Cigars Smokers Unite

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Old 03-16-2013, 10:50 AM
crummybuttons crummybuttons is offline
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Default Cigars Smokers Unite

You used to be able to relax at the outside bar at Cody's and Red Sauce in LSL with a wine and smoke a cigar. Not anymore! What's the difference between cigar smoke and cigarette smoke? It's outside! I say to all cigar enthusiast out there don't patronize Cody's and Red Sauce....your cigars are still welcome at City Fire and Sonny's outdoor bars. We smoker's have to put up with a lot of aggrevation from all the non smokers and their holier than thou attitudes.
Old 03-16-2013, 11:01 AM
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I don't smoke, but for me it's all freedom.
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Last edited by Cisco Kid; 10-22-2013 at 02:25 PM.
Old 03-16-2013, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by crummybuttons View Post
You used to be able to relax at the outside bar at Cody's and Red Sauce in LSL with a wine and smoke a cigar. Not anymore! What's the difference between cigar smoke and cigarette smoke? It's outside! I say to all cigar enthusiast out there don't patronize Cody's and Red Sauce....your cigars are still welcome at City Fire and Sonny's outdoor bars. We smoker's have to put up with a lot of aggrevation from all the non smokers and their holier than thou attitudes.
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Old 03-16-2013, 11:22 AM
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Originally Posted by crummybuttons View Post
You used to be able to relax at the outside bar at Cody's and Red Sauce in LSL with a wine and smoke a cigar. Not anymore! What's the difference between cigar smoke and cigarette smoke? It's outside! I say to all cigar enthusiast out there don't patronize Cody's and Red Sauce....your cigars are still welcome at City Fire and Sonny's outdoor bars. We smoker's have to put up with a lot of aggrevation from all the non smokers and their holier than thou attitudes.

Personally, I don't think that a few cigar smokers boycotting Cody's is going to make even a tiny dent in their business. It is always doing a great business from the time it opens until it closes.

Try GarVino's cigar lounge. Good wine and decent cigars.
Old 03-16-2013, 01:34 PM
Cantwaittoarrive Cantwaittoarrive is offline
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I don't smoke and don't mind if you do. However, I'm also all for the smokers not going to Cody's makes it easier for me to find a seat at the bar
Old 03-16-2013, 01:36 PM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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Moved here from up north as many of us did. The state/area we came from implemented it unlawful to smoke in bars/restaurants. BOY did a lot of people's ire get ruffled with that...saying businesses would fold etc. Know what happened? Businesses flourished! People who didn't like the smoke came out again and supported the businesses.

An infringement on freedom...perhaps! BUT second-hand smoke is a health hazard. Talk to folks who have COPD, asthma and other respitory issues.

Now I'm going to go and pop me some corn as this issue has been hashed and re-hashed on this site!
Old 03-16-2013, 02:10 PM
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Originally Posted by crummybuttons View Post
You used to be able to relax at the outside bar at Cody's and Red Sauce in LSL with a wine and smoke a cigar. Not anymore! What's the difference between cigar smoke and cigarette smoke? It's outside! I say to all cigar enthusiast out there don't patronize Cody's and Red Sauce....your cigars are still welcome at City Fire and Sonny's outdoor bars. We smoker's have to put up with a lot of aggrevation from all the non smokers and their holier than thou attitudes.
They stink.
Old 03-16-2013, 02:58 PM
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Great step in the right direction next ban cigarettes out door restaurants
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Old 03-16-2013, 03:14 PM
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your not going to see these business owners go against the cigarette smokers.....which stink worse than cigs and are significantly more hazordous to your health. However, they obviously don't mind ****ing off the minority group, that being cigar smokers.

The non smoking crowd has so many more options....I say if you don't like the environment don't go there. Go to one of the multitude of places where there is no smoking.

The non smokers may be the majority but they certainly are not priviledged, as so many behave like they are.

Please do your heart and your mind a favor and go to the known really smoke free places!! The downside? Nothing to b-eye-itch about!!!!

Old 03-16-2013, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Monkei View Post
They stink.

Why anyone would want to smell like one is beyond me. The smokers need to really enjoy their current ability to pollute the public air cause the day is coming when they'll be pretty much restricted to practicing their dirty little habit behind the closed doors & windows of their own home. And that day can't come soon enough IMHO. Given the known & proven health hazards it boggles the mind that anyone still uses tobacco.
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Old 03-16-2013, 04:10 PM
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OK now we are getting some action. Hey where is the pop corn machine, I think I'll sit a spell and watch this one spin!


If only folks would speak their mind.

Old 03-16-2013, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by crummybuttons View Post
You used to be able to relax at the outside bar at Cody's and Red Sauce in LSL with a wine and smoke a cigar. Not anymore! What's the difference between cigar smoke and cigarette smoke? It's outside! I say to all cigar enthusiast out there don't patronize Cody's and Red Sauce....your cigars are still welcome at City Fire and Sonny's outdoor bars. We smoker's have to put up with a lot of aggrevation from all the non smokers and their holier than thou attitudes.
Thank You
Old 03-16-2013, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by crummybuttons View Post
You used to be able to relax at the outside bar at Cody's and Red Sauce in LSL with a wine and smoke a cigar. Not anymore! What's the difference between cigar smoke and cigarette smoke? It's outside! I say to all cigar enthusiast out there don't patronize Cody's and Red Sauce....your cigars are still welcome at City Fire and Sonny's outdoor bars. We smoker's have to put up with a lot of aggrevation from all the non smokers and their holier than thou attitudes.
Cigarettes are stinky and annoying, but cigars are just plain nasty. I can't imagine eating and smelling a fowl cigar. Please, if no other reason than there is a LARGE amount of folks that find them disgusting, don't smoke in cigars in public. I am happy that you enjoy them, but for me, it would ruin my evening to be downwind from a stinking cigar. I sincerely believe cigars allowed would drive far more people away than banning the cigar. That said, it is a wise business decision to ban cigars from the property inside and outside.
Old 03-16-2013, 04:44 PM
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I don't suppose the cigar smokers would mind a bit if someone that hadn't bathed for a month, or had a severe case of flatulence sat down at the next table beside them. I guess it would just be a contest to see who could cause the biggest stink.
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Old 03-16-2013, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by billethkid View Post
your not going to see these business owners go against the cigarette smokers.....which stink worse than cigs and are significantly more hazordous to your health. However, they obviously don't mind ****ing off the minority group, that being cigar smokers.

The non smoking crowd has so many more options....I say if you don't like the environment don't go there. Go to one of the multitude of places where there is no smoking.

The non smokers may be the majority but they certainly are not priviledged, as so many behave like they are.

Please do your heart and your mind a favor and go to the known really smoke free places!! The downside? Nothing to b-eye-itch about!!!!

Kid, I was willing to support your right to smoke until you said "the non-smokers should go where there is no smoke". The problem with that argument is what if the majority of non-smokers want to be where you are. Should your right to smoke over rule their desire to be in a certain place???
It's a matter of courtesy and if smoking is allowed do it in a manner that you are not blowing that **** in my face. As a former smoker I respect your right to smoke as long as you respect my right to not have to smell it. Fair enough?
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