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ureout 02-13-2020 07:23 PM

Restless leg syndrome
does anyone suffer from RLS ? do you take a R/X --- OTC pills or liquid that helps

oldtimes 02-13-2020 07:26 PM

Strangely I take a Tums and find it helps me.

Two Bills 02-13-2020 07:37 PM

Valerian Tablets are a herbal relief. Works for my wife, and me on the odd occasion I get RLS.

How Valerian Root Helps You Relax and Sleep Better

ColdNoMore 02-13-2020 07:38 PM

Restless leg syndrome is often a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea...which can be dangerous.

Those suffering from RLS should make a doctor's appointment...and go from there.

Click Here

Dhoude 02-13-2020 08:03 PM

My husband has rls and he got an extra from his pcp for ropinirole and it helps

Northerner52 02-13-2020 08:06 PM

Pramipexole Dihydro Tabs0.25 mg

Mirapex ER (pramipexole dihydrochloride) is a dopamine agonist used alone or with other medications to treat Parkinson's disease. Mirapex ER is also used to treat restless legs syndrome (RLS).

Laker14 02-13-2020 09:50 PM

I have it at times. My doc gave me an Rx for Gabapentin (Neurontin). It is very effective for me. One of the warnings on it is that it "may make you drowsy"...which it does. I would never take it during the waking hours. In fact, if I don't take it by 9PM I won't take it all because it makes me groggy in the AM, and that's at 350mg, and at my weight I have been advised by the doc that I could take TWO of them. Never have.

Having said all of that, 2 Advil also works fantastically well for me, without the morning fog.

Good luck with this, it's a real bother when it gets kicking.

Nucky 02-13-2020 10:04 PM

Gabapentin was not to agreeable for me. It certainly removed the pain beautifully but within two weeks my legs started retaining water and then started weeping. It wasn't fun. I have some friends who swear by it.

The answer for some relief was a Bi/Pap Machine and Hemp Oil once or twice a week along with Baclofen for spasms and then over an hour on a nebulizer when I wake up. I still have the legs a jumpin sometimes but I know it is about as good as its gonna get.

One other major ticket to the legs quieting down is to pound down the water as much as possible. On the day that I don't drink at least 3/4 of a gallon I'm gonna be dancing instead of sleeping. It took a while to get this combo down. I hope it helps somebody.

Scott180 02-14-2020 05:41 AM

A nice hot shower works for me.

Sandy and Ed 02-14-2020 05:47 AM

I have been using a half benedryl tablet with a cup of camomile tea. Interestingly I find that if I have any hoppy beer I always get rls that night. Strange but true

Bridget Staunton 02-14-2020 06:41 AM

I have suffered for many years and for me nothing worked and I have tried everything across the counter & RX. I am told that CBD oil works not willing to go that route yet because of the marijuana content, it’s very small amount but it’s still marijuana. Currently I take gabapentin which is ok not the best

fastboat 02-14-2020 06:43 AM

Gabapentin works for me just fine, 400 mg. I had been on it for Sciatica at 2400 mg/day. It's not a narcotic, not habit forming but you do need a Rx for it. Google Gabapentin and judge for yourself, it's recommened for RLS.

lester564 02-14-2020 06:48 AM

Restless Leg
I suffer from it and have for years. I use ropinirole 6mg to control at night so I can sleep. Takes little over an hour to take effect and last most of the night.:bigbow:

Rusti 02-14-2020 07:18 AM

I use horse linament on the back of my legs. Works wonders. Sleep every night.

Hrvbar 02-14-2020 07:21 AM

I take ropinerole as well. But if I take it too late, or on a full stomach and want to go to bed and it hasn’t started working yet, I rub Theraworx (I believe that is how it is spelled). I got it over the counter at Publix. It works so well, that I almost couldn’t believe it. Good luck! I know how miserable it can be.

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