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jebartle 04-21-2017 01:42 PM

what does a Trump supporter think when lies come right out of his mouth!
Are all of you BRAINWASHED! Come on, when will you start to join the
Real world. I know you must know that this is a man that needs mental help.
You should be concerned that Trump will do anything as a deversion, rather than EVER ADMIT THAT HE IS WRONG! How many times will you let this country down by turning your back to his OBVIOUS errors in judgement.
I know that if his tax return was available to Congress, the fall of TRUMP would be immediate, and you know that also!!

Rockyrd 04-21-2017 01:50 PM


Posted by Guest
Are all of you BRAINWASHED! Come on, when will you start to join the
Real world. I know you must know that this is a man that needs mental help.
You should be concerned that Trump will do anything as a deversion, rather than EVER ADMIT THAT HE IS WRONG! How many times will you let this country down by turning your back to his OBVIOUS errors in judgement.
I know that if his tax return was available to Congress, the fall of TRUMP would be immediate, and you know that also!!

It is....well, hear supposedly intelligence people defend outright lies....even when faced head on with proof of the lying.

They come on here and defend his every move.

Have we ever had a President in history that in less than 90 days has screwed up seriously so many times and so chronically.

I do not know about the tax return, except he is slapping every american in the country right in the face on that issue. With this President especially, for national security and any tax reform, we need to know. I say that and immediately think of the posters on here who actually seem not to care one iota about facts.

They have been snookered and it is only 100 time goes on this just gets worse and worse, but hey.....the Trump family continues to manufacture overseas and make tons of money.

Can you imagine any other political figure of any party getting away with this ?

In return for that loyalty they spend their time,not celebrating his legislative victories, of which there are none, but defending his lying and deception. At what point do you say you don't like liars and do not like to be deceived ?

Lord knows I wanted and was prepared to strenously work for a conservative candidate to defeat Clinton, and now I am witnessing him destroy the party one lie, one deception and almost every single day

rubicon 04-21-2017 02:41 PM


Posted by Guest
Are all of you BRAINWASHED! Come on, when will you start to join the
Real world. I know you must know that this is a man that needs mental help.
You should be concerned that Trump will do anything as a deversion, rather than EVER ADMIT THAT HE IS WRONG! How many times will you let this country down by turning your back to his OBVIOUS errors in judgement.
I know that if his tax return was available to Congress, the fall of TRUMP would be immediate, and you know that also!!

Something tells me you looked into a mirror and repeated to your self "TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT"

Something tells me you were deeply engaged in listening to the polemics of Whoopi Golderberg and Joy Behar which provided you the insight you share with us in the form of an original post (OP)

Something tells me you side with the antics by students at Berkley, Middlebury, etc because these students are resisting the terrorist KKKér, nazi Trump.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is becoming an epidemic

P.S. don't be surprised when CNN reports that Trump has been seen raising antenna from the back of his head

Personal Best Regards:

dirtbanker 04-21-2017 02:52 PM

What did the Crooked Hillary supporter think when it became evident she had been lying all along...Oh that's right you voted for the biatch because she was a woman

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

Rockyrd 04-21-2017 02:55 PM

Posts #3 and #4 certainly make the point.

graciegirl 04-21-2017 03:02 PM


Posted by Guest
Are all of you BRAINWASHED! Come on, when will you start to join the
Real world. I know you must know that this is a man that needs mental help.
You should be concerned that Trump will do anything as a deversion, rather than EVER ADMIT THAT HE IS WRONG! How many times will you let this country down by turning your back to his OBVIOUS errors in judgement.
I know that if his tax return was available to Congress, the fall of TRUMP would be immediate, and you know that also!!

What does a Trump supporter think when lies come right out of his mouth?

That he is still the better choice over Hillary Clinton and the unrealistic way the left want to run things.

There is my answer. The nonsense that the left preaches all sounds good. But the truth is the left's rules and restrictions don't change global warming, water pollution, drug trade or Islamic terrorism. The left doesn't make women better off, or help the race issues. Obama just made the race issues worse, more tense, more angered. The left live in the world like naïve young people who want good to happen. I feel that Obama lied to us plenty. Not that that is a fair debate answer.

My answer is that we are probably better off with this man than we would be with any of the other candidates. They all had baggage and stuff I didn't want. At least this one isn't motivated by money. I hope I won't die of stress before it's over. I have never seen so many people show their ass. AND been so annoyed at both sides.

jebartle 04-21-2017 03:53 PM


Posted by Guest
What does a Trump supporter think when lies come right out of his mouth?

