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rubicon 04-01-2017 08:46 AM

The old joke that under socialism the past can never be predicted.
It has long been established that the academia in this nation has actively sought to alter history. Most recently two Universities Denver and Madison offer courses in how white power corrupts, courses direct to conjure up white hate, especially christian white hate.

At Middlebury College a conservative speaker needed security protection and was rushed to another building in order to give his speech.

At Berkley riots broke out causing damage and injury, again because a conservative was invited to speak.

Two professors at Harvard were ostracized from their positions. their crime? Hosting a party that invited guests to come dressed in Mexican garb

Professor Ciccarelli-Maher Drexel U called for white genocide during Christmas Holiday last. and recently lamented that being seated on an airline next to a military veteran was causing him to want to vomit .

Its old news, that many colleges and universities have proclaimed their fight against trigger warnings , microaggressions and cultural appropriations causing them to find safe spaces for their student and facility

And of course we must include those statute, and buildings named in honor of white men who academia now deems unworthy whites because of hints of slavery participation or fighting for the Confederacy, etc Even Aristotle does not escape their grasp

Now I read where next fall at Harvard English major will be required to enroll in a course entitle "authors marginalized for historical reasons" . Those historical reasons: racism, patriarchy and heteronormativity .

Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the MSM. This minority community(s) are the same people creating havoc around the nation and using the Trump Administration as their red herring.
This is a minority community that hates white people, straight people, alpha males or straight males in general traditional christian people. They are vicious nasty and in many cases unbalanced. SHAME on any politicians that uses these unfortunates as their useful idiots so they can advance their political agenda.

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 04-01-2017 08:58 AM


Posted by Guest
It has long been established that the academia in this nation has actively sought to alter history. Most recently two Universities Denver and Madison offer courses in how white power corrupts, courses direct to conjure up white hate, especially christian white hate.

At Middlebury College a conservative speaker needed security protection and was rushed to another building in order to give his speech.

At Berkley riots broke out causing damage and injury, again because a conservative was invited to speak.

Two professors at Harvard were ostracized from their positions. their crime? Hosting a party that invited guests to come dressed in Mexican garb

Professor Ciccarelli-Maher Drexel U called for white genocide during Christmas Holiday last. and recently lamented that being seated on an airline next to a military veteran was causing him to want to vomit .

Its old news, that many colleges and universities have proclaimed their fight against trigger warnings , microaggressions and cultural appropriations causing them to find safe spaces for their student and facility

And of course we must include those statute, and buildings named in honor of white men who academia now deems unworthy whites because of hints of slavery participation or fighting for the Confederacy, etc Even Aristotle does not escape their grasp

Now I read where next fall at Harvard English major will be required to enroll in a course entitle "authors marginalized for historical reasons" . Those historical reasons: racism, patriarchy and heteronormativity .

Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the MSM. This minority community(s) are the same people creating havoc around the nation and using the Trump Administration as their red herring.
This is a minority community that hates white people, straight people, alpha males or straight males in general traditional christian people. They are vicious nasty and in many cases unbalanced. SHAME on any politicians that uses these unfortunates as their useful idiots so they can advance their political agenda.

Personal Best Regards:

So I assume you endorse out President saying that he cannot get a fair trial in the Trump Univ case (now settled) because of the Judges heritage although he was born in US.

So, I assume you also endorse our President being the single largest defendant of all time in a racial discrimination case involving housing.

So, I assume you endorse out President in 1989 taking a full page ad out assailing some young black youths the day after they were arrested calling them guilty. Of course we have found since they were innocent.

You have maintained in your posts over time that that the conservative movement has been maligned and must fight back. Does this also apply to others or just your group ?

You supply nothing but anecdotal writings with no credits and then conclude with these little stories..."Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the MSM"

It is not clear my friend......and I suggest you put aside some of that hate and listen a might learn something, but then again, your posts indicate that you KNOW and thus have nothing to learn.

wjboyer1 04-01-2017 09:06 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Posted by Guest
it has long been established that the academia in this nation has actively sought to alter history. Most recently two universities denver and madison offer courses in how white power corrupts, courses direct to conjure up white hate, especially christian white hate.

At middlebury college a conservative speaker needed security protection and was rushed to another building in order to give his speech.

At berkley riots broke out causing damage and injury, again because a conservative was invited to speak.

Two professors at harvard were ostracized from their positions. Their crime? Hosting a party that invited guests to come dressed in mexican garb

professor ciccarelli-maher drexel u called for white genocide during christmas holiday last. And recently lamented that being seated on an airline next to a military veteran was causing him to want to vomit .

