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-   -   only 5 congressman voted against russian sanctions, 2 from Kentucky! (

jebartle 08-01-2017 05:33 AM

only 5 congressman voted against russian sanctions, 2 from Kentucky!
What is with the state of Kentucky!

ColdNoMore 08-01-2017 06:06 AM


Posted by Guest
What is with the state of Kentucky!

Like it's neighbor state Ohio...too many inter-family marriages? :D

graciegirl 08-01-2017 06:59 AM


Posted by Guest
Like it's neighbor state Ohio...too many inter-family marriages? :D

OMG that makes my blood boil. I bet that you, Cold No More haven't ever spent any time in either state.

What you portray is the typical attitude of uneducated and snotty people who think that all intelligent life lives in New York and New Jersey. IN FACT, it may be the reason that you vote Democrat having grown up hearing all that mistaken superiority. You seem to have an informed and reasonable attitude in many things and the usual natural progression as we age is to become more moderate but you have not.

Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia is home to many warm, smart, kind and hard working people who value their families and their country. They have struggled proudly through a lot of economic hard times, many of them in the rust belt, without whining or welfare. Many have lived off the land by farming and mining but they WORK.

I cannot tell you how many of you New Jersey and New York "sophisticates" are off base calling people from rural area's "red necks" and hillbilly's and dismissing them summarily. YOU who supposedly believe it is wrong to prejudge groups of people and label them.

Taltarzac725 08-01-2017 07:28 AM

One of my favorite people I have met here or near the Villages grew up in Louisville and has a KY accent. Born in southern FL though to an air force person. Some rather sophisticated people live in Louisville, KY. She married a lawyer but do not hold that against her.

Don Baldwin 08-01-2017 07:43 AM


Posted by Guest
Like it's neighbor state Ohio...too many inter-family marriages? :D

Liberals...they believe so much that isn't true... The ruling families, the royals...they've been "inbreeding" for thousands of years. They're STILL running things. Guess people DON'T turn into mongoloids like they tell us. SOME families with CERTAIN genetic defects have them come out with "inbreeding" but in most's harmless.

The laws are there to KEEP powerful families from staying EXCLUSIVELY within themselves. It's to keep brothers and sisters off each other. It's to DELIBERATELY "diversify" us as a mixing of genes creates more variation.

Of COURSE I'm talking about WITHIN the species. The "races"...the different species of "man" should not be mixing. Whites should stick with white, Asians with Asians...and the blacks should NOT be encouraged to mate with others. Blacks ARE a different archaic hominid species. A "missing link" between the modern humans with Neanderthal ancestors and the proto humans of Africa. Not apes but also not quite fully human.

Blacks and EVERY other race are not the same. We are genetically different species. Look at them. Do they look like ANY other race? Asians, whites, The American Indians...ALL look basically the same and from 100ft you can't tell the difference. Blacks are VERY different...physically, skin color, hair nappiness, facial features, bone structure, musculature, physiology...are ALL different in "them".

To save "humanity" we must stop interbreeding.


Posted by Guest
OMG that makes my blood boil. I bet that you, Cold No More haven't ever spent any time in either state.

What you portray is the typical attitude of uneducated and snotty people who think that all intelligent life lives in New York and New Jersey. IN FACT, it may be the reason that you vote Democrat having grown up hearing all that mistaken superiority. You seem to have an informed and reasonable attitude in many things and the usual natural progression as we age is to become more moderate but you have not.

Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia is home to many warm, smart, kind and hard working people who value their families and their country. They have struggled proudly through a lot of economic hard times, many of them in the rust belt, without whining or welfare. Many have lived off the land by farming and mining but they WORK.

I cannot tell you how many of you New Jersey and New York "sophisticates" are off base calling people from rural area's "red necks" and hillbilly's and dismissing them summarily. YOU who supposedly believe it is wrong to prejudge groups of people and label them.

And they make excuses for the minorities who are literally destroying this nation...and look down on hard working white people. I'd MUCH rather live among poor white people than blacks/hispanics any day. They may be poor...but they're not violent like the minorities.

