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arabianhorse59 01-19-2011 08:21 AM

Too Expensive to Live Here!
I have lived here now for close to 2 years. I am a full time resident and moved here because my husband is a golf addict!:undecided: I can honestly say that this is the most expensive place I have ever lived in my life and I came here from Illinois, the over tax em state. I realize alot of you sold property and moved down here with no mortgages on your backs but, we couldn't do that. We have a mortgage here but, I am talking about the over the top fees for everything. The monthly fee for golf is $150, trail fees, mandatory garbage fees at $55 a month (whether you have garbage picked up or not! If you own property, you pay it!), the internet for $96 a year, Progress Energy, which is the most $$ utility company I have ever had to deal with...on and on. I am young enough that I am able to work (I am 51) and I have to hold down 3 jobs to keep food on the table here.
Before people buy here, they need to research the fees. If I would have known that this place was so costly, I never would have moved here!:mad:

graciegirl 01-19-2011 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by arabianhorse59 (Post 323935)
I have lived here now for close to 2 years. I am a full time resident and moved here because my husband is a golf addict!:undecided: I can honestly say that this is the most expensive place I have ever lived in my life and I came here from Illinois, the over tax em state. I realize alot of you sold property and moved down here with no mortgages on your backs but, we couldn't do that. We have a mortgage here but, I am talking about the over the top fees for everything. The monthly fee for golf is $150, trail fees, mandatory garbage fees at $55 a month (whether you have garbage picked up or not! If you own property, you pay it!), the internet for $96 a year, Progress Energy, which is the most $$ utility company I have ever had to deal with...on and on. I am young enough that I am able to work (I am 51) and I have to hold down 3 jobs to keep food on the table here.
Before people buy here, they need to research the fees. If I would have known that this place was so costly, I never would have moved here!:mad:

Good morning.

I am sorry you find this place expensive. We find it less expensive than our home in Ohio.

A lot of people don't have mortgages, that is true. I think I read that about half of us have paid for our homes. The golf trail fees can be paid annually and that saves on the "free golf". The free golf is for the nine hole courses to be sure, and most "serious" golfers play 18 and that fee does add up. The garbage fee I am unclear on. Is that part of our $135 a month? I find the cost for heating and cooling our modest home is quite good. I think the grocery bill is a little higher but not much. In fact I am willing to admit that Publix has my beloved Krogers aced on quite a few things. The bakery may be my doing in!

There are so many free or low costs things to do here. Last week our rec center offered a spaghetti dinner with salad, garlic bread and dessert for five dollars each and that was served before a bingo that was three dollars. The movies are about the same as what we pay in Ohio. I am not sure about the alcoholic drinks when you are out. Toojays charged $2.60 for my coke with a yummy entree for about nine dollars. The food at the country clubs is usually less than ten dollars for an entree...except for Nancy Lopez and Arnold Palmer where it is much more and much better of course.

Church on the square offers lovely evenings of musical entertainment for a pittance. (And if you haven't been there, it isn't religious music, they offer the venue)

For those of you contemplating coming here, it is something to think about, retiring in your most profitable age. Most people find their highest wages in the later years of their employment. This economy is certainly still not well.

But back to you and your unhappiness. I truly hate to hear that you are working so hard. This isn't the best place for good paying jobs to be sure. And most of them nearby are in some way related to the maintanance and well being of this communty.

I think I remember that you brought your horse with you. Do you still have him/her? Does he/she like Florida?

Kindest wishes,

SALYBOW 01-19-2011 08:59 AM

We've exdperienced it differently
We moved from Ohio and find the only things that are much more costly are registration of our vehicles for the first time and Dentist. Food can be cheaper, the amenities charge is loess that our condo fee was. We always paid foe garbage service. Trail fees can be avoided by walking.

Additionally, our fees don't have to be raised evryyear due to exhorbitant snow removal fees, we pay for no rosk salt or new shovels, or heart attcks for that matter.