Its old news, that many colleges and universities have proclaimed their fight against trigger warnings , microaggressions and cultural appropriations causing them to find safe spaces for their student and facility

and of course we must include those statute, and buildings named in honor of white men who academia now deems unworthy whites because of hints of slavery participation or fighting for the confederacy, etc even aristotle does not escape their grasp

now i read where next fall at harvard english major will be required to enroll in a course entitle "authors marginalized for historical reasons" . Those historical reasons: Racism, patriarchy and heteronormativity .

Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the msm. This minority community(s) are the same people creating havoc around the nation and using the trump administration as their red herring.
This is a minority community that hates white people, straight people, alpha males or straight males in general traditional christian people. They are vicious nasty and in many cases unbalanced. Shame on any politicians that uses these unfortunates as their useful idiots so they can advance their political agenda.

Personal best regards:

Attachment 67325

Attachment 67326

rubicon 04-01-2017 01:31 PM


Posted by Guest
So I assume you endorse out President saying that he cannot get a fair trial in the Trump Univ case (now settled) because of the Judges heritage although he was born in US.

So, I assume you also endorse our President being the single largest defendant of all time in a racial discrimination case involving housing.

So, I assume you endorse out President in 1989 taking a full page ad out assailing some young black youths the day after they were arrested calling them guilty. Of course we have found since they were innocent.

You have maintained in your posts over time that that the conservative movement has been maligned and must fight back. Does this also apply to others or just your group ?

You supply nothing but anecdotal writings with no credits and then conclude with these little stories..."Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the MSM"

It is not clear my friend......and I suggest you put aside some of that hate and listen a might learn something, but then again, your posts indicate that you KNOW and thus have nothing to learn.

Dear guest:

to begin with the topic is about radical progressives re-writing history and that has nothing to do with Trump.

There is absolutely no way academia can advance these radical ideas without the support of the government and MSM . Keep in mind silence equates to acceptance.

Speak to the issues I raised. do you support academia's position of preventing freedom to speak to be limited to their agenda?

simply stated do you support freedom of speech for everyone? How do you view males in our society? do you believe that because a person disagrees with homosexuality or believes it is unnatural that anything they do or say should be marginalized and that they should be subjected to threats?
As the author of this article stated "should havard marginalize Oscar Wilde?":)

Speak to the issues addressed and stop the deflecting that progressive ploy is effectively dead.

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 04-01-2017 02:02 PM


Posted by Guest
Dear guest:

to begin with the topic is about radical progressives re-writing history and that has nothing to do with Trump.

There is absolutely no way academia can advance these radical ideas without the support of the government and MSM . Keep in mind silence equates to acceptance.

Speak to the issues I raised. do you support academia's position of preventing freedom to speak to be limited to their agenda?

simply stated do you support freedom of speech for everyone? How do you view males in our society? do you believe that because a person disagrees with homosexuality or believes it is unnatural that anything they do or say should be marginalized and that they should be subjected to threats?
As the author of this article stated "should havard marginalize Oscar Wilde?":)

Speak to the issues addressed and stop the deflecting that progressive ploy is effectively dead.

Personal Best Regards:

I think on both sides of the political spectrum, including those on the fringes there is rational and irrational thoughts.

I am in no position to judge anyone, just offer my opinion.

I believe in freedom of speech but on all ends of the spectrum. I do not put conditioning words like "conservative" or "progressive" on those people.

Pretty much, this is old news. Having worked for both parties as well as in communities of minorities, trust me everyone has a case. Conservative academia has for years objected to liberal interference....liberal academia as you point out do the same. Why you think it is one way is because you feel somehow obligated to feel that way.

I hate, despise...and trust me it is tough for me to use those words....riots and such. However, having been on the other side of that...very close in years past...they feel as strongly about you.

I must add that BOTH are correct and BOTH are incorrect. Just as YOU stubbornly resist their views, they feel the same way as you.

Rubicon, you have been on this earth as long as me. You KNOW this is not new. The spreading of hate by both sides so easily IS NEW

These are anecdotal things you mention, and probably what prompts your admiration for Trump. Not the answer....manifestation of hate simply sees manifestation of hate. I know I sound like some sort of beatnik, and excuse me if I digress to our President. This is not how to solve problems, but we have a problem here. Your hate seems to be deep rooted...I got rid of it over time by working with those you hate.