REAL work isn't appreciated these days. There are so many minorities that labor is a commodity...not worth anything. It's why pay doesn't keep up with inflation and a family needs two incomes to keep up with what one used to provide.

There are too many people and way too many of the wrong kind of people. We SHOULD be preventing the poor from reproducing instead of PAYING them to do it. America is now 50:50...50% white and 50% everyone else. Within 30 years it WILL be 50% Hispanic and 50% everyone else. That day...America becomes Mexico II and "white culture" dies.

Congratulations women and're destroying the greatest country/system ever. Replacing it with the 3rd world. You women will LOVE the "Nuevo Americana" run by minority men. Good luck to your granddaughters. Emotion will have killed America. Jealousy will have killed America...jealous that you're not men...insistence that you ARE men.

The ignorant masses...I wish there were a lot less of you. The world/country is FULL of stupid idiots...too many...too many to support. HALF of America collects some government "aid". 80% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. There are 9 billion people...too many. We've cured disease, extended longevity, wars and famine don't kill millions upon millions any more...there are too many people. Half at least must go for the rest to live well. You see this behavior in poor countries...there isn't enough food for everyone but they don't band together to save their society...each selfishly has as many kids as they can, hoping at least ONE will survive to pass on THEIR genes...instead of deciding based on logic who should reproduce for the BEST stocks to be preserved.

Most people are selfish and ignorant. Especially "city folk". Cities change people. We weren't made to live in giant "hives"...we prefer small communities.

I could go on and on Gracie...there is so much wrong with the world...but the fixes aren't pretty.

graciegirl 08-01-2017 08:29 AM


Posted by Guest
Like it's neighbor state Ohio...too many inter-family marriages? :D

I thought about the taunt above.

I am sure that it was just meant to jab.

It is when we dismiss whole groups of people who have value and feelings and worth as worthless or allow others to ridicule whole groups of people,that being a human with innate feelings of compassion for other humans starts to lose it's meaning.

You are wrong Don Baldwin and you are wrong Cold No More and I am often wrong.

We need to hold everyone to decent behavior and expect all people to carry their own weight if they can. We are not all made with equal abilities but we are all connected by our humanity.

Why can't we talk instead about the mad man who is playing with ICBM in North Korea. Should we wait until he fires one or DO something?

I don't know. I hate war just like most people.

Taltarzac725 08-01-2017 08:32 AM


Posted by Guest
I thought about the taunt above.

I am sure that it was just meant to jab.

It is when we dismiss whole groups of people who have value and feelings and worth as worthless or allow others to ridicule whole groups of people,that being a human with innate feelings of compassion for other humans starts to lose it's meaning.

You are wrong Don Baldwin and you are wrong Cold No More and I am often wrong.

We need to hold everyone to decent behavior and expect all people to carry their own weight if they can. We are not all made with equal abilities but we are all connected by our humanity.

Why can't we talk instead about the mad man who is playing with ICBM in North Korea. Should we wait until he fires one or DO something?

I don't know. I hate war just like most people.

I expect that the military has plans to deal with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Kim Jong-un - Wikipedia

Don Baldwin 08-01-2017 09:03 AM


Posted by Guest
I thought about the taunt above.

I am sure that it was just meant to jab.

It is when we dismiss whole groups of people who have value and feelings and worth as worthless or allow others to ridicule whole groups of people,that being a human with innate feelings of compassion for other humans starts to lose it's meaning.

You are wrong Don Baldwin and you are wrong Cold No More and I am often wrong.

We need to hold everyone to decent behavior and expect all people to carry their own weight if they can. We are not all made with equal abilities but we are all connected by our humanity.

Why can't we talk instead about the mad man who is playing with ICBM in North Korea. Should we wait until he fires one or DO something?

I don't know. I hate war just like most people.

