Drove to Fenney...Here's my takeaway

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Old 09-03-2017, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by John_W View Post
Actually, that doesn't sound too good. When the Brownwood area was being built I remember hearing they were selling 200 homes a month and well over 2,000 for the year. My salesman called me on my birthday, just like he did the previous 5 years, back on July 10th and I asked him how it was going. He said Fenney had sold 177 homes, that was 7 weeks ago. So if they've sold 200, that's only about 25 homes in the last 7 weeks. Of course the summer is the slower time, but I would hold off on buying, should be some discounts coming soon.
But Fenney isn't the only village where new houses are being sold.
Old 09-03-2017, 06:22 PM
Chi33 Chi33 is offline
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More Coyotes in Fenney as its more open. Don't bring the little dogs. The breakfast at the club its very good though... pancakes looked great. Do not get the bacon, its the cheap stuff. And top not get OJ< it will be in a shot glass.
Old 09-04-2017, 07:52 AM
deebrock deebrock is offline
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Correct. So far no square at Fenny. Some entertainment but not sure how it will be done.
Old 09-04-2017, 08:25 AM
vintageogauge vintageogauge is offline
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Originally Posted by John_W View Post
Actually, that doesn't sound too good. When the Brownwood area was being built I remember hearing they were selling 200 homes a month and well over 2,000 for the year. My salesman called me on my birthday, just like he did the previous 5 years, back on July 10th and I asked him how it was going. He said Fenney had sold 177 homes, that was 7 weeks ago. So if they've sold 200, that's only about 25 homes in the last 7 weeks. Of course the summer is the slower time, but I would hold off on buying, should be some discounts coming soon.
There pushing to finish out Oceola and the Pines and I understand those areas no longer have "to build" lots, only specs will be built until sold out. After that, for the most part the only new homes will be south of 44, this could help the price of re-sales up north and probably firm up prices down south.
Old 09-04-2017, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by deebrock View Post
Correct. So far no square at Fenny. Some entertainment but not sure how it will be done.

Fenney is A VILLAGE. Squares are built for AREAS. Soon the area between Fenney and the rest of The Villages will be built in. Then we will have to wait and see what "they" do. So far I haven't been disappointed.
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Old 09-04-2017, 12:42 PM
cathyh1960 cathyh1960 is offline
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yes a 2 hour trolley tour from Brownwood swings through Fenney,
Old 09-23-2017, 03:32 AM
Bog99 Bog99 is offline
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Originally Posted by John_W View Post
Coleman completed 1995 campus style complex of 30 buildings with low security and medium security housing.

The Villages Florida

Coleman II completed 2004 is for maximum security inmates.

The Villages Florida
Yet another huge boondoggle -- thank you drug laws and and attacks on, and ignorance of, the 2nd Amendment.

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Old 09-23-2017, 06:30 AM
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Has anyone posted how Fenny did with the amount of rain that we got. Considering the fact our water drained in the ponds and on the golf courses, I would assume that they were designed the same way.

We now have a few uprooted trees in our pond that just couldn't tolerate the 12 feet of water that the pond had to hold so they finally toppled over. I know Fenny had a lot of large trees I was just wondering if they receive the same amount of rain as mid Villages, and did their ponds save them from serious flood.

It just breaks my heart to see those in Texas and other parts of Florida who came back to a house that had many feet of water in it and then had to literally shovel out mud and debris from their home. As I said we were very lucky that our pound could hold as much water as it did.
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Old 09-23-2017, 07:26 AM
vintageogauge vintageogauge is offline
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The pond we are on in Fenney rose 37" (as measured on a stone bridge at the end of the pond from dusk to dawn) but had a long way to go before spilling over. There was a little standing water in the park areas and golf course but I don't believe any of the ponds and lakes were near capacity. Most damage was fallen mossy oaks in the common areas, there was a large fence along a new area of Villas that was damaged and a trailer truck parked along Fenney way was overturned. No electric loss and I don't believe any homes were flooded from what I saw.
Old 09-23-2017, 07:43 AM
ukbill70 ukbill70 is offline
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You may need your passport to.
Old 09-23-2017, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by vintageogauge View Post
The pond we are on in Fenney rose 37" (as measured on a stone bridge at the end of the pond from dusk to dawn) but had a long way to go before spilling over. There was a little standing water in the park areas and golf course but I don't believe any of the ponds and lakes were near capacity. Most damage was fallen mossy oaks in the common areas, there was a large fence along a new area of Villas that was damaged and a trailer truck parked along Fenney way was overturned. No electric loss and I don't believe any homes were flooded from what I saw.
Glad to see you did so well. Those trees are pretty impressive with not much damage. Our one acre ish pond was over 10 feet, and close to crossing into yards. When the wind picked up there were little whitecaps. Today it looks to be at least 5.feet over the norm. What electric company do you have. We never lost power with seco.
Thanks for responding I for one was thinking of you in a new village. Our first home was in pennacamp and I was the only one there for months, other than the workers. It felt a little daunting at times
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