I believe folks of age should try to douse that hate stuff and show the way. Trump has awakened that hate because folks of our age see changes....changes we have difficulty with. Remember when Elvis was on TV the first time....we were not allowed to see his entire would somehow contaminate us.

Today, we are seeing even faster moving changes. As with the feelings conveyed to us about Elvis, the feelings we have about change today are not as bad we think it is.

People keep telling me on here to "chill" because of my feelings politically. I feel that all I can do is stay informed, and tell whomever will listen how I feel, BUT..BUT...

I cannot be hateful to so many fellow Americans who I do not know and have never met. I can object to our leader and do so, but I am at peace with not hating so many as you.

I know you do not consider yourself a radical, but you radical to the right as those you speak of are to the left.

Will stop lecturing because I always give you hell for lecturing will cut it short. You need to look at things without labels...try to understand both sides before deciding.

My feelings on Trump are not emotional, and as I have said many times, I might be able to overlook his lack of morals if somehow he led, but he has not, shows no desires to do so.

To the point you made.....he promised to try and unite....he isn't even trying

Let's LISTEN without screening things through out built in filter. I do not want a filter any longer. I want to look at everyone as they are. I have personally experienced that....helps clear the head.

PS..I hate this post but leaving it. I will gladly speak to issues. I refuse to speak to little anecdotes that are simply out there to manifests negatives, and ignore any context. Life is simply not that simple.

rubicon 04-01-2017 02:20 PM


Posted by Guest
I think on both sides of the political spectrum, including those on the fringes there is rational and irrational thoughts.

I am in no position to judge anyone, just offer my opinion.

I believe in freedom of speech but on all ends of the spectrum. I do not put conditioning words like "conservative" or "progressive" on those people.

Pretty much, this is old news. Having worked for both parties as well as in communities of minorities, trust me everyone has a case. Conservative academia has for years objected to liberal interference....liberal academia as you point out do the same. Why you think it is one way is because you feel somehow obligated to feel that way.

I hate, despise...and trust me it is tough for me to use those words....riots and such. However, having been on the other side of that...very close in years past...they feel as strongly about you.

I must add that BOTH are correct and BOTH are incorrect. Just as YOU stubbornly resist their views, they feel the same way as you.

Rubicon, you have been on this earth as long as me. You KNOW this is not new. The spreading of hate by both sides so easily IS NEW

These are anecdotal things you mention, and probably what prompts your admiration for Trump. Not the answer....manifestation of hate simply sees manifestation of hate. I know I sound like some sort of beatnik, and excuse me if I digress to our President. This is not how to solve problems, but we have a problem here. Your hate seems to be deep rooted...I got rid of it over time by working with those you hate.

I believe folks of age should try to douse that hate stuff and show the way. Trump has awakened that hate because folks of our age see changes....changes we have difficulty with. Remember when Elvis was on TV the first time....we were not allowed to see his entire would somehow contaminate us.

Today, we are seeing even faster moving changes. As with the feelings conveyed to us about Elvis, the feelings we have about change today are not as bad we think it is.

People keep telling me on here to "chill" because of my feelings politically. I feel that all I can do is stay informed, and tell whomever will listen how I feel, BUT..BUT...

I cannot be hateful to so many fellow Americans who I do not know and have never met. I can object to our leader and do so, but I am at peace with not hating so many as you.

I know you do not consider yourself a radical, but you radical to the right as those you speak of are to the left.

Will stop lecturing because I always give you hell for lecturing will cut it short. You need to look at things without labels...try to understand both sides before deciding.

My feelings on Trump are not emotional, and as I have said many times, I might be able to overlook his lack of morals if somehow he led, but he has not, shows no desires to do so.

To the point you made.....he promised to try and unite....he isn't even trying

Let's LISTEN without screening things through out built in filter. I do not want a filter any longer. I want to look at everyone as they are. I have personally experienced that....helps clear the head.

PS..I hate this post but leaving it. I will gladly speak to issues. I refuse to speak to little anecdotes that are simply out there to manifests negatives, and ignore any context. Life is simply not that simple.

Dear guest:

For the -----time I am not enamored with Trump. I voted the Republican agenda.

My concern is that we have radicals take the lead in this nation and its going to lead us to our destruction.

Personal Best Regards:

Rockyrd 04-01-2017 02:31 PM


Posted by Guest
Dear guest:

For the -----time I am not enamored with Trump. I voted the Republican agenda.

My concern is that we have radicals take the lead in this nation and its going to lead us to our destruction.

