For those who miss Downton Abbey on PBS

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Old 04-05-2013, 02:01 PM
senior citizen senior citizen is offline
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Default For those who miss Downton Abbey on PBS

‘‘Mr. Selfridge,’’ based on the nonfiction book ‘‘Shopping, Seduction & Mr. Selfridge’’ by Lindy Woodhead, details Harry Gordon Selfridge’s quest to bring brassy American salesmanship to the hidebound world of British shops with his enduring Selfridges & Co.

Jeremy Piven moves from Ari to Harry in PBS series - A&E -

Jeremy Piven in PBS series about a new department store in turn of the century London. For those who miss "Downton Abbey" on PBS, this was very well done; we are looking forward to the next installment.

We actually remember department stores of the 1940's, 1950's and early 1960's.......such as Macy's, Bambergers, Kresge's, Haynes, etc.
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