more than history making female president....she will be the catalyst of the decline of America from which we may not be able to ever recover.

I do feel very badly for the generations coming behind us. Those living through the transition from greatness to third world staus or less will have it the worst. The babies of today will not know any difference.....they will be part of a norm to which they have no basis for comparison....SO IT WILL NOT MATTER ANYMORE!

We have been so bady divided I am not sure even a 9/11 attack would galvanize us back together again.

Very sad prospect. The sky is falling becoming a reality?

Guest 02-14-2016 10:10 AM


Posted by Guest (Post 1185505)
"We need a balanced court system, not a once sided socialist supreme court. This country will cease to exist when socialism takes over, period."

You had the balance, where did that get you? Some justices vote with nonpartisan approach. Thats why we have Obamacare.

You live in a dream world. We also have baby murder, gay marriage, illegal aliens, dereliction of duty by the president, etc. Where did you see a balanced court system. PC dominates America, not justice.

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