How do you reserve tee times?

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Old 09-17-2008, 12:56 PM
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Smile How do you reserve tee times?

We closed on our Villa in Hadley by mail in May. I won't be down until Nov. unfortunately. Where can I look at how to reserve tee times when I get in town? I tried the search engine. Thanks
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Old 09-17-2008, 01:17 PM
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Go to and it gives a good description of requesting tee times. Also can be subscribed to to do the golf tee time system on line. If you are a Comcast subscriber in The Villages you gain free access to
Harrisburg, Pa ----------> Village of Duval
Old 09-17-2008, 02:20 PM
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Since you will not be in town for a while and presumably won't have Comcast connected, you probably will be better off making Tee Time requests by telephone. Go to this site for details:

You should also be able to download Worksheet that will greatly help you. And you will need to use your golfer number (Villages ID Number is same thing) to use the system.

Take the time to read the "Automated Tee Time Golf and Tennis Information System brochure before attempting to dial the system up. You will save yourself some frustrating moments....

Good luck,
Retired USAF - - Now a Mallory Square FROG!
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