That he is still the better choice over Hillary Clinton and the unrealistic way the left want to run things.

There is my answer. The nonsense that the left preaches all sounds good. But the truth is the left's rules and restrictions don't change global warming, water pollution, drug trade or Islamic terrorism. The left doesn't make women better off, or help the race issues. Obama just made the race issues worse, more tense, more angered. The left live in the world like naïve young people who want good to happen. I feel that Obama lied to us plenty. Not that that is a fair debate answer.

My answer is that we are probably better off with this man than we would be with any of the other candidates. They all had baggage and stuff I didn't want. At least this one isn't motivated by money. I hope I won't die of stress before it's over. I have never seen so many people show their ass. AND been so annoyed at both sides.

Did the OP say anything about Clinton, no! And you would have to be d illusion to think Obama was a bad choice. He had class, smarts and if congress gave him half a chance we would have accomplished a lot for America!

graciegirl 04-21-2017 04:26 PM


Posted by Guest
Did the OP say anything about Clinton, no! And you would have to be d illusion to think Obama was a bad choice. He had class, smarts and if congress gave him half a chance we would have accomplished a lot for America!

Oh Jeannie.

Rockyrd 04-21-2017 05:15 PM


Posted by Guest
What does a Trump supporter think when lies come right out of his mouth?

That he is still the better choice over Hillary Clinton and the unrealistic way the left want to run things.

There is my answer. The nonsense that the left preaches all sounds good. But the truth is the left's rules and restrictions don't change global warming, water pollution, drug trade or Islamic terrorism. The left doesn't make women better off, or help the race issues. Obama just made the race issues worse, more tense, more angered. The left live in the world like naïve young people who want good to happen. I feel that Obama lied to us plenty. Not that that is a fair debate answer.

My answer is that we are probably better off with this man than we would be with any of the other candidates. They all had baggage and stuff I didn't want. At least this one isn't motivated by money. I hope I won't die of stress before it's over. I have never seen so many people show their ass. AND been so annoyed at both sides.

Gracie, I am going to post with no intent to rile or anything. Just know this is how I feel.

There is nothing wrong with supporting a candidate while he is campaigning. I can even understand "panning" Clinton and Obama.

Where I find fault with you and Rubicon and all the other on here is, the election is over..done...he got elected. Now, his job is to guide our country and govern.

I will never sacrifice my own basic morals for nobody.

Now, he continues to lie FROM THE OVAL OFFICE. Your blind and I mean totally blind loyalty to him is flat out scary. You is being used in the group vernacular.

How can you allow the leader of our country to flat out can you allow the leader of our country to charge another President with can you allow the President of our country to embarass us all with what he says to and about other countries.

Again, the election is over.....if the citizens of he country do not hold our President accountable, then what ? He is not longer your candidate....he is our president and we deserve better.

To come on here and reply when he is called out for lying...that "you don't read my links"......or.....speak about Clinton or Obama.....or some other reason to presumably just defer what you think is bad news.

We all have a responsibility to keep the White House honest. It is our house, not his. If you are going to accept whatever he says, even when you know it is a flat out lie, then this country is in deep trouble.

I have supported some of his "thoughts" but will never support dishonesty from that office. Everything I say I verify to be president ever in history has had more people investigating him. Now, Rubicon has a name for name is being a good citizen because I assure you totally that the day will come when his honesty will be the only thing you have to rely on.

He is not honest and never has been. That does not mean he cannot survive as President...he has made some good appointments, but you are not even realizing how he lied to you and all other supporters, how he and his family are just getting richer off "our house".

If you don't question the President and what he says then you are not a loyal american. If he lies, and it is proven, he has to be called on it. As long as he has you and his base, which is dwindling, he will continue to lie. He is closing all the doors he can and becoming a secret. He has us the closest I can recall to nuclear conflict, NOT BECAUSE he is calling out Iran and/or N Korea, but because he continues to do it PUBLICLY AND WITH GREAT HATE. He needs the pats on the backs you guys give him....he needs the accolades.....may he not overextend and destroy this country any further.

Point is, and you probably have already stopped reading, but all the trip about Clinton or Obama that you say is simply making an excuse for voting for him, but now as President, we have a responsibility to keep him honest, because lying in the WH is a mortal sin and why you folks continue to support his lying and sneakiness and come on here and berate those who actually read what Trump dubs the fake news, which is sinful also to demean truth telling.

Thats probably left awhile ago, but it gets very tiresome when you post verified truths and have you and Rubicon tell us once again that Trump is never wrong and that the only bad people are progressives or whatever his word of the day is.

