Grandkids and golf carts

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Old 12-28-2007, 04:02 PM
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Default Grandkids and golf carts

As I entered my village entrance on Wednesday, I waved my card in front of the gate, the gate opened and I started moving forward in my car. At the same time a cart driven by a child (around 7-8 yrs old) breezed right in front of me. Granddad sat beside him and two more kids were on the back seat. This Grandparent should be fined for allowing this small child to drive his cart. Where were his brains???? This gate (Bridgeport Lake Sumter)is so dangerous already. Cars have the right of way but it seems people want to play chicken all the time. We can all play chicken if we can see you, but unfortunately structures and plantings block you from our sight. I am so very cautious exiting or entering this gate. An experienced golf cart driver has to exercise extreme caution driving by our entrance. A child just does not consider other drivers or dangers. Please do not let your young grandchildren drive your cart . If you must, they should be kept on your inner streets.
The Villages, Florida
Old 12-28-2007, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

You could not be more right. You have hit on a pet peeve that defies understanding. What are these people thinking. I guess that some people not only retire from their jobs, but they also retire from being responsible members of society.
Old 12-28-2007, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

Why isn't there a law that prevents youngsters under a certain age from being behind the wheel of a golf cart? I've seen them out on Stillwater Trail as well..and that path adjoins the street.
The Villages, Florida
Old 12-28-2007, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts


There is a law but where there are laws there are lawbreakers, as well. I guess we need enforcement of the law.

This is a serious issue that should be closely watched here in the Villages. Underage drivers are a menace to themselves and others.
Old 12-28-2007, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

If you hit a cart that pulls out in front of you illegally, I'll bet you could still be sued for not having your vehicle under control. Cars colliding with human bodies rarely turns out well. It can be so tragic when a collision like this occurs.
The Villages, Florida
Old 12-28-2007, 08:54 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

Law says no one under 14 can drive a cart. Sadly, some people have neither the common sense nor the brains to read to find the laws!

I have yet to find a safe entrance/exit for carts in TV. They all seem to cross where cars travel and some fools feel free to travel as they please.

Add me to the list of those who find youngsters putting themselves and everyone else in danger on your list!
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Old 12-28-2007, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

With the holidays upon us and that means that a lot of families will be visiting TV. Most of them have kids and part of visiting TV and Gramma is driving her golf cart. Yes there is a law and yes once in a while these laws are enforced, but most of the time the law is ignored and the cops are elsewhere in the county. Therefore it is incumbent on those of us that care about these matters to extend a welcome to the visitors and BE AWARE of whats going on around us as we travel the highways and byways of TV so that the visitors can enjoy their stay and return home ASAP. We are all in this together.

Old 12-28-2007, 09:46 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

I was thinking about this thread this afternoon as I drove to the store.

I wonder what it would be like if a grandparent was responsible for the death or serious injury of their grandchild as a result of letting them drive a golf cart on the streets. In addition to the agonizing grief they would experience, they could also be charged with manslaughter or negligent homicide.

Negligent homicide is a charge brought against people, who by inaction, allow others under their care to die. This offense mostly concerns itself with the death of small infants or children, the handicapped, or the elderly
Old 12-28-2007, 11:26 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

It is just amazing to think that there are people who actually think that a 7 or 8 or 12 year old is responsible and sensible enough to drive a vehicle. And a golf cart is a vehicle. We live in Upstate SC have rural areas that are fast becoming heavily populated and as more people discover Lake Keowee it will only get worse. But sadly the folks who have lived here all their lives still think of these roads a country and many of them golf carts. Many times I have almost collided with some kid behind the wheel of a golf cart that had no idea what he/she was doing. Someday there will tragedy here from all this. I just hope that I'm in TV before that.
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Old 12-29-2007, 01:23 AM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

Originally Posted by ouma1938
It is just amazing to think that there are people who actually think that a 7 or 8 or 12 year old is responsible and sensible enough to drive a vehicle. And a golf cart is a vehicle. We live in Upstate SC have rural areas that are fast becoming heavily populated and as more people discover Lake Keowee it will only get worse. But sadly the folks who have lived here all their lives still think of these roads a country and many of them golf carts. Many times I have almost collided with some kid behind the wheel of a golf cart that had no idea what he/she was doing. Someday there will tragedy here from all this. I just hope that I'm in TV before that.
I don't think it has ever happened but if a child is caught driving a golf cart and they are under the age of 14 they may not be allowed to obtain their drivers license until they are 18. This does not matter if they live in Florida or not.
Old 12-29-2007, 02:46 AM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

Remember that a lady was killed when ( not her fault) was hit by a truck . Also I see kids driving these carts all the time,the person that should be cited is the grandparent or parent . This also appleis to the way (adults) drive these carts and cars take it easy folks tommarrow will be there if you get there, slow down. I was run off the road by a senior on 27 the other day,when I stopped him to ask him if he saw me he no, please be careful and be sure your insurance is paid.
Old 12-29-2007, 02:32 PM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

While staying at TV last week we were at SLS in the evening and saw 3 teenagers riding down the street in a golf cart...1 driving, 1 sitting in the passanger seat and one standing on the back of the golf cart...
I made the comment, "wonder if the parents/grandparents know what they are doing, what if the one standing falls off and gets hit by a car driving behind them...
Old 12-29-2007, 03:22 PM
ldj1938 ldj1938 is offline
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

Just to add to this topic while at OBH the ambassador told me that Thursday night someone defecated in the OBH CC pool! They also used a golf cart to knock down granite tee markers on the back nine. Talk about idiot visitors and their adult hosts.
Old 12-30-2007, 01:02 AM
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Default Re: Grandkids and golf carts

Yikes! Sounds like a very dangerous, unruly and nasty place to live. Makes me have second thoughts.
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