Does the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

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Old 10-27-2007, 12:09 AM
johmer1 johmer1 is offline
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Default Does the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

I belong to both the VHA and the POA organizations. Both organizations offer value to the community. However, I become frustrated with the VHA when I try to get them to take a stand on an important issue. VHA Officers tell me it is not their position to take a stand for residents but to inform them and let the residents
decide for themselves.

On the other hand, I believe the POA does its' best to educate and inform us of what is in the best interest of the residents. Some readers accuse the POA organization of being too negative in their approach. I think in a developing community, someone needs to see that the residents get the quality they have paid for and the rights they deserve. Any comments Please?
Old 10-27-2007, 01:42 AM
jadebox jadebox is offline
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Default Re: Do you believe that the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

We need something between the VHA and the POA. The POA's negativity gets a little old after awhile.
Old 10-27-2007, 02:24 AM
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Default Re: Do you believe that the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

VHA representatives are almost all employees of the developer. There is a conflict of interest when developer employees are supposed to represent the residents on important issues.

POA does incline to be negative but has been trying to change that recently.

I have challenged VHA representatives on their conflict of interest and just get yada yada yada in return.

There are many examples of how the VHA has folded or simply not brought resident concerns to the developer. One fine example is the vinyl siding issue particularly in Duval.

I am a lifetime member of VHA and plan to join POA this month.

I do believe the POA is a better representative of the residents because they are ALL residents and not employees of the developer.
Fran Gyomory
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Old 10-27-2007, 02:38 AM
villager99 villager99 is offline
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Default Re: Do you believe that the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

although i agree that the vha comes across as to pro developer in most situations
i don't believe my village reps are employees of the developer. i know them as neighbors who bought at the same time i did.
in coming months i hope to go to both vha and poa meetings more regularly. the more the community grows the more important it seems to be informed and involved.
i hope totv will play a vital role in all of us being active in our community.
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Old 10-28-2007, 10:47 PM
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Default Are Our Expectations Correct?

Should we expect either VHA or POA to "represent homeowners to the developer"? If anyone has that expectation, they may be disappointed.

It seems to me that each homeowner should voice his own concerns, based on his experience and needs, and not rely on some organization like VHA or POA to do it for them.

I think both the VHA and POA do a pretty good job of providing information to homeowners. POA in particular seems to be a bit more proactive in attempting to "represent" homeowners to the developer. But I sometimes question whether the POA "stick in the eye" negotaiting approach can ever be effective.

The bottom line as far as I'm concerned is that if you have issues with the developer, you'd better not expect any grouping of other homeowners to solve them for you.
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Old 10-28-2007, 10:50 PM
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Default Re: Does the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

Hate to disgaree but if you ask you will find that at least 80% of the VHA folks are employed in some capacity by the Villages. They are either sales staff or some other function in the Villages. I don't trust them worth a hoot and have seen them fail to represent the residents many times in the last two years.

Don't be fooled by the few who aren't employees of the developer. Yes, they are fellow residents as well. Also, many of the employees of the villages are also residents of the villages.

Be careful who you trust and I don't trust VHA. If my pay check was coming from the developer would I challenge him/her on residential issues???? Think that one over??????!!!!!
Fran Gyomory
The Bronx, NY; Kailua, HI; Dale City, VA; Fredericksburg, VA; The Villages, FL
Old 10-31-2007, 02:52 AM
ladykathleen ladykathleen is offline
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Default Re: Does the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

Hello or better Good Evening,

From what I have been told by several: The POA was started in 1975 with the "blessing of Harold Swartz" It is the orginial Homeowners' Association. The developer made promises to the early original residents on the historical side as to free services. He then became "greedy" and wanted to charge these residents for the services he promised for free. He was taken to court and his promises had to be met. He became angry and then created in 1991 the VHA so that he could totally control the mind set of his residents and what went on in his development. The VHA is controlled by the developer and is not for the interests of the residents.

Old 10-31-2007, 03:33 AM
Hancle704 Hancle704 is offline
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Default Re: Does the VHA best represents the village resident's interests?

Will the newly created RAC (Resident Advisory Council) fill that space between the VHA and the POA? Time will tell. Best to stay informed and watch what is being proposed, discussed and decided.
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