Personal Best Regards:

You ARE enamored. You will not even acknowledge HIS actions, or the potential for what he even may have done. You just continue to spew what he wants you to, as if you followed his tweets. You post yesterday about NUNES was close to Spicer word for word. You express no fear of what might be real.

Liberals WILL take charge because we elected Trump. Do you recall me saying just that on here.

Only salvation now is he resigns.....everyone gets behind Pence, but knowing Trumps history..that does not appear possible.

You have to come to grips with what he is doing to us.

Don Baldwin 04-01-2017 07:35 PM


Posted by Guest
It has long been established that the academia in this nation has actively sought to alter history. Most recently two Universities Denver and Madison offer courses in how white power corrupts, courses direct to conjure up white hate, especially christian white hate.

At Middlebury College a conservative speaker needed security protection and was rushed to another building in order to give his speech.

At Berkley riots broke out causing damage and injury, again because a conservative was invited to speak.

Two professors at Harvard were ostracized from their positions. their crime? Hosting a party that invited guests to come dressed in Mexican garb

Professor Ciccarelli-Maher Drexel U called for white genocide during Christmas Holiday last. and recently lamented that being seated on an airline next to a military veteran was causing him to want to vomit .

Its old news, that many colleges and universities have proclaimed their fight against trigger warnings , microaggressions and cultural appropriations causing them to find safe spaces for their student and facility

And of course we must include those statute, and buildings named in honor of white men who academia now deems unworthy whites because of hints of slavery participation or fighting for the Confederacy, etc Even Aristotle does not escape their grasp

Now I read where next fall at Harvard English major will be required to enroll in a course entitle "authors marginalized for historical reasons" . Those historical reasons: racism, patriarchy and heteronormativity .

Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the MSM. This minority community(s) are the same people creating havoc around the nation and using the Trump Administration as their red herring.
This is a minority community that hates white people, straight people, alpha males or straight males in general traditional christian people. They are vicious nasty and in many cases unbalanced. SHAME on any politicians that uses these unfortunates as their useful idiots so they can advance their political agenda.

Personal Best Regards:

This is the NATURAL progression from a white dominated, white a minority majority, Hispanic dominated country. It will get worse...much the "winners" write history. As the "winners" take over politically and economically.

You have NO idea how bad it's going to get.


Posted by Guest
You ARE enamored. You will not even acknowledge HIS actions, or the potential for what he even may have done. You just continue to spew what he wants you to, as if you followed his tweets. You post yesterday about NUNES was close to Spicer word for word. You express no fear of what might be real.

Liberals WILL take charge because we elected Trump. Do you recall me saying just that on here.

Only salvation now is he resigns.....everyone gets behind Pence, but knowing Trumps history..that does not appear possible.

You have to come to grips with what he is doing to us.

Only salvation now? Removing the anchor babies BEFORE Hispanics become the absolute majority.

MDLNB 04-02-2017 04:42 AM


Posted by Guest
You ARE enamored. You will not even acknowledge HIS actions, or the potential for what he even may have done. You just continue to spew what he wants you to, as if you followed his tweets. You post yesterday about NUNES was close to Spicer word for word. You express no fear of what might be real.

Liberals WILL take charge because we elected Trump. Do you recall me saying just that on here.

Only salvation now is he resigns.....everyone gets behind Pence, but knowing Trumps history..that does not appear possible.

You have to come to grips with what he is doing to us.

Trump is doing an excellent job! He is undoing almost ALL of the damage that Obie attempted on our nation. Trump will be known as a hero in our history books, while Obie will be known as .........hmm.......the first black president. And he isn't even qualified for that, considering he is half-white....:1rotfl:

rubicon 04-02-2017 05:00 AM


Posted by Guest
You ARE enamored. You will not even acknowledge HIS actions, or the potential for what he even may have done. You just continue to spew what he wants you to, as if you followed his tweets. You post yesterday about NUNES was close to Spicer word for word. You express no fear of what might be real.

Liberals WILL take charge because we elected Trump. Do you recall me saying just that on here.

Only salvation now is he resigns.....everyone gets behind Pence, but knowing Trumps history..that does not appear possible.

You have to come to grips with what he is doing to us.

I see when I say something its a lie but every word you sputter is a truth. apparently its a waste of time to discuss anything with you. so why don't you just have an Q&A with yourself.

