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rubicon 12-12-2016 05:09 AM

The Agenda of Misinformation Rages On
Julian Assange from Wikileaks has repeatedly explained that the information he released was not a Russian hacks but an insider leak

The insider who leaked this information did so because Hillary connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of Assange, said "I know who leaked them, I've met the person

The left's agenda of misinformation rages on

Personal Best Regards

Don Baldwin 12-12-2016 06:22 AM

There's misinformation on BOTH sides...on ALL sides. The world is FULL of lies and deception.

Rockyrd 12-12-2016 07:16 AM


Posted by Guest
Julian Assange from Wikileaks has repeatedly explained that the information he released was not a Russian hacks but an insider leak

The insider who leaked this information did so because Hillary connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.

Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of Assange, said "I know who leaked them, I've met the person

The left's agenda of misinformation rages on

Personal Best Regards

This post is almost word for word from a website called ZERO HEDGE.

This is what ZERO HEDGE is all about...

"Zero Hedge's content is conspiratorial, anti-establishment, and economically pessimistic,[3] and has been criticized for presenting extreme and sometimes pro-Russian views.[1][4][5]"

Zero Hedge - Wikipedia

This is more from a Bloomberg article on WHO and WHAT ZERO HEDGE REALLY IS....a quote that ends that article.

"“I can’t be a 24-hour cheerleader for Hezbollah, Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Trump anymore. It’ s wrong. Period. I know it gets you views now, but it will kill your brand over the long run,” Lokey texted Ivandjiiski. “This isn’t a revolution. It’s a joke.”

Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street's Renegade Blog - Bloomberg

This is a cut and paste from that sire where this post was stolen...

"that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened."

This is a link to that website so you can see exactly those words that were stolen to make this post.

Former UK Ambassador Blasts "CIA's Blatant Lies", Shows "A Little Simple Logic Destroys Their Claims" | Zero Hedge

I was out of here but in reading, I was shocked that someone would first of all frequent such a site.....and then to plagerize that site.

THIS is exactly the reputation that TOTV is garnering.

ColdNoMore 12-12-2016 08:08 AM


Posted by Guest
This is a cut and paste from that site where this post was stolen...

"that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened."

This is a link to that website so you can see exactly those words that were stolen to make this post.

I was out of here but in reading, I was shocked that someone would first of all frequent such a site.....and then to plagiarize that site.

THIS is exactly the reputation that TOTV is garnering.

As we've seen, the anti-truth, alt-right right doesn't care where their sources come from...or whether they are even close to the truth.

Not only do a lot of them cut/paste without a link for citation (because most are at least barely smart enough to know they are bogus and are ashamed to show the source)...they think saying it enough times might make it true.

And now we have the POTUS-elect choosing an advisor, who thrives on and became wealthy...spewing such ignorant misinformation. :oops:

Add the fact that Chump doesn't even believe the 17 intelligence agencies, but believes a nutcase conspirator like Bannon...and we have truly entered the Twilight Zone. :ohdear:

debbieingigharbor 12-12-2016 08:36 AM


Posted by Guest
As we've seen, the anti-truth, alt-right right doesn't care where their sources come from...or whether they are even close to the truth.

Not only do a lot of them cut/paste without a link for citation (because most are at least barely smart enough to know they are bogus and are ashamed to show the source)...they think saying it enough times might make it true.

And now we have the POTUS-elect choosing an advisor, who thrives on and became wealthy...spewing such ignorant misinformation. :oops:

Add the fact that Chump doesn't even believe the 17 intelligence agencies, but believes a nutcase conspirator like Bannon...and we have truly entered the Twilight Zone. :ohdear:

Oh he believes it alright he just won't admit it because if he did he would be admitting Putin put his thumb on the scale.

billethkid 12-12-2016 09:40 AM

Wow! The losing teams anti everything, BS talking machine is really in overdirve.

Self gratification or desparation?
I guess one drives the other or visa versa!

Rockyrd 12-12-2016 10:14 AM


Posted by Guest
Oh he believes it alright he just won't admit it because if he did he would be admitting Putin put his thumb on the scale.

Trumps own biographer said this about our President elect...

"Trump biographer: Trump didn't pay taxes for 2 reasons Trump biographer: Trump didn't pay taxes for 2 reasons
Wednesday, 3 Aug 2016 | 2:18 PM ET | 06:47
Donald Trump has a "minimal relationship with the truth," according to the GOP nominee's biographer David Cay Johnston.

