Earth Beat??? Not!!!

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Old 11-26-2010, 10:40 AM
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Default Earth Beat??? Not!!!

Last night Chris and I went to listen to Earth Beat at Lake Sumter Landing. We had first seen them about a year and a half ago, and we enjoyed them very much. The last time we saw them, nearly a year ago, one or two members of the band had changed, but they still sounded very good to us. I asked one of the band members about the change, and he explained how folks move in and out. Last night, however, it seemed as though everyone had moved out. I don't know who those folks were, but they were not the Earth Beat we had grown to enjoy, and they were hardly the folks pictured in the promotional picture in Thursday's Daily Sun. Sadly, IMHO, they were not nearly as 'together' as the band we had originally seen, and we left before the first set ended.

Old 11-26-2010, 01:27 PM
foxmeadow foxmeadow is offline
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Originally Posted by GeorgeIII View Post
Last night Chris and I went to listen to Earth Beat at Lake Sumter Landing. We had first seen them about a year and a half ago, and we enjoyed them very much. The last time we saw them, nearly a year ago, one or two members of the band had changed, but they still sounded very good to us. I asked one of the band members about the change, and he explained how folks move in and out. Last night, however, it seemed as though everyone had moved out. I don't know who those folks were, but they were not the Earth Beat we had grown to enjoy, and they were hardly the folks pictured in the promotional picture in Thursday's Daily Sun. Sadly, IMHO, they were not nearly as 'together' as the band we had originally seen, and we left before the first set ended.

There is sound business reasons for the music they produced. You were supposed to go to the Tiki Huts and enjoy some drinks when you realized they were no good. After your third trip, they would have seemed a lot better. After the 5th trip to the bar, nothing sounds better, even that guy behind you who liked the old sound is encouraged. As a result, the bar huts make more money, you are no longer annoyed by crappy music and Chris doesn't hear any complaining. Where is Norman Lee when we need him??
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