I do not have any of his made up syndromes. I just keep informed and care about my country before any mere mortal especially one like Trump.

dirtbanker 04-21-2017 05:21 PM

Long winded way for Rockface to say Trump sucks and nothing Trump does or anyone else does will change that...Rockface (with all 50 year experience in the political arena) will never support Trump.

Does anyone want him to explain it any further? If so please respond so...

Can we agree to disagree with him and let him go over to the ladies forum and bitch?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

Rockyrd 04-21-2017 06:12 PM


Posted by Guest
Long winded way for Rockface to say Trump sucks and nothing Trump does or anyone else does will change that...Rockface (with all 50 year experience in the political arena) will never support Trump.

Does anyone want him to explain it any further? If so please respond so...

Can we agree to disagree with him and let him go over to the ladies forum and bitch?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

See now, this is the problem with you children. By the way ALL are not children, but you certainly are.

I have in fact supported Trump. Not the man, but policy.

BUT you and your little friends come to this forum, NOT to discuss issues but to simply troll and cause trouble, so those posts you never read.

People like you and your play pals are the kids that everyone avoided and probably still do. No conversation skills, no knowledge, just bad, and let's be honest BAD wise ass remarks.

They are not even good so you are a failure at trolling.

wjboyer1 04-21-2017 07:39 PM


Posted by Guest
Something tells me you looked into a mirror and repeated to your self "TRUMP IS NOT MY PRESIDENT"

Something tells me you were deeply engaged in listening to the polemics of Whoopi Golderberg and Joy Behar which provided you the insight you share with us in the form of an original post (OP)

Something tells me you side with the antics by students at Berkley, Middlebury, etc because these students are resisting the terrorist KKKér, nazi Trump.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is becoming an epidemic

P.S. don't be surprised when CNN reports that Trump has been seen raising antenna from the back of his head

Personal Best Regards:

That "something that tells you" is a symptom of a rather serious mental illness, or you are taking too much medication.....or alcohol

wjboyer1 04-21-2017 07:44 PM


Posted by Guest
What did the Crooked Hillary supporter think when it became evident she had been lying all along...Oh that's right you voted for the biatch because she was a woman

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

It became evident that the congressional committee that was investigating HRC reported there was nothing that she did that was illegal (including and not limited to perjury). So, by regurgitating Republican talking points that have been debunked, you prove that the only thing that you have to defend your pseudo-president are pants on fire accusations. Being a woman who has the best qualifications does, in fact, mean that those who voted for her are, and continue to be the intelligent Americans that this county needs to succeed, unlike those of you with many forms of organic brain syndrome.

dirtbanker 04-21-2017 09:41 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1389453)
It became evident that the congressional committee that was investigating HRC reported there was nothing that she did that was illegal (including and not limited to perjury). So, by regurgitating Republican talking points that have been debunked, you prove that the only thing that you have to defend your pseudo-president are pants on fire accusations. Being a woman who has the best qualifications does, in fact, mean that those who voted for her are, and continue to be the intelligent Americans that this county needs to succeed, unlike those of you with many forms of organic brain syndrome.

So why did Crooked Hillary lose?

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

dillywho 04-21-2017 10:04 PM


Posted by Guest
Are all of you BRAINWASHED! Come on, when will you start to join the
Real world. I know you must know that this is a man that needs mental help.
You should be concerned that Trump will do anything as a deversion, rather than EVER ADMIT THAT HE IS WRONG! How many times will you let this country down by turning your back to his OBVIOUS errors in judgement.
I know that if his tax return was available to Congress, the fall of TRUMP would be immediate, and you know that also!!

The question is: What does a Trump supporter think when lies come right out of his mouth?

Answer: The same thing as when President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice told lie after lie after lie.

As for never admitting to being wrong, please tell me when President Obama ever in 8 years admitted to being wrong; but he was ALWAYS taking credit for anything that worked. He spent no less than 6 years blaming President Bush for any and everything that happened on his watch....not Bush's.

As for his tax returns, BFD, other than the fact that he said that he would release them. He still has time to do that. IF there is anything, and I mean anything amiss, you can bet the farm and all the chickens on it that the IRS will waste zero time in letting the whole world know. This country has bigger problems than his tax returns. I doubt seriously that ISIS cares about them, either.

At the very least, he does not travel the world apologizing for America or for being American. The blacks never liked sitting in the back of the bus and remedied the situation. I definitely don't like to see America taking a back seat to every other country and think it's about time we got back up front standing tall! Remember what Merle Haggard sang, "....they love our milk and honey, but talk about a better way of living....". They love our money, but many hate our guts while we fill their coffers.

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