Kentucky Fried Chicken

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Old 06-05-2009, 05:35 PM
rshoffer rshoffer is offline
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Originally Posted by Ooper View Post
Wife and I thought we'd try something quick and cheap by getting the "all you can eat" buffet with the senior's discount at the KFC on Rt. 441. To make a long story short, the restaurant was disgusting. All the trash containers inside the restaurant were so overflowing, patrons were piling up their trays with their dinner left overs in piles over a foot high on top of the empty tray shelves because there was no way you could jam another one in the trash can. On top of this, the buffet table had tins over some of the food items because the roof was leaking water all over it and on the tile floor in front of it. We turned around and left to find another place to eat. The thing that amazed me, however, when we arrived, the long line of about 20 people waiting for food was still there. Simply amazing.
If you want to see disgusting, ask for a print-out of the fat content of their food.
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