"Donald makes up things he creates his own reality," Johnston said on CNBC's "Power Lunch" on Wednesday. "And in his mind, there's nothing wrong with that."

He lies, then when called on them, he accuses his accusers of lying,, which is part of him establishing his own reality.

Problem is he is dragging so many people with him. So many who believe him when he drives followers to the conspiracies and alt right direction of pure hate and then makes accusations to insure that nobody believes the media in any way.

He is an insult to my conservative values. He hates, I do not. He distorts reality and then tells those poor followers how uis reality is being distorted.

The ONLY place to get validation for his reality and hate is these website, and as we have seen, many of them put together by teenagers in eastern Europe.

He uses sources like Alex Jones...

"Alexander Emerick "Alex" Jones (born February 11, 1974)[3] is an American radio show host, documentary filmmaker, writer,[4] and conspiracy theorist.[5][6][7][8] He hosts The Alex Jones Show from Austin, Texas, which airs on the Genesis Communications Network[9] and shortwave radio station WWCR[10] across the United States and online.[11][12] His website,, has been labelled a fake news website.[13][14]"

Alex Jones (radio host - Wikipedia)

This man has a website where the current headline says..."EMERGENCY: The gov't has announced they want to shut down this site." The Ultimate "Fake News" List >> Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

They list then what they say are fake news....among them..CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, NBC news, ABC news CBS news, MSNBC, BBC news, Financial Times, USA Today, etc.

I single out Alex Jones because this poster used him once as a source and our President elect calls him "amazing".

Jones, who at one time said that NOBODY WAS KILLED at Sandy Hook Elementary and it was a gov't conspiracy, something he also said about 9/11 which he said Bush was the conspirator.

And you wonder why our President held on to the conspiracy theory about Obama's birth until the last minute.

I am now totally embarassed to be a conservative Republican and please do not waste your breath telling me I am not a conservative Republican......I am just not a RADICAL, CONSPIRACY THEORIST who hates everyone by race, religion, political persuasion.

Rockyrd 12-12-2016 10:16 AM


Posted by Guest
Wow! The losing teams anti everything, BS talking machine is really in overdirve.

Self gratification or desparation?
I guess one drives the other or visa versa!

How about getting off the HATE trip you folks have gone on.

How about being rational for once. I must assume you support website like this and also support plagarism.

I believe in truth after investigating. You obviously believe in any conspiracy or hate theory that is peddled.

Rockyrd 12-12-2016 08:20 PM

Found some more on the website plagiarized by the OP. They are bound to defend Russian interests in USA

[B]"One recent bill in the U.S. Congress is designed to crack down on websites suspected of spreading Russian propaganda. However, another more extensive bill goes even further establishing what Zero Hedge calls a de facto Ministry of Truth."

Op-Ed: Big Brother bill passing U.S. Congress with little media coverage

Rockyrd 12-12-2016 08:26 PM

The OPs favorite site to read and plagerize also was mentioned in a story about some of the techniques used by the Russians.

"Conspiracy sites include outlets such as InfoWars and Zero Hedge, along with a host of lesser-known sites that repeat and repackage the same basic content for both right- and left-wing consumers. Sometimes, these intermediaries will post the same stories on sites with opposite political orientations. Data dump websites, such as Wikileaks and DC Leaks, overtly claim to be exposing corruption and promoting transparency by uploading private information stolen during hacks. But the timing and targets of their efforts help guide pro-Russian themes"

Russian propaganda is using Facebook, other social media sites to manipulate American voters -

Everybody knows about these junk sites, thus you have to assume quite a bit about posters using them and stealing from them

ColdNoMore 12-12-2016 09:44 PM


Posted by Guest
The OPs favorite site to read and plagerize also was mentioned in a story about some of the techniques used by the Russians.

"Conspiracy sites include outlets such as InfoWars and Zero Hedge, along with a host of lesser-known sites that repeat and repackage the same basic content for both right- and left-wing consumers. Sometimes, these intermediaries will post the same stories on sites with opposite political orientations. Data dump websites, such as Wikileaks and DC Leaks, overtly claim to be exposing corruption and promoting transparency by uploading private information stolen during hacks. But the timing and targets of their efforts help guide pro-Russian themes"

Russian propaganda is using Facebook, other social media sites to manipulate American voters -

Everybody knows about these junk sites, thus you have to assume quite a bit about posters using them and stealing from them.

