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Old 07-23-2007, 03:36 PM
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I heard that there a gentleman who is highly regarded by the builders of TV and that prior to your final walktrhough, he will come to your home to inspect for any major/minor problems that need to be addressed before the warantee is up..He charges $75 to the homeowner and fills out the forms when he does the inspection so that you can turn it over to the warantee department. Has anyone else heard of this or used this service. I'm coming up on my "year" and wondering if this is something I need to do. By the way my home is in Duval builder is Todd King and we have had major problems with siding in this area. I am uneasy about structure problems with the house. Any input on this would be appreciated. If other house inspectors are good or bad please let me know..Thanks ..snapper
Old 07-23-2007, 04:08 PM
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Your main concern should not be that this guy is highly regarded by the developers of the Villages. Trust me.
There are several companies that provide this service and while we did not do it, because we didn't know about it, I would suggest that you have this inspection done. Not necessary in the first walk-through but absolutely before your year is up in your new home. Once you get passed the first year, YOU OWN ALL THE PROBLEMS so get that special inspection well in advance of your first anniversary. That way, if there are any problems, the developer will be responsible to fix them.

I wouldn't necessarily take a recommendation from the developer or their representatives. Talk to a few neighbors and check back here because many pople have hired these inspectors and I am sure they will be happy to share the information with others. I plan to ask my neighbor who they hired and post it as soon as I get the information.
Fran Gyomory
The Bronx, NY; Kailua, HI; Dale City, VA; Fredericksburg, VA; The Villages, FL
Old 07-23-2007, 05:09 PM
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I had the inspection done a month prior to my one year and used A-1 Villages Home Inspections, inspector is Pat Degoia who is a Villages resident and certified building inspector. His number is 352-205-0180 (cell). I found him from a Virginia Trace website discussion; he's done at least 5 additional inspections in my neighborhood. Very thorough, knowledgeable, etc. He charges about $200 per inspection. It was well worth it and all my neighbors agree.
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