Going out to eat is less expensive, we pay about half for gasoline, and groceries are less expensive by a little. Many of the nerchants realize the age of the population with which they wre dealing and price things accordingly. The best news is that you will not be taxed on your income here. I may have missed smo. Possibly you were just not quite financially ready to fully retire. Some of us jump the gun,
I will pray that thgings get better for you,:evil6:

billethkid 01-19-2011 09:00 AM

I assume you are including what you paid in taxes in ILL
and are not paying here.
Internet for $96? I don't know what you have but that is double what most of us pay for high speed cable. And there are some very acceptable alternatives available that are much less.
$150 per month golf fees? Must be a priority member to be spending that amount (which is modest by some folks spending) any case there are alternatives to that level of expense.

We know people who MANAGE to live here on social security alone. Yes of course they have a very different life style and do not play golf or have high speed internet or cable television. What one can afford is a function of what one chooses to do or not do here in TV or any where else.

There are some 80,000 of us here who do not feel strapped to live here.

One can only reach a conclusion by looking at ALL living expenses at their old location VS those at the new location.
Overall there is usually not that significant a difference between the old location TOTAL ANNUAL expenses and the new. And most of us did do the checking required to compare cost of living here VS from whence all 80,000 of us elected to come from.

Working 3 jobs to keep food on the table? WOW!!!!


Xavier 01-19-2011 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by arabianhorse59 (Post 323935)
I have lived here now for close to 2 years. I am a full time resident and moved here because my husband is a golf addict!:undecided: I can honestly say that this is the most expensive place I have ever lived in my life and I came here from Illinois, the over tax em state. I realize alot of you sold property and moved down here with no mortgages on your backs but, we couldn't do that. We have a mortgage here but, I am talking about the over the top fees for everything. The monthly fee for golf is $150, trail fees, mandatory garbage fees at $55 a month (whether you have garbage picked up or not! If you own property, you pay it!), the internet for $96 a year, Progress Energy, which is the most $$ utility company I have ever had to deal with...on and on. I am young enough that I am able to work (I am 51) and I have to hold down 3 jobs to keep food on the table here.
Before people buy here, they need to research the fees. If I would have known that this place was so costly, I never would have moved here!:mad:

Where is it that you actually live? Are you in The Villages? My Solid Waste Service (Garbage) fee is $16.92. Golf is free at the Executive Courses. Our electric is provided from SECO so I really can't compare it to yours but I find the rates to be very competitive. Things like a mortgage, golf, Internet, etc. are personal choices one makes - something that should have been calculated into your budget before you take them on. Luckily, you have options and can make changes. If you were to move back to Illinois you would have to face property taxes that would be at least double of what you are paying here and heating bills that would make your current electric bill look like chump change. Nah I wouldn't move back. I'd make changes in my style of living and enjoy the sunshine and the wonderful people who live as your neighbors.


JimJoe 01-19-2011 09:23 AM

It is 9 below zero outside my front door right now with 3 more inches of snow on top of the 12 we already had, and I have no trail fee to pay. I will be in TV for a visit in 4 days and will gladly pay the trail fee.

ladylake1 01-19-2011 09:31 AM

I have lived for 10 years and find that it is not unreasonable cost wise. We do pay the yearly trail fee but only play the executive golf courses so playing an average of 2 - 3 times per week makes that just over a dollar per round in lieu of a fee per game otherwise. The swimming pools, recreation, entertainment, and other activities are also included in the amenity fees. I checked some other coumunities in our area and they pay in the same price point for much less. I paid garbage in Pennsylovania whether I had it or not but I did find there was trash to put out every week and here we have pick up twice a week. Very convenient in the hot weather. I also had to work full time until recently and found one big difference was the poor wage scale. I took this into consideration and made sure I knew that I could live on the greatly reduced salary I received. That was the biggest concession I made. I agree that you have to do research on costs prior to moving here and advice from ToTV can save even more money. The posts here are very worthwhile and perhaps there is a thread somewhere that can help you cut some corners to make things a little easier for you.

JenAjd 01-19-2011 10:26 AM

We too moved here from the upper midwest but guess I'd have to disagree with you. We are permenant and wouldn't move back as the snow etc just doesn't appeal to us anymore. My spouse is always looking for ways to cut our costs. Such as paying off credit cards, changing our dsl and our dish offers. Groceries might be a bit more here...but shopping at the grower's markets for produce is alot less expensive than the stores and we go to places like Aldie's and watch the ads. PUBLIX 2 for 1 is great along with coupons. I would take a look at how your expenditures are and maybe making some alterations. Our life-style here hasn't changed a whole lot from before. BUT we had wise-counsel with a financial person before we made the change to see how it all would work.

