GPS updates for TV

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Old 01-05-2009, 12:16 PM
NJblue NJblue is offline
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Default GPS updates for TV

In another thread (which I don't want to hijack) Village Kahuna said:
I heard that every single street, lot, golf course and pool has been planned out with very precise GPS coordinates. In fact, I heard that TV offered all the street GPS information to the mapping companies so they could actually put the new streets and amenities on their maps as soon as they are built and opened.
This made me think of a GPS-assisted drive through the Poconos that we took last autumn. I had entered the name of a town into the GPS system and then relied on it to get us there. We started on an interstate, then a 2-lane state highway, then a 2-lane county highway, which evolved into a 2-lane paved "residential" street, then a 2-lane gravel street which then became 1 "lane" dirt road and which finally lead to what could be best described as a dirt path which would have been a challenge for even my 4 wheel drive SUV and the Dueling Banjos from "Deliverance" was playing in the background. At that point my wife put a halt to my sense of adventure. Interestingly, even the dirt "path" had a street sign on it. Obviously, a developer had laid out his streets and registered them with the county or some other government body prior to actually developing them. Also, obviously, this data was obtained by the GPS mapping company who incorporated it into its database as finished roads.

This leads to the issue of TV and the fact that the GPS databases seem to be several years behind in catching up with the development. It would appear that someone (perhaps Sumter County??) is dropping the ball in getting the information of completed roads into the hands of the mapping companies since from my experience, the mapping companies build their databases based on information that is fed to them by some governmental organization. In some cases (my Poconos adventure) the information is premature and others (TV), it is delinquent.

Last edited by NJblue; 01-05-2009 at 12:28 PM.
Old 01-05-2009, 10:14 PM
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Most GPS companies use Navteq for their map information. I know that Garmin does. Now Navteq gets their information from special equipped SUV's that drive around and map the exact locations. In the past year one of the networks did a story on how it was done. The updates are then rolled into the next map update.
Old 01-05-2009, 11:22 PM
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I have a garmin nuvi 360 with 2008 maps and it has all the addresses from hwy 42 down to at least mallory cc...and maybe even further but i haven't tried it ............

Very happy with it ....fumar

bought it from
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Old 01-06-2009, 10:31 AM
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I just came back from TV and used my Garmin Nuvi in TV. It worked south of 466 till Hadley, although it had the main roads (Morse, Odell, Canal and buena Vista).

I set a POI for my house in Hadley while on my driveway. That allowed me to return from most anywhere.
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