But they are NOT "people" Gracie...that's the part you don't get. If they suddenly declared that chimpanzees were "human" with ALL the rights thereof...would you agree? If they FORCED you to rent to Chimps, to see a chimp "doctor" would you feel about it? Chimps can sweep floors...I have no problem with that...I do have a problem when the standards must be lowered or they just plain get a quota to be "represented". It IS the same thing with blacks but of course not as extreme. Those chimps have "feelings too"...should we make room for them as "humans" too?

No...I am not this case I am right.

Then WHY don't you hold BLACKS to that standard? WHY are they always exempt from acting like civilized people? WHY do we allow half of them to collect welfare? WHY do we let them destroy neighborhoods? Destroy schools? Because they DON'T have EQUAL abilities? Then WHY do we keep insisting they do?

WE are connected by our humanity...they are not us...they lack a crucial ancestor that we ALL have...every "human" has it...blacks do not. WHY do you think they LOOK so primitive? Blacks LOOK like monkeys because they ARE closer to them than we are.

Stop worrying about boogeymen and worry about the minority majority that WILL destroy America.

Abby10 08-01-2017 09:19 AM


Posted by Guest
OMG that makes my blood boil. I bet that you, Cold No More haven't ever spent any time in either state.

What you portray is the typical attitude of uneducated and snotty people who think that all intelligent life lives in New York and New Jersey. IN FACT, it may be the reason that you vote Democrat having grown up hearing all that mistaken superiority. You seem to have an informed and reasonable attitude in many things and the usual natural progression as we age is to become more moderate but you have not.

Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia is home to many warm, smart, kind and hard working people who value their families and their country. They have struggled proudly through a lot of economic hard times, many of them in the rust belt, without whining or welfare. Many have lived off the land by farming and mining but they WORK.

I cannot tell you how many of you New Jersey and New York "sophisticates" are off base calling people from rural area's "red necks" and hillbilly's and dismissing them summarily. YOU who supposedly believe it is wrong to prejudge groups of people and label them.

Amen to that GG......and you can include rural PA (where I grew up) in that category as well. Although I left the area for college at the age of 17 and then went elsewhere for employment, I go back frequently to visit family and friends. You have described these people in your second paragraph much as I see them - good, decent, hardworking people who do everything they can to avoid going on welfare. They put family and country before themselves and are some of the most giving and generous people I have ever met. I would like to think that even though I left the area many years ago, I haven't lost those values.

Looking forward to hearing what some other posters on here think about this, especially those who have in the past pounced on others for what they viewed as this exact same type of character assassination of groups of people.

ColdNoMore 08-01-2017 11:29 AM


Posted by Guest
I thought about the taunt above.

I am sure that it was just meant to jab.

It is when we dismiss whole groups of people who have value and feelings and worth as worthless or allow others to ridicule whole groups of people,that being a human with innate feelings of compassion for other humans starts to lose it's meaning.

You are wrong Don Baldwin and you are wrong Cold No More and I am often wrong.

We need to hold everyone to decent behavior and expect all people to carry their own weight if they can. We are not all made with equal abilities but we are all connected by our humanity.

Why can't we talk instead about the mad man who is playing with ICBM in North Korea. Should we wait until he fires one or DO something?

I don't know. I hate war just like most people.

Yay, you were at least smart enough to know that it was a figurative slap in your face, for your constant attempts of obviously unearned arrogance that you consistently display on the main board...based on your extremely limited geographical upbringing and the denigration toward others who, thank goodness, weren't raised like yourself.

So maybe the next time you're tempted to tout your superiority based on where you were raised, you remember to use this as a reminder that your passive-aggressive arrogance, lying and hypocrisy...actually showcases the negatives of how/where you were raised. :oops:

Glad I could help you. :ho:

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

ColdNoMore 08-01-2017 11:43 AM


Posted by Guest
OMG that makes my blood boil.

Excellent...that was the intent. :thumbup:


Posted by Guest
I bet that you, Cold No More haven't ever spent any time in either state.

And as often would be dead wrong.