Freeda 01-19-2011 11:23 AM

Personally, I would not be working 3 jobs to enable my husband to spend $150 per month on golf fees.

RichieLion 01-19-2011 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Freeda (Post 323986)
Personally, I would not be working 3 jobs to enable my husband to spend $150 per month on golf fees.

If the poster took your hint, she could save $1500 a year on golf alone. I have 2 words for her "Executive Golf".

JenAjd 01-19-2011 11:53 AM

I say it's priorities on how one chooses to spend their money. Having a horse to board (I have a friend up north who does so) is a very expensive hobby unless you're wealthy. It's "want vs. need" on how one goes about LIFE.
What does your husband do to help in the financial end?? You having to work 3 jobs isn't what I would choose to do if you came here looking for the "good life". So perhaps you are venting here and that's o.k. Having a mortgage isn't the end of the world...I'm sure there are a few people who've got that here as well. But what style of home are you living in and how large is the mortgage? Many people down-size and simplify at this stage of life. Just my humble opinion on this thread.

Taj44 01-19-2011 11:54 AM

If you play championship golf 3 times per week in the high season, even with the priority membership the greens fees are going to run you $24 - $34 per round, which is $75 - $100 per WEEK. And you pay the priortiy golf membership on top of that. We've found golf to be somewhat more expensive here than what we payed up north. Of course we have cheaper golf in the summer which helps even things out, but overall I believe we're paying more than we did up north for 18 hole golf. I find the groceries a little more expensive here; utilities are less for us, and taxes are less.

carol_piirto 01-19-2011 12:06 PM

I love how most everyone has expressed their empathy and come up with suggestions. To me, that care is typical of The Villages. We all could use a few hints on pinching pennies. Be well.
This is my first post/just joined :)

rjm1cc 01-19-2011 12:40 PM

Projecting ones spending when you go into retirement can be rather hard and I can see how problems can develop. I am trying to project my expenses, and unfortunately, although I am over 65, I feel that I still have to postpone retirement until I can afford it.
Maybe your husband can return to work to help out.

gardenia 01-19-2011 03:40 PM

Although I have only been in TV 5 months fulltime (rental 3 months, new homeowner 2 months), I must say I have not found TV to be expensive at all, nor hit with any "surprises" in my budget. (I do budget for unplanned and maintenance expenses). Thanks to this website (especially the Nuts and Bolts section), I was able to estimate my expenses and monitor others experiences for almost 3 years before taking the plunge. I don't golf and don't plan to start anytime soon so I have no golfing expenses. I make good use of my amenity fees by attending several workout classes each week in various different rec centers (I am a workout fanatic!), dancing at both squares, attending classes/discussions offered in TV and I go out with friends for dancing in the evenings and don't recall ever spending more than $5 (don't drink, don't smoke - soda is cheap, and I leave a good tip!). Movies here are much cheaper than up north, and I also find prices in the local restaurants for lunch and dinner to be competitive or lower than up North. No more charges for snow plowing (ranged from $75 to few hundred dollars before), but I do have new charges for pest control which might be a wash, but I am fine with that, was well aware before moving down here. Property tax here under $3K, compared to $11K up north. Gas heating bill ran as high as $400 /mo - doubt that my SECO bill will get that high, and even if it did, I had an electric bill on top of that gas heating bill to deal with up north. Don't know about any other "fees", my cable/internet/land line triple play bundle is same as up north and so is my Verizon blackberry plan. So, from my 5 month experience here as a 58 year old resident,and I know it's short, I would advise any prospective TV residents to consider tracking your current expenses (I tracked mine like a hawk for 3 years), estimate your TV expenses and be sure to include your social and physical lifestyle, and I will bet that you will be fine and not where else in the world could I dance, workout and socialize 7 days a week without spending a few dollars over my amenity fees! I am here to stay!!!:icon_wink:

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