scam phone calls...

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Old 10-08-2008, 09:34 AM
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Default scam phone calls...

as warned in a recent newspaper article about calls from banks to verify accounts....I received one this morning. Asking for me or my wife. Promoting security they wanted to verify account numbers starting with the last four SS numbers.

Be aware. My standard answer, I don't care who or what organization....even if as simple as verifying is this the correct phone number...."we give NO information over the phone". Half will give up. The other half will still say yeah but....then I give them statement #2..."I will give you one piece of information....I am now going to hang up!!!".

There is no way to know who you are talking to...even if they give you a number to call not do just verifies a name and a phone number for them.
Call your bank and the FL Attorney General and report it.

There is not one thing we could be told that would convince us to give info over the phone to an unsolicited call....NONE!

Old 10-08-2008, 09:51 AM
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Thank you.......we had a similar experience here in N.Y.

Staten Island, N.Y./The Villages
Old 10-08-2008, 10:13 AM
Sidney Lanier Sidney Lanier is offline
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We get calls like this occasionally. Naturally we will not give information out. What we do say, if it sounds like it could conceivably be legit, is that WE will call (bank or credit card company or whatever) and find out what the problem is. Phishing callers will hang up at that point; legit callers will encourage us to do so.
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