Personal Best Regards:

MDLNB 04-02-2017 05:10 AM

Liberals are still hoping that the Trump Univ will bring Trump down. Sorry to disillusion you, but that is past history. Even if anything happened to pop up to threaten his presidency, as the President he has the option of pardoning himself. Sorry, but you will have to pray to your Satan or Odin or other anti-Christian god that suits you, that Trump does something else that cannot be excused. Don't hold your breath, because you are in for a LONG 4 years if you think that it will be easy for you. You are like a dog chasing a car. What will you do with it once you catch it?

rubicon 04-02-2017 05:15 AM


Posted by Guest
This is the NATURAL progression from a white dominated, white a minority majority, Hispanic dominated country. It will get worse...much the "winners" write history. As the "winners" take over politically and economically.

You have NO idea how bad it's going to get.

Only salvation now? Removing the anchor babies BEFORE Hispanics become the absolute majority.

Dear Guest:

I disapprove of racial hatred because it biases one thoughts. However there is truth to what you say. That was the point to my creating this thread. There is indeed an open agenda by radical gays, blacks, hispanics working to undermine whites, especially males and heterosexuals.

The theme of my thread is re-writing history and that is what they are doing using our government, courts and our educational institutions and under the specious heading of civil rights. Gays want to wipe out or redefine the meaning o gender establishing what they refer to as non-gender. A person can be male or female their choice. This is of course, while tragic is insanity. Can a person also be carrot,a dog Napoleon, if they chose?

blacks are re-writing history on the premise that all white men back tol the the times of Aristotle were evil men and deserve no place in history.

The traditional nuclear family is a threat to them.

Personal Best Regards:

Don Baldwin 04-02-2017 05:33 AM


Posted by Guest
Dear Guest:

I disapprove of racial hatred because it biases one thoughts. However there is truth to what you say. That was the point to my creating this thread. There is indeed an open agenda by radical gays, blacks, hispanics working to undermine whites, especially males and heterosexuals.

The theme of my thread is re-writing history and that is what they are doing using our government, courts and our educational institutions and under the specious heading of civil rights. Gays want to wipe out or redefine the meaning o gender establishing what they refer to as non-gender. A person can be male or female their choice. This is of course, while tragic is insanity. Can a person also be carrot,a dog Napoleon, if they chose?

blacks are re-writing history on the premise that all white men back tol the the times of Aristotle were evil men and deserve no place in history.

The traditional nuclear family is a threat to them.

Personal Best Regards:

The insane idea that we ARE equal is biasing ALL our thoughts.

There is LOTS of truth in everything I say.

Yes there is...what are we going to do about it? We MUST do something or we lose the country.

The "winners" are rewriting happens EVERY time a new group takes over.

WHITE people...specifically...white men are a threat to them.

We're letting the "special ed" kids run the school...

Cedwards38 04-02-2017 06:56 AM


Posted by Guest
So I assume you endorse out President saying that he cannot get a fair trial in the Trump Univ case (now settled) because of the Judges heritage although he was born in US.

So, I assume you also endorse our President being the single largest defendant of all time in a racial discrimination case involving housing.

So, I assume you endorse out President in 1989 taking a full page ad out assailing some young black youths the day after they were arrested calling them guilty. Of course we have found since they were innocent.

You have maintained in your posts over time that that the conservative movement has been maligned and must fight back. Does this also apply to others or just your group ?

You supply nothing but anecdotal writings with no credits and then conclude with these little stories..."Its clear that the minority communities have been given loose reign support and promotion by acemdia, politicians and the MSM"

It is not clear my friend......and I suggest you put aside some of that hate and listen a might learn something, but then again, your posts indicate that you KNOW and thus have nothing to learn.

Well done! Your post demonstrates the difference between reality and the make believe world that Conservatives so desperately and pathetically desire.......FACTS!

dave harris 04-02-2017 06:57 AM


Posted by Guest
Dear guest:

to begin with the topic is about radical progressives re-writing history and that has nothing to do with Trump.

There is absolutely no way academia can advance these radical ideas without the support of the government and MSM . Keep in mind silence equates to acceptance.

Speak to the issues I raised. do you support academia's position of preventing freedom to speak to be limited to their agenda?

simply stated do you support freedom of speech for everyone? How do you view males in our society? do you believe that because a person disagrees with homosexuality or believes it is unnatural that anything they do or say should be marginalized and that they should be subjected to threats?
As the author of this article stated "should havard marginalize Oscar Wilde?":)

Speak to the issues addressed and stop the deflecting that progressive ploy is effectively dead.

Personal Best Regards:

I have to laugh at how you ramble on and it takes so much text you can not proof read your reply. When will you be posting how trump and you and your cronies were all in favor of violence when trump was campaigning?

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