Golf Cart Drivers

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Old 05-02-2008, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

At 20 MPH and making 90 degree turn, I'm willing to bet that a golf cart fitted with the OEM struts and roof will NOT ROLL over ( as in upside down) on a level street. The same turn will most assuredly will throw Mrs. Handie onto the asphalt. I think I'll keep her so seatbelts it is. ;D
Handie :joke:
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

What convinced me of seatbelts (regardless of what the TV golf cart classes recommend) is a federal study of golf carts with seat belts vs. golf carts without seatbelts. For the life of me, I can't find that study on the internet....and I've been looking. But, I know it's there because I read it.

Can anyone help me find it?
Old 05-03-2008, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

How many drunken golf cart drivers are there?

Depends on whether Rocky and the Rollers are playing or not....LOL
Old 05-03-2008, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers


The federal study was referenced in one of my earlier posts in the golf cart seatbelts thread. Here is the text of that post along with the link to the study.

Through the wonders of Google, I found a Fed Govt research paper on golf cart seat belts. The pdf link below is a 9MB file, including pictures from cornering tests using unbelted and belted test dummies.

It appears that the golf cart manufacturer's position was that seat belts for low speed vehicles are detrimental in rollover incidents because the person is trapped. If unbelted they can escape before the rollover is complete. The govt study implies that rollovers are less likely than being ejected during a fast cornering maneuver and that belts are effective in these incidents.

Here's the link for you wonks that like to read Govt Studies:
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Old 05-03-2008, 01:27 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

I don't know the statistics. I only know how I felt...when we visited in April. We rented a cart without seatbelts. It was scary riding on roads, thru tunnels and making corners. Then I rode with Bright in her cart. I had on a seatbelt. I felt safer, more relaxed and actually enjoyed the experiece.
As an uneducated wanna-be...I choose seatbelts.
Old 05-03-2008, 01:34 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Thank you V07...this is the report I read, remembered, and convinced me to install seatbelts.

This is a little technical, but for those who are not sure whether or not to install seatbelts in your golf cart, here is the conclusion to the article, something to consider, and what convinced me.

The research contained in this paper provides a
part of the critical data required for agencies (both
national and state) and local communities to make
informed decisions regarding their LSV/golf car
transportation plans. Previous decisions in some
communities relied on simply anecdotal evidence and
The data from the testing supports the
implementation of rules and regulations requiring
seat belts in LSV’s and golf cars which are to be
utilized on roadways by the general public, regardless
of whether or not their top speed is less than 20 mph.
The potential for ejection is significantly higher for
an unbelted occupant during a cornering maneuver as
opposed to a rollover event, even for vehicles with a
maximum speed of only 11 mph. The potential for a
rollover event decreases at the lower speeds, thereby
significantly decreasing the theoretically detrimental
effects that a belted could present over an unbelted
occupant. The theory that an occupant is better off
jumping from a moving cart on a roadway is simply
speculation and fails to consider, among other
factors, the age and health of the occupants.
Observations made from the J-turn tests demonstrate
how ineffective the hip restraints become to an
unbelted occupant due in part to the forward
migration of the occupant resulting from the
longitudinal accelerations occurring during the turns.
The high slip angle on the front wheels not only
produce high lateral accelerations but also significant
longitudinal accelerations. During this forward
migration the high lateral accelerations tend to pull
the occupant up and over the hip restraint which acts
as tripping mechanism. This trip orients the ejected
occupant into a head first dive into the ground as
shown in Figures 8 and 9. The ejection process
occurred rapidly with the time from initiation of the
turn to the ejected occupant contacting the ground
averaging between approximately one and two
seconds. Thus, an unanticipated turn presents little
time for an occupant to brace themselves prior to
ejection. Additionally, in the case of vehicles that
have rear facing seating positions, the exposure to an
unanticipated turn and therefore ejection is
significantly increased. It should be noted that during
the J-turn steer inputs the driver of the vehicle noted
little difficulty controlling the vehicle during the
entire duration of the turn. It should be also be noted
that the lower speed vehicles have a significantly
lower tendency to roll over and in fact if the vehicle
did roll the energy dissipated getting the vehicle to
the roll position would likely only produce a ¼ roll.
This scenario would limit the protection offered by a
ROPS. Furthermore, a rollover event presents a
scenario in which an occupant is likely to be injured,
potentially seriously, regardless of whether they are
belted or not belted in the vehicle. The theory that
injuries will be mitigated by allowing the occupants
to jump from a moving LSV or golf car during a
rollover, thereby justifying the lack of belts, cannot
be supported by this research.
Old 05-03-2008, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Bright you made a comment earlier about wanting seatbelts in buses. When my kids were of school bus age I made the same comment and was about to gather the troops when I found out that the floors on school buses are not strong enough to hold the seats and the belted child in place in an accident. I hope they have made changes since then, but it is why my kids did not ride the buses. Momma drove.
Old 05-03-2008, 02:02 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

It's been hard for me to accept that all school buses are not manufactured to secure children safely in the seats using seat belts. When I have to ride a bus going on field trips, I feel unsafe. Wouldn't you think that schools, of all institutions, would put child safety #1 on their list? I continue to be dumbfounded this isn't a law.

And YES, this is one time I wish a RULE (LAW) would be required and enforced.
Old 05-03-2008, 04:15 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Personally I think it is the height of hypocrisy.
Old 05-03-2008, 05:04 AM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Sailor and I are back in NY and after running errands all day today, I must apologize to any GOLF CART drivers I criticized here. I must have lost my mind and forgotten the horrors of Staten Island drivers.


Staten Island, N.Y./The Villages
Old 05-03-2008, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Next cart will have HANS divice with a combination of NASCAR,IRL, & NHRA roll cage. Total cost pricele$$.

F16 zoom zoom zoom
Old 05-03-2008, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

I nearly recieved a ticket today for speeding in my new golfcart .....It was close but I outran him..........village kid, sorry about your lawn but i'll have it repaired Monday.........

those serins drive me nuts
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Old 05-03-2008, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

I started this post, and all I was thinking is let all get the same information, and play by the same rules. We have now gotten carried away talking about seat belts. If you really wanted to stay safe you'd wear helmets. All in favor? :joke:
Old 05-03-2008, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Originally Posted by F16 1UB
Next cart will have HANS divice with a combination of NASCAR,IRL, & NHRA roll cage. Total cost pricele$$.

F16 zoom zoom zoom
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Old 05-04-2008, 01:58 PM
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Default Re: Golf Cart Drivers

Did anyone hear about and or see a Golf Cart accident that occurred on April 25th 2008 at the Spanish Springs where a Villager was knocked down by an Elvis type golf cart?
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