French Doors

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Old 08-01-2009, 09:38 AM
nanci2539 nanci2539 is offline
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Default French Doors

I have a Lantana and not a fan of sliding glass doors. I have two. One in the dining area, the larger slider in the family room.

Has anyone replaced their sliders with french doors? Hubby can do the work himself but wants me to find out if others have done this and what the outcome was.
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages
Old 08-01-2009, 03:28 PM
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We live in a CYV and we installed them in the Dining room area. Bought it at Lowes and they put them in at a cost. You have to first get permission from SUMTER county if you live in the area. The store does that for a extra fee for the running??? to Sumter to get the O.K. that cost $60.00 and the labor was around $200.00 as we did not anyone and he was under contract with the store. We also had to apply for permission from the DISTRICT which we did not understand as the door faced a wall and was enclosed. Never could figure that one out but cost us more in time and stress to finish this project. This was 3 years ago when we first arrived and did not know all of facts as there was not a site like the Talk of the Villages. They do have sales or 10% off for new residents. We bought in Oct. They do look nice and I believe a little more secure than slides.
Old 08-02-2009, 11:43 AM
CTgolfer CTgolfer is offline
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Default Security of french doors

I love french doors. We are enclosing our lanai and I wanted to install french doors that opened out to the bird cage. Our contractor very nicely pointed out that he would install the french doors opening out, but he needed to advise me that when they open out, the hinges are on the outside of the building and can be more easily removed by a burglar than if we had the french doors open into the house where the hinges would be on the inside. What a bummer!
Old 08-02-2009, 12:14 PM
Carla B Carla B is offline
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In hurricane-prone areas of Florida, it is my understanding that hinges on exterior doors must be on the outside to comply with the hurricane code. I'm not sure it would be a big factor in TV security-wise.
Old 08-02-2009, 12:45 PM
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If a burglar wanted to break in, wouldn't he just smash the glass in the French doors rather than try to remove hinges?
Old 08-02-2009, 12:53 PM
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Default Just love them French doors. Oui!

I don't burgle so I don't know about the hinges on the outside. Never been in a hurricane either but....

I too like the look of French doors . How much would a standard size one, like the door leading from a Gardenia/Camellias bedroom out to lanai be to purchase and install? And then how much for the biggie one, same model, from the great room?
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