Shuffleboard Club Final Standings 3/27/09

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Old 03-27-2009, 07:21 PM
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Default Shuffleboard Club Final Standings 3/27/09

Here's the final team standings for the current (Oct thru March) season. See the Thursday Rec News (Daily Sun) for summer play opportunities. Our new season starts Oct 2009 with over 900 players..

North League
Division 1
wins played pct.
W27 Chatham Dirty Dozen 360 552 0.652
W02 Santiago Blackjacks 334 552 0.605
W01 Santiago Kings & Queens 295 552 0.534
W03 Tierra Tornadoes 290 552 0.525
W24 Paradise Pirates 284 552 0.514
W04 Summerhill Clippers 265 552 0.480
W08 Savannah Specials 258 552 0.467
W23 Paradise Pythons 251 552 0.455

Division II wins pct.
W21 Chula Vista Condors 200 336 0.595
W26 Laurel Manor Marlins 147 264 0.557
W28 Chatham Chili Peppers 251 552 0.455
W22 Chula Vista Cougars 232 552 0.420
W25 Laurel Manor Lakers 110 264 0.417
W06 Alhambra Aces 208 552 0.377

South League
Division I wins pct.
W40 Truman Tigers 345 528 0.653
W14 Hibiscus Hunters 327 552 0.592
W13 Hibiscus Shufflers 322 552 0.583
W15 Lake Miona Miracles 297 528 0.563
W18 Tall Trees Royals 302 552 0.547
W12 Allamanda Eagles 282 528 0.534
W10 Lynhaven Lancers 272 528 0.515
W39 Duval Devils 230 528 0.436

Division II wins pct.
W29 Caroline Cadets 277 528 0.525
W42 Odell Orioles 163 336 0.485
W41 Odell Gekos 256 528 0.485
W09 Churchill Champions 241 504 0.478
W17 Tall Trees Twisters 261 552 0.473
W11 Liberty Park Warriors 248 528 0.470
W19 Bridgeport Blue Jays 88 192 0.458
W20 Bridgeport Bombers 74 168 0.440
W31 Sabal Chase Slyders 242 552 0.438
W16 Sunset Point Eagleviewers 224 528 0.424
W30 Coconut Cove Cruisers 71 168 0.423
W32 Canal Street Chargers 200 552 0.362

In Training
W07 Savannah Gliders 66 120 0.550
W05 Saddlebrook Victors 54 120 0.450

North League
Division I wins pct.
TH28 Calumet Voyagers 357 552 0.647
TH07 Santo Domingo Sharks 316 552 0.572
TH06 Saddlebrook Court Jesters 297 552 0.538
TH05 Saddlebrook Superiors 291 552 0.527
TH21 Chula Vista Coyotes 81 168 0.482
TH02 Santiago Hot Shots 249 552 0.451
TH08 Savannah Sabres 148 336 0.440
TH01 Savannah Gators 179 408 0.439
TH22 Chula Vista Crusaders 46 120 0.383
TH27 Chatham Comanches 195 552 0.353

South League
Division I wins pct.
TH29 Coconut Cove High Rollers 341 552 0.618
TH30 Coconut Cove Classics 322 552 0.583
TH26 Tall Trees Timbers 291 552 0.527
TH37 Colony Cottage Chiefs 291 552 0.527
TH25 Summerhill Mustangs 280 552 0.507
TH20 Allamanda Alligators 272 552 0.493
TH39 Duval Dusters 266 552 0.482
TH19 Allamanda Bumpers 263 552 0.476

Division II wins pct.
TH10 Pimlico Pelicans 74 120 0.616
TH17 Bridgeport Robins 139 264 0.527
TH15 Lake Miona Larks 175 336 0.521
TH18 Bridgeport Falcons 135 264 0.511
TH41 Mallory Mashers 249 504 0.494
TH11 Churchill Conquerors 269 552 0.487
TH12 Churchill Soft Touch 163 360 0.453
TH09 Pimlico Parrotheads 75 168 0.446
TH16 Lake Miona Muskrats 221 528 0.419
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