Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Does anyone really believe that the amenties can remain fixed? From a business standpoint, that's nonsense. Maintaining the landscaping of our common areas, exec golf course maintenance, rec centers...etc. cost money. Fuel costs, labor costs, material costs, equipment costs etc. almost always increase year-on-year. Common sense tells us that our monthly cost to enjoy our amenities MUST increase accordingly.
The index used as a fee escalator should not be the CPI....there's another index called the MCI (Municipal Cost Index) which a much better index escalator to use with respect to assessing potential municipal maintenance cost increases. But that said, I don't think either index is used to determine amenities our fee increases. Don't misunderstand.....I don't like seeing our amenties fees increase anymore than you do. But then, there's reality to deal with.
Brooklyn, Long Island City and Oyster Bay NY USAF Sheppard AFB, Witchita Falls, TX Bellbrook, OH Hollywood, FL Woodstock, GA The Villages, FL |
JohnZ, reality in TV? Whoa
Village of Belvedere ![]() |
I agree with JohnZ, Think of what the raise in the minimum wage will due to labor costs.
Harrisburg, Pa ----------> Village of Duval |
JohnZ and others:
I've just paid my Sep '07 fees. They're based on the date I selected my lot, not when I closed on the completed house. For those buying a pre-owned or a new house, I suppose the closing date may apply. The statement clearly says that the increase from last year is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). It was all of 2.4%. I think that's reasonable, especially when virtually everything else goes up more than that! I remain convinced that the amenity fee is a deal. While I don't know how much folks in neighboring communities pay (such as Spruce Creek Country Club, Stonecrest, Harbor Hills, Plantation, etc.), I'd be willing to bet 1) they're more, and 2) they increase more each year!
Missouri-Massachusetts-Connecticut-Maine-Missouri-Texas-Missouri-Florida |
Stonecrest was 95 last year and is 96 this year
Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's) |
At Spruce Creek, their amenities fee includes lawn mowing and I believe pesticide treatments, etc. Of course, they don't have the nice rec centers and pools that we have.
Amenity fees go up 3% per year,but get this,
When I first purchased my home I was told the fee would not go up for 3 years(which it did not) but after the 3rd year it went up 9%, when I inquired about it I was told thats only 3% per year.End of subject. All new comers to The Villages will find out there are plenty of monetary surprises awaiting them. I still think it is a bargain for what we get here. |
Could someone please tell us what the amenity fee covers? Are there other costs that we may find out about too late? We have heard so many conflicting things. I guess if the fee covers most everything then it's a good deal but if your dollared to death it's not a good thing. We just don't want to find out the hard way. Thanks for any help!!
I have a winter place in Stuart Fl which i have owned for 4 yrs. The common charges are now up to 280.00$ per month which is one of the reasons i want to move to the TV. The taxes have doubled and my property insurance carrier dropped me. About the only thing going on is bingo and cards. I'm 64 and they call me the "Kid" in building 15. I plan to fix up and sell and move to TV as soon as i can swing it. I hear that TV will help you sell if you move in to TV.
Regardless of the increases, which we were NEVER told about, the amenities fees are fine with me. Even increasing about 3% a year is no big deal. Look at what we have. I spend three to four hours at the pool six days a week exercising, meeting friends and just relaxing. That is worth the $127 to me. We have free shuffleboard; bocci, tennis, pickleball, etc. There is no place like this anywhere and what we pay for amenities each month is really inconsequential. I have looked at other communities and the best they can offer is golf, tennis and pools. The Villages in unique and wonderful.
' Yes, I complain regularly about what we weren't told and how the developer is out to make a buck every way he/they can, but, I am not planning to move anytime soon. We are FROGS.....Joe and I are here until we croak and that's a fact!!!!! :#1:
Fran Gyomory The Bronx, NY; Kailua, HI; Dale City, VA; Fredericksburg, VA; The Villages, FL |
Fran I agree whole heartedly
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Ocala, Florida<br />Birmingham, Alabama<br />TV, Village of Duval |
I would think with the population in TV increasing that the fees shouldn't have to increase annually - would sure like to see where the money is spent.
Da Chicago So Side; The Village of Park Forest, IL; 3/7 Cav, 3rd Inf Div, Schweinfurt, Ger 65-66; MACV J12 Saigon 66-67; San Leandro, Hayward & Union City, CA (San Francisco East Bay Area) GO DUBS ! (aka W's) |
You summed it up. I worry a little about making sure the money is okay, but where in the world are any of us going to find a place like TV. I looked for 5 years. I don't even live there full time yet and am willing to pay the Amenities to come visit 3-4 times a year. I can't wait for my house to sell in CA to move full time. :bigthumbsup: :bigthumbsup: ![]()
California and The Villages ![]() |
Hi all, It sounds like some of you have never experienced Condo Fees? I bought 15 yrs ago and the fee was $95. Now they are $190. Someone please work the math for me? These fees cover snow removal, lawn maintenance, shrubs, trees, roof repair, painting of buildings etc. Since we don't have pools, golf courses, rec centers, entertainment and the many things I can't even think of, $130 and up seems like piece of cake to me ;D Remember, amenities age and need to be repaired, replaced and or upgraded in time! On the bright side you don't have to worry abt. snow removal ;D I do agree that not being told about the increases would really bug me too!!! Thanks for all your input, Darlene
Darlene, Brookfield, Wisconsin TV SOON |
I mostly just read the forums and not respond but I have to put my two cents worth in this time. My amenity fee is a real DEAL. Where can I have a pool, recreation centers, beautiful common area landscaping, executive golf courses and more for that small amount. My wife and I used to dump more than $100 worth of pool chemicals in our
pool each month. WE bought in April 2003 and our amenity was $117/month. It is now a little over $126.00/month. As I travel around TV I can see my amenities at work and I think we have a real good situation. Thanks for letting me vent. Coach
North Carolina, TV |
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