Any Further News On The "Wetlands Restoration" On CR 466?

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Old 06-14-2008, 02:17 AM
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Default Any Further News On The "Wetlands Restoration" On CR 466?

I mentioned this project here once before. My own investigation at the time indicated that no building permits had been pulled and reports were that the work being done (by The Villages) was intended to "return the former peat production facility to nature". In fact, The Daily Sun lists the project as wetlands restoration in the weekly construction updates.

If that's the case, "nature" will be a big beneficiary! The land clearing and grading extends from almost CR 100 back to near Morse Blvd and from CR 466 almost all the way to the northern edge of Lake Sumter. It's gotta cover dozens of acres. "Nature" will also benefit from some sizable storm drains that are sticking out of the ground paralleling 466. "Nature" may benefit from those storm drains, but they look very much like what might be necessary to prepare a site for a large development of some kind.

I'm not saying, but I'm saying...anyone else know or heard of what's going on over there?
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Old 06-14-2008, 01:01 PM
marianne237 marianne237 is offline
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Default Re: Any Further News On The "Wetlands Restoration" On CR 466?

Of course there will be something there business wise. The "restoration" will be the area behind all the construction. Has to be competition with the Santa Fe buildings across the street.
So much to desire to do it!
Old 06-15-2008, 03:02 PM
tucson tucson is offline
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Default Re: Any Further News On The "Wetlands Restoration" On CR 466?

I heard 2 yrs ago that it was going to be residential (condos/villas) there, it was a cow manure processing plant for a long time. Another clue is that there's an opening for a road (which even already has a sign on it) which would lead into the plot of land from Morse Blvd.)it's off the first round-about at the beginning of Morse Blvd. off 466 (before you go over the bridge)
Old 06-16-2008, 03:25 AM
Hancle704 Hancle704 is offline
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Default Re: Any Further News On The "Wetlands Restoration" On CR 466?

Years ago, the story goes, the Pastor of St. Timothy's Church approached TV to purchase more land south of the Church, abutting the Church's property, for added parking. He was told that land was being saved for greenspace. Now several years later we see a Comfort Suites and Chilli's Restaurant on that area of "greenspace".

Could it be that purchase of the space required more green than was offerred?

Might the "restoration" mentioned really just be the area next to the lake where all of the dirt is being moved to. I am not a psychic, but I can see some commercial development or apartments being constructed along CR 466 in the near future.
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