Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
My experience with FLA weather is limited to a few Disney World trips during school breaks when the kids were very young and visiting the Villages a few times (in March, July and August). We plan on coming back in November.
It was mentioned on a few other threads that "when it gets very cold......" What's very cold mean in FLA? Are we talking 60 degrees cold or 20 degrees cold? If it's the later, how do you spend your time when it's too cold to go out and hopefully, you don't have many days of very cold! And, should people consider bringing their winter clothes along with their summer attire?
Tewksbury, MA<br />Naperville, IL<br />The Villages |
November is one of the best months for weather. Check out this website for average temps.
Anderson Indiana---Indianapolis Indiana--- Village of Poinciana Full Time |
i think when villagers refer to it being cold. they mean overnight temps to low for some of their plants or early morning, late evening temps to cool for comfortable open air golf cart drives. a cold jan/feb can have a few overnight freezes and daytime 60 degrees with high winds that make golf cart drives chilly.
but give it a day and it will usually brake 70 again.
long island, NY > NYC > cambridge, MA > portland, ME > the villages, florida |
villager99 has it right. I think we had three, maybe four, mornings last winter when the temperature dropped to 28F. I found myself chuckling over the Orlando television weather folks, because they began telling us to bring in the plants, the pets, and make sure you didn't have any exposed water pipes. That kind of advice never showed up on St. Louis stations until they were predicting below zero for a couple of nights! And, by 9 or 10 am, it's back to being almost balmy!
Missouri-Massachusetts-Connecticut-Maine-Missouri-Texas-Missouri-Florida |
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