Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

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Old 01-27-2007, 12:52 PM
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Default Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

For the last couple of night, we have conducted an unscientific poll in the evening at Spanish Springs (150 people). The question was, "who should be our next president?" 96 said Hillary Clinton. The other 64 were scattered among the other hopefuls. The majority of those supporting Mrs. Clinton said that she has the moral fiber and intelligence to take the country forward. The results surprised us. Based on the results, we assume most Villagers feel the same way.

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Old 01-27-2007, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

: You've got to be kidding me!!!!!!
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Old 02-03-2007, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

God help us all if she makes it. I can't imagine her dealing with the leaders in the Middle East, Iran, and the Terrorists. Her husband couldn't do it, so what makes her think she could. It would be like having Bill in office again. Ouch....
Old 02-06-2007, 04:11 PM
jstwatchng jstwatchng is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Those 90 something people interviewed in town must have been in Katie Belles and had one to many cocktails!

We are up the creek with a broken oar and a hole in the canoe if she gets elected!

God Bless the USA >
Old 02-09-2007, 04:41 PM
Shafer5746 Shafer5746 is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Please don't assume that most villagers feel the same way. An interesting book to read for all Hillary supporters. Dossier on Hillary Clinton by Amanda Carpenter. I hestitate to post this message as I think talking politics is a subject that can bring on arguments. We all will have to educate ourselves and make our own decision based on how we interpret the information we are given.

Old 06-21-2007, 10:53 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

:joke:What a sick joke. She and Lady Speaker of the House should go to Iran and talk nice to those poor misunderstood terrorists. Hopefully they would never come back.
D. Marie
Old 06-22-2007, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

There's only one person I'd vote for to be President. Colin Powell. You can have the rest on the list....and Hillary is on the bottom of the list. If that shrew gets elected, we'll truly be up the creek and Bill will be selling autographed paddles on his speaking tour circuit.
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Old 06-22-2007, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Hillary...............................Moral Fiber.................................That's a HUGE oxymoron.
Old 06-23-2007, 05:54 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

We're from New York State, and the people here love her. She's done a wonderful job. Let's face it, anyone would be an improvement over the nincompoop that's in the white house now.
Old 06-23-2007, 06:48 AM
tonycirocco tonycirocco is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

I agree with Lil Dancer.
Tony & Cathy
Old 06-23-2007, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Hillary moved to New York ONLY to run for the seat vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan who, by the way, was a TRUE New Yorker and her creditials and good works pale in comparison. She ran for office ONLY to advance her own personal political position. If you believe that she has the interest of New Yorkers at heart, you're kidding yourself. If she did have their interest at heart, she would continue her service in the State long enough to do good for the people just as Daniel Patrick did. As a native New Yorker myself, I was astonished that she was elected, but given her opponent at the time, I could understand how this came to be. She isn't as smart as she and the media make her out to be and there are numerous examples of her excerising bad judgement. Example: when first lady, she was assigned the task of revamping our health care system and she adamantly insisted on "closed door" sessions and thought she could actually get away with such folly. This is an example of an "in your face" wielding of power. Example: she is STILL married to a proven philandering cad. Her history indicates strong socialist tendencies (can you say "nanny state") and she vacillates her position on issues depending on the outcome of "strawman" poles rather adhering to deeply held personal principles. I'm reminded of a Groucho Marx phrase where he said ".....and sir those are my principles.....and if you don't like 'em.....well, I have others". This trait is unbecoming of a LEADER........we do not have this now in G.W. Bush and we will not have it if Hillary gets elected. Let's not forget about Vince Foster's "suicide"....and Hillary's control (read cover-up) of that mess....her fingerprints were all over it. Her husband lied to a grand jury, Whitewater......gawd...it goes on ad nauseam. The past of the Clinton's is rife with unsavory stuff. Ask yourself this question, if she was not married to Bill Clinton, could she have achieved on her own, the stature that she now enjoys?
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Old 06-23-2007, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

Well stated.
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Old 06-23-2007, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

;DIt makes me laugh that people blame Hillary for everything from global warming to Vince Foster's suicide. Its sad, really, that men especially are so put off by a powerful woman. If you happened to read her autobiography, which I'm sure you didn't because your mind is obviously closed, you'd see she has spent her life in service to her country in one form or another. Taking a senate seat in NY or any other state, is just a continuation of her public service persona. I personally don't care if she isn't "originally" from NY, as long as she does a good job, which for us upstate NYer's , she has. As far as her being married to a philanderer, who cares? I didn't vote for him because he's true blue to his wife; I voted for him because I thought he'd be the best person for the job. IMHO he was the best president we've had in a long time. I know the economy was in a lot better shape than it is now. As far as our country's position in the international scheme of things, our reputation has certainly gone downhill with Bush and his antics. It will be an uphill battle for the next president no matter who she or he turns out to be.
Old 06-23-2007, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs

You really have to be joking. Go to www.dickmorris.com/blog/?p=94 and p=100 for a true analysis.

Old 06-23-2007, 05:07 PM
ladykathleen ladykathleen is offline
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Default Re: Hillary is the winner of a poll at Spanish Springs


Go this website. Why Bush has not been impeached and sentenced to the rest of his life behind bars and loss of his pension is the scariest idea of all. Hillary you bet.
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