While there is nothing wrong with being proud from where you were raised, for those of us who actually experienced a large swatch of this country growing up...homegrown arrogant and narrow-minded twits make us laugh. :D


Posted by Guest

What you portray is the typical attitude of uneducated and snotty people who think that all intelligent life lives in New York and New Jersey. IN FACT, it may be the reason that you vote Democrat having grown up hearing all that mistaken superiority. You seem to have an informed and reasonable attitude in many things and the usual natural progression as we age is to become more moderate but you have not.

Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia is home to many warm, smart, kind and hard working people who value their families and their country. They have struggled proudly through a lot of economic hard times, many of them in the rust belt, without whining or welfare. Many have lived off the land by farming and mining but they WORK.

I cannot tell you how many of you New Jersey and New York "sophisticates" are off base calling people from rural area's "red necks" and hillbilly's and dismissing them summarily. YOU who supposedly believe it is wrong to prejudge groups of people and label them


I lived in 12 states by the time I graduated high school (none being New York or New Jersey, so there's your ignorance and prejudice showing again...:1rotfl:).

I gained an education, open viewpoint and intelligence from that alone...that your narrow-minded, passive-aggressiveness could never hope to match.

A great quote comes to mind and applies especially to you.


“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”

― Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad/Roughing It

And there honey, is why you will always be the narrow-minded, passive-agressive have grown to be in your old age. :wave:

And since it is worth repeating, you really should read this closely. ;)


Yay, you were at least smart enough to know that it was a figurative slap in your face, for your constant attempts of obviously unearned arrogance that you consistently display on the main board...based on your extremely limited geographical upbringing and the denigration toward others who, thank goodness, weren't raised like yourself.

So maybe the next time you're tempted to tout your superiority based on where you were raised, you remember to use this as a reminder that your passive-aggressive arrogance, lying and hypocrisy...actually showcases the negatives of how/where you were raised. :oops:

Glad I could help you. :ho:

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Wiotte 08-01-2017 12:07 PM


Posted by Guest (Post 1431025)
Excellent...that was the intent. :thumbup:

And as often would be dead wrong.

While there is nothing wrong with being proud from where you were raised, for those of us who actually experienced a large swatch of this country growing up...homegrown arrogant and narrow-minded twits make us laugh. :D


I lived in 12 states by the time I graduated high school (none being New York or New Jersey, so there's your ignorance and prejudice showing again...:1rotfl:).

I gained an education, open viewpoint and intelligence from that alone...that your narrow-minded, passive-aggressiveness could never hope to match.

A great quote comes to mind and applies especially to you.

And there honey, is why you will always be the narrow-minded, passive-agressive have grown to be in your old age. :wave:

And since it is worth repeating, you really should read this closely. ;)

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Don Baldwin 08-01-2017 12:26 PM


Posted by Guest

A great quote comes to mind and applies especially to you.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.”

― Mark Twain, The Innocents Abroad/Roughing It

Deepest Sincere Wishes: :wave:

Oh please...maybe when you travel to Europe or the better places in Asia. NOT when going to Haiti, Somalia, and assorted other hellholes.

Go to Africa, go to S America, Go to the nastier parts of find you CAN'T WAIT to get back home.

The ones who are REALLY prejudiced are the inner city minorities who have never left their inner city corral. If a black is better than every white...they should get the job...when they're not...they shouldn't.

Things were also VERY different back them. The planets population has exploded with poor since then. Take a look:

World population milestones in billions
Population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Year 1804 1927 1960 1974 1987 1999 2011

The planet had 1.5 billion people then...there's over 7 billion now, many estimate closer to 9 billion. 80% of the worlds population lives on less than $10 a day.


jebartle 08-01-2017 12:33 PM

Posters got carried away.... my initial post was about Russian sanctions, and two who voted against sanctions were from Kentucky, wondering why that state senator and rep. was opposed to the sanctions. Then you throw in Mitch McConnell also from Kentucky whose main objective is Very partisan and less on bringing this country together.

graciegirl 08-01-2017 01:14 PM


Posted by Guest

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh dear Wiotte. I sort of liked you before you laughed with four times married dinglefoot who cannot do anything but scream in yellow orange.

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