For Fantasy Lovers....

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Old 04-05-2013, 12:25 PM
Shanrius Shanrius is offline
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Default For Fantasy Lovers....

I read a GREAt Book series a few years back by the author Terry Goodkind called the Sword of Truth series. There is actually a tv series on this series on WB network but of course the Tv series is a complete joke compared to the actual books. Just in case anyone wants to start reading them i have inlcuded the names of them in order of what you need to read first to last ...
1. Wizards First Rule
2. Stone of Tears
3. Blood of the Fold
4. Temple of the Winds
5. Sword of the Fire
6. Faith of the Fallen
7. The Pillars of Creation
8. Naked Empire
9. Chainfire, Chainfire Trilogy Part 1
10. Phantom, Chain trilogy Part 2
11. Confessor, Chainfire Trilogy Part 3

Now mind you these books are not your typical small paperbacks, they are thick and the story is complete with Action Love and Drama with magic and fantasy all thrown into one big pot. If you choose to read this series i hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

Last edited by Shanrius; 04-05-2013 at 08:46 PM.
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