One small correction on the highlighted part above.

No "assumption" is required, the truth to what you say about these plainly evident. :ohdear:

rubicon 12-13-2016 06:06 AM


Posted by Guest
The OPs favorite site to read and plagerize also was mentioned in a story about some of the techniques used by the Russians.

"Conspiracy sites include outlets such as InfoWars and Zero Hedge, along with a host of lesser-known sites that repeat and repackage the same basic content for both right- and left-wing consumers. Sometimes, these intermediaries will post the same stories on sites with opposite political orientations. Data dump websites, such as Wikileaks and DC Leaks, overtly claim to be exposing corruption and promoting transparency by uploading private information stolen during hacks. But the timing and targets of their efforts help guide pro-Russian themes"

Russian propaganda is using Facebook, other social media sites to manipulate American voters -

Everybody knows about these junk sites, thus you have to assume quite a bit about posters using them and stealing from them

First this information did not come from any of those sites you cite. In fact I never heard of any of the sites you cite. secondly as you recall from your college days to use one line is called plagiarism but to use paragraphs is called research.:D I passed along a reading and that was my only mistake. Because....

Liberals rage is out of control and the campaign for misinformation about anything remotely connected to Trump will persist.

Liberals rage on until they destroy any person who disagrees with them. Its their modus operandi aka/ alinskyisms.

The site of this information was intentionally not cited and predictable the liberal response, discredit the person, discredit the site without even knowing the site because I didn't matter. However what was missing again was that never never did any on the left address or discuss the content. One wonders why?

The responses from this thread underscores the above-stated. The left's actions are reminiscent of what was once termed "brown shirts" Michael Moore leads this charge .

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 12-13-2016 07:12 AM


Posted by Guest
First this information did not come from any of those sites you cite. In fact I never heard of any of the sites you cite. secondly as you recall from your college days to use one line is called plagiarism but to use paragraphs is called research.:D I passed along a reading and that was my only mistake. Because....

Liberals rage is out of control and the campaign for misinformation about anything remotely connected to Trump will persist.

Liberals rage on until they destroy any person who disagrees with them. Its their modus operandi aka/ alinskyisms.

The site of this information was intentionally not cited and predictable the liberal response, discredit the person, discredit the site without even knowing the site because I didn't matter. However what was missing again was that never never did any on the left address or discuss the content. One wonders why?

The responses from this thread underscores the above-stated. The left's actions are reminiscent of what was once termed "brown shirts" Michael Moore leads this charge .

Personal Best Regards:


"Hillary connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie,


"that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie,received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie"


"accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence,"


"if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence,"


"failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened."


"if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened."

Research ? okay.

Definition of plagarism......


"Research is not merely the turning in a factual paper, research is a process and a system, one summarized by this definition:


Why Stealing From Many Isn't Research - Plagiarism Today

You would think that someone who wanted to "make america great again" would .......well..

You do what you want to do. I am not an enraged liberal, actually an enraged conservative Republican, as you say as you say or imply in almost every most....all devoid of any facts except those lifted from conspiracy websites.

You have also used fake news sites as backup a few times.

Just I value integrity above all.

ColdNoMore 12-13-2016 07:48 AM


Posted by Guest

"Hillary connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie,


"that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie,received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie"


"accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence,"


"if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence,"


"failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened."


"if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened."

Research ? okay.

Definition of plagarism......


"Research is not merely the turning in a factual paper, research is a process and a system, one summarized by this definition:


Why Stealing From Many Isn't Research - Plagiarism Today

You would think that someone who wanted to "make america great again" would .......well..

You do what you want to do. I am not an enraged liberal, actually an enraged conservative Republican, as you say as you say or imply in almost every most....all devoid of any facts except those lifted from conspiracy websites.

You have also used fake news sites as backup a few times.

Just I value integrity above all.


You just left a large bruise, using his own words, on one of the people who love to pass on outright lies...garnered from fake news sites. :oops:

Next thing you know, he'll be crying because you ruined the bristles on his broad brush. :1rotfl:

Cedwards38 12-13-2016 07:54 AM

Our system of government is threatened by partisanship and pride. It has become more important for your team to win than to do something to help our country. United we stand, divided we fall.

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