CFL film festival has TV in The Last Cowboys of Florida

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Old 08-29-2008, 11:59 AM
conn8757 conn8757 is offline
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Default CFL film festival has TV in The Last Cowboys of Florida

Orlando Sentinel reports today in their Calendar section the above film will be shown through Saturday at the Osceola Center in Kissimmee. It features beautiful Florida scenery with horses and cattle ranches. It features Florida cowboys and some that use the whips, hence the name "crackers". It apparently is the story of older ranchers selling off their property to development and the cowboys losing their jobs. I quote "The sprawling fiefdom that is The Villages is singled out as an example what's going wrong."
I haven't seen the film so I don't know if The Villages was filmed in it or not. The review was done by Roger Moore, the Orlando Sentinel movie critic.
Village of Amelia, Orlando, Fl; Tampa, Fl., Irmo, S.C; Kewanee, Illinois ;Middleton, Ohio; Louisville, Ky; Marietta, Ga.
Old 08-29-2008, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: CFL film festival has TV in The Last Cowboys of Florida

Originally Posted by conn8757
Orlando Sentinel reports today in their Calendar section the above film will be shown through Saturday at the Osceola Center in Kissimmee. It features beautiful Florida scenery with horses and cattle ranches. It features Florida cowboys and some that use the whips, hence the name "crackers". It apparently is the story of older ranchers selling off their property to development and the cowboys losing their jobs. I quote "The sprawling fiefdom that is The Villages is singled out as an example what's going wrong."
I haven't seen the film so I don't know if The Villages was filmed in it or not. The review was done by Roger Moore, the Orlando Sentinel movie critic.
Here's a schedule for Friday at the CFL-- http://www.centralfloridafilmfestiva...aryFRIDAY.html and Saturday http://www.centralfloridafilmfestiva...ySATURDAY.html
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