Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

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Old 08-07-2008, 03:49 PM
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Default Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

Got a call yesterday from Redwitch (my trusty go-to, problem-solver, Juanita-on-the-spot) saying that the people renting our place reported that our neighbor did something to her garage door opener and now ours was going up-down-up-down. The neighbor apparently unplugged hers and took off to Italy for a month leaving our door having seizures. The renter had tried switching to a different frequency but that didn't work. RW called the opener guys but they couldn't come out for several days. Luckily RW didn't immediately assume demonic possession and told the renter to cycle through the frequencies to see if any solved the problem. And they found one that worked. So for now the evil spirit has been exorcised.

But now my question ... what on earth is going on here? Has anyone else had a problem like this? Will the evil spirit come back? Do I need to add demonic possession of garage door openers to my list of fears?
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Old 08-07-2008, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

Linda, I am NOT going to research how to do a exorcism and do that on your garage. Uh-uh! No way, no how!
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Old 08-07-2008, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

Linda, this will sound so weird, but whenever the Comcast guys were in our Mallory neighborhood, the garage door would go up. I spoke to them several times about this and they saw it happen but claim it was circumstance. Comcast trucks been around lately??
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Old 08-07-2008, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

Once, quite a few years ago, I would come home from work and my garage door would be open. I called the police, no break in, and the garage door company, nothing wrong with the mechanics, and concensus of opinion was that I was on the same frequency as some airplanes flying overhead. Go figure. :dontknow:
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Old 08-07-2008, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

This was definitely neighbor's garage door opener. My guess is it has a short in it but we won't know until she returns from vacation in a month or two -- if she uses her opener and it opens Linda's door again, no question.

However, doesn't it seem as if ComCast's world is a world of "coincidences?" Would love to hear, "yes, we goofed, so sorry" just once from them.
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Old 08-07-2008, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

Hm-m-m. Comcast and airplanes. But doesn't demonic possession sound more plausible? And Redwitch, I really think you need to add exorcism to you list of services.
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Old 08-09-2008, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

I recall previous posts re: garage doors mysteriously opening/closing. Suggest you do a search to see if there's an answer.
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Old 08-11-2008, 11:24 PM
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Default Re: Evil Spirits and Garage Door Openers

Originally Posted by bestmickey
I recall previous posts re: garage doors mysteriously opening/closing. Suggest you do a search to see if there's an answer.
Didn't get too far in my search, but I too seem to remember something -- dimly! If anyone has any hints on how to search, let me know.
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